Ethics Effect on Psychological Knowledge Essay

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The aim of this essay is to develop Ethics Awareness Inventory. People have diverse points of views on ethics, but they generally concur on the concepts of moral – right and wrong. Nevertheless, there are also differences on ethical decision-making and moral issues. Ethics should aim at instilling moral excellence in people. Individuals’ actions and characters are critical in determining uprightness and integrity. Character, however, is more important than action. Hence, assessing an individual’s characters also includes evaluating elements related to virtue. Based on the Ethics Awareness Inventory, developing a moral self to handle ethical issues is paramount for people (The Williams Institute of Ethics and Management, 2012).

The role and importance of personal ethics

People should make moral sound judgments, and they can achieve this through personal ethics. Ethical judgment is critical in the profession of psychology. Ethical decision-making guides psychological practices. Therefore, improving on morality should be a key priority for individuals. Moral develop is necessary during a lifespan of a person. People with deep moral personal ethics tend to reflect the same in their professional disciplines, for instance, through ethical conducts and practices.

Many organizations have codes of ethical standards and conducts to guide behaviors of professionals. These guidelines are however not always followed and in most cases, governing bodies must handle ethical issues related to professional misconducts. This implies that personal ethics and moral judgment should evolve in people, and they can hardly be learned through rules. While professionals who violate these guidelines understand them well, they simply lack personal ethics and moral judgment. Personal ethics goes beyond codes of ethical standards and conduct provided by organizations.

How ethics can affect application of psychological principles

Personal ethics should form core elements of an individual’s personal, social, spiritual and organizational aspirations. Spiritual practices require strong ethical principles to strengthen belief systems. As a result, elements of virtue such as honesty, integrity, honor, justice and benevolence among others will thrive. Socially, people should act according to their belief systems and intrinsic values and should always adjust their behaviors in different situations to meet ethical requirements in society.

Organizations consist of diverse human races and therefore, people should exhibit ethical characters based on tolerance, integrity, justice and benevolence to accommodate others. As people interact with others, they should evaluate their characters and find goodness rather than stereotype them. Individuals have different values and diverse levels of ethics development. Moreover, different factors such as social deprivation and inequalities in society affect individuals’ character development and their ethical practices. Tolerance could go a long way in appreciating diversity in organizations.

How ethics affect psychological knowledge and principles

Individuals’ characters reflect their ethical behaviors. Character, in this case, is important than action. Actions reflect ethical perspectives of an individual. People believe that there are no absolute standards for moral principles. Therefore, upon acquiring new knowledge, a person’s beliefs and values could change depending on the prevailing circumstances (Shermer, 2015). This implies that one may face ethical dilemmas as they strive to be morally upright and of ethical behaviors in challenging environments. Moral right should lead to healthy individuals. Health could be shown through personal satisfaction with life.

Personal growth should allow people to advocate for fairness and justice in society. Hence, moral decisions guide choices and the desire to act according to the norms of right or wrong. Development takes place over time and people should be able to develop their ethical standards to promote virtue in society. They would allow individuals to analyze issues critically with far-reaching impacts meant to transform society positively.

Advantages of psychology as a degree choice

Several factors could contribute to pursuing a degree in psychology. Human nature is complex and intriguing. A degree in psychology is important for understanding these complex interrelations between human and society. Society presents individuals with ethical dilemmas, which they must resolve as they strive to make ethics a critical part of their lives. One should have a clear perspective on pertinent ethical issues in society, and a degree in psychology provides the best alternative to acquire the necessary knowledge.

Ethics plays a critical role as learners pursue degree in psychology (Boylan & Donahue, 2003). For instance, ethical awareness has created the desire in many students to strive and comprehend various styles of ethics.

Ethical studies show that understanding ethics is complex because of its diverse nature. However, issues such as tolerance, diversity, honesty and integrity are important for learners. While what people consider as morally upright may differ, ethics is important for any studies and profession. It shows the need to develop intrinsic value and follow desired codes of conducts in society. Personal ethics goes beyond written codes, and people who understand elements of ethics should advocate it in their works and behaviors.


This essay has explored Ethics Awareness Inventory. It shows that people agree on the concepts of right and wrong, but hold different views on what exactly constitutes moral behaviors. Studying ethics in psychology should instill elements of personal ethics for personal growth, development, health and operating in society. It is believed that Ethics Awareness Inventory should encourage people to comprehend diverse views on ethics. The first important step is to be aware of different ethical perspectives and personal ethics. This would promote understanding of ethics as a critical part of one’s life. Ethical awareness shall enhance better relations with others in society.


Boylan, M., & Donahue, J. (2003). Ethics across the curriculum: a practice-based approach. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Shermer, M. (2015). The Moral Arc: How Science and Reason Lead Humanity toward Truth, Justice, and Freedom. New York: Henry Holt and Co.

The Williams Institute of Ethics and Management. (2012). Ethics Awareness Inventory. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 17). Ethics Effect on Psychological Knowledge.

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"Ethics Effect on Psychological Knowledge." IvyPanda, 17 June 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Ethics Effect on Psychological Knowledge'. 17 June.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Ethics Effect on Psychological Knowledge." June 17, 2020.

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