First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama Essay

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Presidential debates play a key role in the race to White House. For that reason, President Obama and Mitt Romney approached that debate with caution and optimism. In addition, political analysts concluded that that debate was among the best in history. Nevertheless, a good number of Americans thought that Mitt Romney outsmarted President Obama. 72 percent of those who watched the debate agreed that Romney won, and around 20 percent believed on the contrary. A poll conducted by Gallup showed that Obama led Romney by four points, prior to the debate, according to the opinion polls. However, that lead was cut to three points after the debate. This essay gives an insight into how Romney and President Obama faired in the first presidential debate.

Most people thought that Romney won the debate. However, some claimed that he won because he had made up more stuff than President Obama had done. Conversely, others believed that he was more persuasive and articulate than the incumbent. Additionally, some analysts and media houses thought that Romney’s statements contradicted what he had talked about earlier. For instance, he said that pre-existing conditions would be considered in his health care strategy. However, his healthcare plan covers pre-existing conditions for those who have continuous coverage only. President Obama was also not left unscathed despite having lost that debate. Some people argued that he implied that Donald Trump’s business lay in the category of small businesses. However, it is obvious that Donald Trump’s business cannot fit in any category of small businesses. Therefore, both aspirants were guilty of lying to the US electorate. This proved that the US presidential debate was based not on clarity, resolutions and real vision, but on charisma and money.

Based on who won the debate, Romney polled the majority of the independents while Obama polled the democrats. However, most polls showed that the support of the two aspirants was unchanged among core party members. For that reason, their support base remained intact. Nonetheless, most swing voters thought that Romney was more convincing than President Obama. Furthermore, the Daily Mail reported that close to 47% of the swing voters felt that none of the two convinced them. This is a clear indication that the battle for the swing votes was far from over.

Despite Obama was talking longer than Romney in the debate, most Americans thought that he was less dominant. However, most people believed that Romney controlled the agenda of the debate. For instance, when faced with head to head disagreements and comparisons, Romney used his record as the governor of Massachusetts to articulate his points. On the other hand, Obama, a great orator, as shown in the past, looked like a shell of himself.

A closer look at the debate reveals that no one made an embarrassing mistake. However, Obama’s opening and closing remarks were wanting. The only remarkable thing in his closing remark was when he stated that he still had faith and confidence in America’s future. On the other hand, Romney opened and closed the debate in his own style. What he asked the public to remember was that the remaining debates would direct Americans into two different paths.

The fifty-two point gap between Romney and Obama in this debate is the largest one in the history of the debates. However, this gap will only prove its significance if it translates into votes for Romney.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 2). First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.

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"First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama." IvyPanda, 2 June 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama'. 2 June.


IvyPanda. 2020. "First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama." June 2, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama." June 2, 2020.


IvyPanda. "First Presidential Debate: Mitt Romney and Barack Obama." June 2, 2020.

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