Thesis Statement
By founding his Modernist approach on the pillars of Neoclassicism, Gio Ponti managed to embrace the specifics of the urban environment to create the solutions that made the form serve the function, as his “Bottle with Stopper” proves (Castanò and Mingione 3).
Topic 1: Merging Neoclassicism and Modernism
“Bottle with Stopper” that Gio Ponti created is defined by a unique, inimitable style by combining an insightful transformation of the Neoclassical approach to shape and the addition of utility to it. As a result, the transition to Modernism was evident in “Bottle with Stopper,” which can be seen when analyzing the urbanistic design choices used to emphasize its inherent purpose and use (Dellapiana 26).
Topic 2: Form and Function
Like every art piece created by Ponti, from his architecture masterpieces to the elements of furnishing, “Bottle with Stopper” challenges the traditional approach toward designing to increase the usability of objects and at the same time add a personality to them (Crespi 41). The solutions that it is emblematic of are minimalistic yet robust in their implicit meaning, further exploring the relationship between form and function in art.
Works Cited
Castanò, Francesca, and Giangaspare Mingione. “The Space Narrated. The Stained Glass Windows of Pietro Chiesa in the Early Twentieth Century.” Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings, vol. 1. no. 9, 2017, pp. 1-9.
Crespi, Luciano. “Design Strategies as Paradigms.” Design Innovations for Contemporary Interiors and Civic Art. IGI Global, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 26-64.
Dellapiana, Elena. “Italy Creates. Gio Ponti, America and the Shaping of the Italian Design Image.” Res Mobilis: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Mobiliario y Objetos Decorativos, vol. 7, no. 8, 2018, pp. 19-48.