Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project Research Paper

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The proposed project seeks to introduce a new app to meet the needs of financial aid students. This document presents evidence-based plans for supporting the proposed app development and installation project.

Human Resource Plan

Human resources should be planned efficiently to identify skilled persons to complete various tasks and ensure that the targeted goals are realized within the stipulated period. The plan can make it easier for the project manager to coordinate various tasks and monitor their effectiveness (see Figure 1). The managerial process can also be considered to support Zayed University’s strategic plan and eventually address the changing needs of many students.

ActivityProject ManagerDesign/ProgrammerImplementation ManagerTraining Leads
Requirements GatheringABCD
Coding DesignABC
Coding InputAB
Software TestingAB +CC+B
Network PreparationABC
Conduct TrainingAD


  • A: Project manager
  • B: First Responsible (for completing the work)
  • C: Second programmer
  • D: Training users

Figure 1: Project Organizational Plan.

The presented histogram shows how different tasks and roles will be undertaken throughout the project development period. According to the chart, some specific duties and activities will require the efforts of the individuals (project/app engineers or developers). The project/implementation manager will be required to monitor the progress made in each development stage. The training manager will be required during the last stages of the implementation process (see Figure 2). With this kind of planning, the project leader will be able to monitor the project’s progress, identify emerging gaps, and offer adequate insights to ensure that positive results are recorded efficiently.

App Development Histogram
Figure 2: App Development Histogram (HR Plan).

Quality Plan

The success of the proposed project will depend on the developers’ ability to predict potential challenges and obstacles that can disorient the process. From the presented plan, it is evident that some critical aspects and support items will be considered throughout the project development period. For instance, procedures, objectives, and internal audits should be documented and improved continuously (see Figure 3). The project developers will be required to use a quality manual to ensure that positive results are recorded. Project items such as test plan, quality records, design output, resources, and project plan must be audited and controlled throughout the development process.

The issue of personnel is something that must be put into consideration by the project manager. From the presented figure (see Figure 3), the reader should observe that other stakeholders will be encouraged to support the project. Although these persons are not featured in the above HR plan, it is evident that their inputs might have critical impacts on the quality of the developed app. This means that the employees (or programmers), project manager, and other stakeholders such as subcontractors and leaders in the university must be monitored continuously. This will be done to ensure that they are committed, involved, responsible, and willing to deliver positive results. Product items (such as software, internal resources, and documentation) will be traced and controlled accordingly.

Quality management plan.
Figure 3: Quality management plan.

If the above plan is taken into consideration, the individuals involved during the process will be in a position to come up with a superior app that has the potential to address the needs of different learners in the targeted university. The concept of continuous improvement should also be taken seriously. This strategy will overcome every potential barrier or gap that can affect the success or effectiveness of the project. Testing and recordkeeping are vital aspects for managing and maintaining the highest level of quality standards. By so doing, these initiatives and management plans will ensure that the completed app is implemented successfully to support the needs of financial needs students.

Communication Plan

During the app development, installation, and evaluation stages, the members of the team will be required to communicate efficiently, share ideas, and report the progress of every activity. This means that a powerful communication plan is needed to support these actions. Since the project is pursued or being undertaken by a small team, communication will be simple and effective (see Figure 4). Members of the project development team will be required to share emails and make phone calls depending on the intended roles or needs. Emails will be preferred since they can be used as reference materials. The project managers should also receive copies of every message/email to track the activities and operations completed by the project developers.

Target AudienceIntended InformationCommunication MethodFrequencyResponsibility
Project teamProject statusEmails/phone callsWeeklyTeam leader
Project teamCollaborationE-mails/phone callsWeeklyProject manager
Project teamCollaborationMeetingsMonthlyProject manager
University managementApprovalEmailsMonthlyProject manager
UniversityProject statusMeetingMonthlyProject manager
VendorsDetailed progress statusEmailsWeeklyProject manager
VendorsCollaborationEmailsOn-demandProject manager

Figure 4: Communication Plan.

The project manager will distribute progress/status reports every month to the members of the team. This will outline the achievements/progress made within the past 30 days. Programmers will also present their insights and ideas to the project manager. External stakeholders such as the leaders at Zayed University will also be required to offer their recommendations throughout the period. The use of brochures and memos can also be considered to communicate the achievements and progress to different individuals in the institution.

Risk Plan

The figure presented below shows clearly that project leaders will be keen to identify potential risks or threats that have the potential to affect the effectiveness and success of the proposed project. The managers will also assess emerging risks using evidence-based data and consider the mechanisms adopted by Zayed University to deal with potential hazards. Due to the small size of this project, it will be easier for the leadership team to be prepared against any form of threat.

The concept of constant monitoring will be taken seriously during the process. This approach will make it easier for different stakeholders to embrace evidence-based practices and initiatives that can deliver positive results. Powerful practices such as collaboration, effective communication, information sharing, and continuous evaluation will be embraced throughout the process (see Figure 5). This is the case because the approaches will ensure that every possible threat is identified before it gets out of hand.

Risk Management Plan.
Figure 5: Risk Management Plan.

The project leader will find it easier to use the developed communication, human resources, and risk management plans to monitor the progress and weaknesses that can disorient the app development process. The inclusion or collaboration with different members and leaders in the targeted university will ensure that positive results are recorded. The implantation of mitigation measures and preventative mechanisms will ensure that every emerging threat does not disorient the project development and implementation processes.

Procurement Plan

Projects are supported using adequate resources, tools, and items. It is appropriate for a procurement manager or project leader to have an effective plan to ensure that the targeted materials are acquired on time. Failure to deliver specific materials within the specified period can result in delays and affect the success of the project. In this case, there should be an effective procurement plan to ensure that different materials or items are procured to support the project development process. The project leader will have to communicate with different stakeholders and suppliers in an attempt to support the process.

Project Procurement Plan.
Figure 6. Project Procurement Plan.

From this plan, it is evident that the stakeholders involved throughout the development process will be able to match the targeted expectations with the available resources. This understanding will make it easier for them to identify specific items that are needed. The strategy will also guide the developers to determine if the intended goals are realistic and attainable. This plan will empower and encourage different stakeholders to monitor specific procurement decisions or requirements. They will use the plan to communicate efficiently with different technical experts and vendors (see Figure 6). These professionals will offer meaningful ideas that can ensure that the right materials are acquired. This means that the targeted materials for procurement will be informed by the stage of the implementation process.

This plan will also be used to come up with an effective procurement strategy. The model will be informed by the goals of the proposed app. The approach will also ensure that a wide of activities are coordinated to support the development process. The above document can also be used to match the project with the resources available in this university. Issues such as the scope of work and technical requirements can be addressed through the use of this plan.


The above communication, procurement, risk management, and human resources plan are essential if the proposed app development project is to succeed. The project manager will use such documents to make appropriate adjustments and decisions that can support the entire process. The institution should also be required to present adequate resources and guidance in an attempt to support the process. These aspects should be taken seriously to produce a superior application that has the potential to meet the diverse needs of many students who require financial support. The successful development and implementation of this project will, therefore, make it easier for Zayed University to achieve its aims and transform the lives of every learner.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 24). Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evidence-based-plans-app-development-and-installation-project/

Work Cited

"Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project." IvyPanda, 24 Mar. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/evidence-based-plans-app-development-and-installation-project/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project'. 24 March.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project." March 24, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evidence-based-plans-app-development-and-installation-project/.

1. IvyPanda. "Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project." March 24, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evidence-based-plans-app-development-and-installation-project/.


IvyPanda. "Evidence-Based Plans: App Development and Installation Project." March 24, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/evidence-based-plans-app-development-and-installation-project/.

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