The food industry is a very sensitive facet in the United States of America and the world at large. This is so because it touches on the well being of the citizens in regard to health issues. Health is heavily dependent on nutrition among other factors. There has been an increase in health-related problems particularly among the Americans, an aspect that has attracted a lot of attention among various responsible agencies as well as the government. This piece of work gives a discussion of the impact of the food industry on society with much emphasis being given to the question of whether the government should take charge of the regulation of the food industry.
The government and food industry regulation
Changes in nutrition among people in America have been a contributing factor towards the increase in health-related issues for instance diabetes, obesity among others. People have turned to the consumption of fast and processed food which usually lacks the adequate nutrients needed to keep a person fit and healthy. The foods also contain some substances like preservatives that are not healthy and may in one way or the other affect proper growth and development of an individual leading to health complications.
Economic situations have led to the preference for cheap unhealthy food since healthy foods tend to be very expensive. However, this does not justify the consumption of unbalanced diets and people should try and maintain a balanced diet irrespective of the cost involved.
The American obesity epidemic is an example of the health problems experienced in America. Obesity entails being overweight and is associated with poor eating habits where people are not keen on what they consume in regard to nutrients. It has affected both children and adults. As a result of this, many steps have been taken for instance presentation of fitness shows and change of menus in restaurants and learning institutions.
Despite these efforts, the rate of obesity is still high, and hence the need for the government to take necessary steps to curb the problem. This can only be possible through the imposition of control measures upon the food industry where the foods produced should be health sensitive irrespective of the cost incurred. This is because life is a prestigious element that should always be maintained in the best state possible.
The government has been able to take charge in aspects like food safety and it can also be effective when it comes to advocating for the production and sale of healthy foods to the citizens. This is because it has some considerable power and can impose a sanction upon the food industries, influence the media and also take part in campaigns aimed at educating the public on the benefits associated with eating healthy as well as the drawbacks that go hand in hand with poor nutrition.
According to me, the government should take part in regulating the food industry. With the increase in the negative effects experienced among Americans, there is a dire need for the government to take part in the regulation of the food business in an effort to curb the health ordeal. The involvement of the government is likely to help reduce this problem to a great extent. All in all, there should also be aggressive campaigns to do away with ignorance among the Americans since most of them are not conversant with nutrition and the foods they should avoid consuming. The campaigns should emphasize the importance of eating healthy and the effects associated with poor nutrition.