Personal values and beliefs, world views, and attitudes of both a counselor and a client have a great impact on the therapeutic relationship and effective treatment. Abortion and divorce are still the main problems that affected a modern family.
I suppose that abortion is moral and every woman has a right to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is a last resort in case the pregnant woman can not raise the child or give it up for adoption, or if the pregnancy risks pose a danger for the life and health of the woman. Thus, as a counselor, I value religious values and beliefs which state that every person, from conception to natural death, has a certain value given by God. The main problem with some clients is that religious believer are against abortion seeing it as an immoral act. For instance, the case with Jodie and Mary, conjoined twins, illustrate that abortion would be the most desirable for mothers so for these babies (Hull et al 23). It is possible to disagree with the clients’ values but accept him/her as a person, because childbirth is a very important event in the life of any woman and a serious physical and moral responsibility. It is possible to disagree with clients, if pregnancy threatens the life and destiny of a woman, if it occurs due to rape or incest. Women should have abortion as a preventive measure not to born cripples (physical or mental). In this case, the role and duty of a counselor is to diminish life threats and health-related risks. Every specific case should be discussed separately in accordance with the circumstances and patients’ health conditions.
Marriage shapes the basis of society facilitating behavior and conducts towards others. As a counselor, I suppose that marriages without mutual feelings cannot exist. If mutual feelings do not exist, friendly and warm relations disappeared and result in separation and alienation of both spouses. These values and beliefs help me to deal with psychological and emotional problems faced by clients and their families. These values help me to understand the motives and behavior of family members and a client. For instance, divorce was the best way for my aunt to face family violence and oppression. The specific kinds of clients involve religious believers and clients belonging to Asian cultures (Islamic countries, India, China, Japan, etc.). In these cultures, marriage is a sacred thing and many women have no right to divorce and leave their husbands and children. It is possible to disagree with the client if spouses cannot find pleasure in sexual relations seeing them as a matrimonial duty only.
In both cases, if I were not effective with a client because of a difference in values, I would accept his position and values to support the treatment process. It is possible to accept the values and beliefs of a client if they do not influence the treatment and therapeutic relationships, but help a counselor to establish an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.
Works Cited
Hull, N.E.H., Hoffer, W. and Hoffer, P.Ch. (Eds.) The Abortion Rights Controversy in America: A Legal Reader. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004.