Workspaces are virtual desktops or workstations, with the help of which a user can use the workspace effectively. The given features primarily allow users to perform several tasks on multiple-segmented desktops (Turnbull and Matotek 136).
It is important to note that a number of functional approaches can be implemented by adhering to this tool. In addition, the workspace multiplicity is an outstanding instrument, which delivers a certain degree of convenience for user interface interaction and input. For example, the user can collect all the windows of communication applications, such as e-mails and chats, in one workplace, and do the work in another (Petersen 317). Furthermore, the third workplace may be the user’s music player.
Switching between these options is simple: after pressing Super + S or clicking on the jobs switch icon on the launch panel. After the given action, the user will be taken to the Expo mode shown above, where he simply selects the desired location with the mouse. However, even easier, a user can quickly go to the desired workplace using the combinations Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys, where Ctrl + Alt + → will put him or her in the place to the right of the current one. In addition, Ctrl + Alt + ↓ – in the workplace under the current one, and so on, but with different arrows.
Works Cited
Petersen, Richard. Beginning Fedora Desktop: Fedora. 28th ed., Apress, 2018.
Turnbull, James, et al. Pro Linux System Administration: Learn to Build Systems for Your Business Using Free and Open Source Software. 2nd ed., Apress, 2017.