Circuit Diagrams
Circuit diagrams are electrical circuits that is presented graphically with simple pictorial images. Circuit diagrams are utilized in constructing, designing, and maintaining electronic or electrical equipment. The images used in the circuit diagrams provide reflection and depiction of the relative positions of connected elements to one another. The components of circuit diagrams consist of the electric cell that provides the circuit with the source of current (Hong et al., 2022). The electric cell has a larger positive terminal and a smaller negative terminal. Other features of the electric cell include a battery, a combination of cells. This switch closes or opens current flow, a wire joint, an electric bulb that glows, a resistor restricting the amount of current flow, an ammeter that measures the volume of passing current, and a voltmeter that measures voltage. The circuit diagrams correlate with AutoCAD in providing a visual representation of the circuit to the electricians.
Schematic Diagrams
Schematic diagrams are pictures used to depict the electrical circuit using symbols. The schematic diagrams constitute the standardized symbols and lines used in the devices or objects to display the circuit flow. Schematic diagrams help the electricians observe how the wires and components of a circuit are connected to identify the trend of current flow. In a schematic diagram, lines are designed to represent the connection of wires. The electrical schematic symbols depict other elements in the schematic diagram, such as lamps, resistors, and switches. Schematic diagrams correlate with AutoCAD by using graphic symbols instead of realistic pictures to show the current flow in a circuit.
Single Line Diagrams
Single-line diagrams are one-line diagrams that depict the features of the electric power system. Lines obtained in the single-line diagrams provide correspondence with the physical conductors located in the direct current system (Yun et al., 2020). Single-line diagrams display the circuit breakers, capacitors, bus bars, conductors, and transformers in an electrical system. Single-line diagrams graphically depict power flow paths in an electrical system and how the conduit runs in a PLC control system. Single-line diagrams correlate with AutoCAD in providing supply and path returns found in a three-phase system based on the nature of alternating current circuits.
Block Diagrams
Block diagrams are systems that use simple labelled blocks to depict multiple and single items in an electrical system. The block diagrams use concepts linked with the lines to depict relationships exhibited in an electrical system. Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) in the block diagrams provide relationships between objects in an electrical system. Consequently, block diagrams foster the design of software, hardware, and electronics used in the electrical system. Block diagrams are used to determine the input and output of the power system in a circuit by giving detailed information about the system’s resolution. The block diagrams correlate with AutoCAD in the electrical system to troubleshoot technical issues affecting the circuit’s current flow.
Printed Circuits
Printed circuits are used in the electrical system or sector to provide mechanical support to the damaged components. The components cover electronic products to control current flow from conducting objects that are electrical conductors (Trimarjoko et al., 2019). An example of printed circuits includes wire wrap and point-to-point construction. The printed circuits are made of single-sided and double-sided copper layers, with one side of each layer made with a substrate layer that provides high component density. The printed circuits correlate with AutoCAD in designing non-conductive materials, such as plastic and copper circuitry.
CAD Drawings of Some Symbols and Some One-Line Diagram
The figure below shows a one-line diagram and Circuit Diagram:
Hong, X., Zhou, X., Li, S., Feng, Y., & Ying, M. (2022). A tensor network based decision diagram for representation of quantum circuits. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 27(6), 1-30.
Yun, D. Y., Seo, S. K., Zahid, U., & Lee, C. J. (2020). Deep Neural Network for Automatic Image Recognition of Engineering Diagrams. Applied Sciences, 10(11), 4005.
Trimarjoko, A., Saroso, D., Purba, H., Hasibuan, S., Jaqin, C., & Aisyah, S. (2019). Integration of nominal group technique, Shainin system and DMAIC methods to reduce defective products: A case study of tire manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Management Science Letters, 9(13), 2421-2432.