Gambling in Four Perspectives Report (Assessment)

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Gambling is the practice of betting money or any other material value on an event with an outcome that is not certain and with the primary intention of winning either money or material goods. In most cases the outcome of the gambler is within a short period.

Although the exercise is not generally accepted by many authorities, it was been practiced on some set aside days by the Roman Catholics and the Jews. Although people practice gambling for recreation purposes, the practice affects the brain chemistry and could lead to psychological addiction.

Reinforcing such a behavior becomes a challenge even after the gamblers incur huge losses in the practice. As the gamblers attempt to try to get rich quickly, they sink in deeper and deeper problems making it more complicated to come out of the problem (Black &Shaw 18).

This problem in some cases needs to be rectified when it reaches extreme levels that could affect the psychological well being of the gambler. The problem of gambling may affect the gambler either biologically, mentally or offer behavioral challenges which all combine to bring about an effect in the health of an individual.

A gambler faces the challenge of imminent effect of addiction to the effects of gambling every time he continues with the exercise of gambling something that may take long to drop. Gambling affects the mind of the gambler and eventually reaches a point of requiring guidance and counseling in order to alleviate the problem. Psychologists suggest that neurological features that are shared may determine partially the pathological effect of gambling.

Ian has been a gambling victim who has lost all his property through gambling yet remains lost in the miasma of the habit with little success in doing away with the habit. He has decided to eventually visit practicing psychologists in an effort to help him recover from the problem that has even made him to be in bad books with the family members.

Behavioral psychologist, Mister Brown believes that Ian’s problem has been an accumulation weird behavior started when he was young and perpetuated in to adulthood. He therefore believes that rectifying this problem will involve retracting from the behavior by avoiding visiting the places where gambling is practiced. Mister Brown also suggests that Mister Ian reconciles with his family as the first step into forgiveness and subsequent reformation.

Biological psychologist Mister Dennis advised Mister Ian to distance himself from the company of gamblers who provoked his interest of going into gambling. By keeping off from the company of gamblers, he would minimize the chances of the habit increasing.

According to Black & Shaw (10) gamblers secret norepinephrine which is normally associated with stress, thrill or arousal all which need to be cured using proper medication. When this hormone is released, the patients may break up even when carrying out the gambling.

Cognitive psychologist Mister Hart suggested to Mister Ian to use medication to heal him from the adverse effects already caused by gambling in his mind. The medication was to cure the permanent effects created by gambling.

Works Cited

Black D & Shaw M “Psychiatric Comorbidity Associated With Pathological Gambling”. Psychiatric Times 25 (12) 2008

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 9). Gambling in Four Perspectives.

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"Gambling in Four Perspectives." IvyPanda, 9 May 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Gambling in Four Perspectives'. 9 May.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Gambling in Four Perspectives." May 9, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Gambling in Four Perspectives." May 9, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Gambling in Four Perspectives." May 9, 2018.

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