Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon Essay

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Level of Biodiversity

Currently, the Brazilian Amazon government supports the decline in deforestation on many levels. There are significant attempts at stopping the land owners from deforesting the Amazon’s territories. One of the most prominent initiatives that is focused on preventing the illegal tree cutting is the Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR), the rural environmental registry. It demands all of the owners to undergo a certification procedure that evaluates the current state of the land that is used as private property. It also determines how much rainforest should be present in each area.

Other than that, the biodiversity of the Brazilian Amazon is potentially rich due to a significant number of rainforest massifs. However, the current trend of deforestation causes Amazon to lose many habitats of different species. It is a result of a number of factors that occur when the deforestation is in full swing: a lesser range that species need to subsist, much less safe territories that are required to raise offspring, etc. To conclude, the biodiversity of the Brazilian Amazon is now balancing between hastily decreasing and steadily growing. If the activities of the local authorities continue to be directed at preventing further deforestation, a positive dynamic is most likely to establish.

Deforestation and Its Effect on the Brazilian Amazon

As is already evident, deforestation is a process of decreasing amount of territories that are covered by the forests. Being a harmful practice for nature, deforestation, however, offers a number of possibilities to earn money. These opportunities are presented in selling the cut wood and using the cleared territories to establish individual undertakings. The trend of resorting to deforesting greater areas of the Brazilian Amazon has steadily decreased in the last decade.

The effect that deforestation has on the Brazilian Amazon is arguably the same that it has on any territory across the globe. The natural habitats of the local species are broken, and these species become endangered. The forest regions that are divided into small fragments begin to dry up and become unfit for the animals and humans alike. Therefore, it is only natural that deforestation has to stop which is why the local authorities pay a lot of attention to restoring the previous state of deforested territories.

Paragominas’ Mayor Support and Fight against Deforestation

To understand why Paragominas supported their mayor, Adnan Demachki, one has first to figure out why the mayor needed help in the first place. Paragominas, a municipality in the Brazilian Amazon, is a minuscule community of only one hundred thousand people that mostly moved in Paragominas because they were encouraged by the government to do so. They were emboldened to colonize the territories of the Brazil Amazon and cut down the trees that cover large areas of Paragominas.

Adnan Demachki requested the federal environment police to confiscate lorries that were loaded with a huge number of illegally cut logs. Needless to say, that the loggers were dissatisfied because they make their living by cutting down trees. They planned out an act of revenge that they would carry out to ensure that such situation will not happen again. The loggers came to the city at night reclaiming some of the trucks and setting them on fire. They also burned down the federal environment department and tried to set mayor’s office on fire. The mayor then wrote two letters. One of the letters contained an apology to the nation for the previous disruption of the public order, and the other one announced his retirement. Since Demachki was elected for being highly efficient in his line of duty, Paragominas choose to alter their attitude towards deforestation. Therefore, the support that the mayor received was due to his actions that were aimed at stopping deforestation.

Education and Technology Reducing Deforestation

It is only natural that the policy of the Brazilian Amazon began to change in accordance with the need of reducing the levels of deforestation. Therefore, certain adjustments were made in the educational programs and in technology that is used to monitor the levels of deforested territories and the current state of the forests.

The education comes in the form of improving the knowledge about the farming to better use the occupied territories rather than expend them for larger profits. Particular examples demonstrate that agriculture can benefit from this method. Providing better care for the animals that are used in farming and the plants that are cultivated, in turn, provides far better possibilities for sustaining the well-being of any undertaking that involves farming.

The technology that is used in the process of preventing and controlling deforestation is mostly aimed at monitoring the current state of forests and the activities that are carried out by the individuals that support deforestation. The founder of Imazon, Beto Verissimo, for example, proposed the usage of NASA’s Modis satellite to gather the information regarding rainforest. The information would then be published monthly so that every concerned person would know about the current state of the Brazilian Amazon’s rainforest and the level of deforestation.

Both education and innovative technology allowed almost entirely preventing further growth of deforestation which leads to believe that further expansion of these fields of knowledge would stop deforestation once and for all and recover the rainforests to their previous state. Furthermore, if the Brazilian population will pay more attention to preventing the damage to nature from being done by deforestation, an example could be presented for the rest of the world to observe and to learn from it.


All creatures great and small. (2013). Web.

Trees of knowledge. (2013). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, January 27). Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-studies-brazilian-amazon/

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"Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon." IvyPanda, 27 Jan. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-studies-brazilian-amazon/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon'. 27 January.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon." January 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-studies-brazilian-amazon/.

1. IvyPanda. "Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon." January 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-studies-brazilian-amazon/.


IvyPanda. "Environmental Studies: Brazilian Amazon." January 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-studies-brazilian-amazon/.

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