The ear provides a sense of balance as well as transmitting sound waves to the brain. The pebbles (otoliths) by lying on the bed of hairs (cilia) gives a sense of the direction in which gravitational pull is acting. The outer part of the year focuses the sound onto the eardrum. The eardrum is very sensitive and responds to force which is 50,000 times smaller than a newton per square meter.
The ligament of the stapes of the ear protects the ear against noise but it is slower than sudden sound. Conductive hearing loss happens in the outer or the middle ear.
Some of the causes of such hearing loss are wax, and a punctured eardrum. This kind of hearing loss can be treated with a surgical operation. Nerve loss in the inner ear is unlikely to be treated. This kind of hearing loss can be caused by old age, viruses, drugs, and noise.
Hearing is measured using an audiometer. Different frequencies are repeated a few times to test if a person can hear. Testing the inner ear requires a refined test which indicates the sensorineural loss.
Temporary hearing loss is converted to permanent hearing loss if the person if repeatedly exposed to the same conditions that caused the loss. Audiograms should be conducted yearly, and monthly in cases where there varying outcomes are recorded.
The three semicircular canals sense acceleration through movement of fluids in the canals. Sea sickness comes as a result of changes in the frequencies caused by acceleration. Such sensitivity is highest when the frequencies are in between 0.125Hz and 0.25Hz.
High frequency noise is more annoying because it has short wavelengths, and the ability to be reflected in the same manner as light. A mixture of sound with different frequencies constitute what is known as broadband noise. The sound meter combines different sound frequencies to give out a single value. Doubling noise only increases the total value of noise by about 3dB.
Noise creates exhaustion by bringing on the need to put in more attention. Noise affects speech, and interferes with the interpretation of pictorials. Conversation in the working place is considered to be a distraction because of its intelligibility. However, noise is considered to give assistance when reading written instruction. Noise does not affect productivity.
Noise can be reduced through fixing sound-absorbents on the surfaces that reflect sound. Masking noise is a technique which uses a pleasant sound to cover up the noise such as background music, and a fountain. Buying less noisy equipment is another way of reducing noise.
People can be separated from noisy equipment in workplaces. The source of noise can be modified to reduce the noise or the quality of sound it produces. Proper maintenance of equipment also reduces noise. Use of personal protective gear such as ear muffs, and ear plugs may also be necessary in some working conditions. Reducing noise requires that the loudest noise is reduced first.
There still exists difficulty in noticing the sensitivity of the ears before hearing loss. Hearing impairment is considered a case where an individual does not recognize 25dB at 1000Hz, 2000Hz, and 3000 Hz. There is legislation which acts as a guide to the length of exposure someone should have daily. Prevention of hearing loss is considered the best method.