Social Issue/Event
- Introduction of the smartphone to mass public.
- Driven by iPhone created by Apple and Steve Jobs in 2007.
- Revolutionized the world of communications and information exchange.
- Smartphone went from being a tool to the center of every person’s life (Eadicicco, 2019).
- Primary social issue: extreme dependence on smartphones for daily function.
Impact on Society
- Benefits of enhanced communication, exposure to information.
- Tool to help various aspects of life, brings joy and entertainment.
- Contributed to a pattern of behavior centered around smartphones.
- Significant portion of society feels helpless or anxious without a device.
- Virtually all aspects of life are commanded by, come through, or associated with a smartphone device (Bhattacharjee, 2019).
Society Impacts
- Technology is market-driven first and foremost
- Consumers influence what they want from and on smartphones.
- Certain groups promote healthy moderated use of technology.
- Certain locations have restrictions in place.
- Smartphone is a tool created to fill a need – widespread adoption (Peeples, 2018).
Individual Framework of Perception
- Analyzing the issue has highlighted my own reliance on smartphones.
- Smartphone provides much information but limits perspective.
- Found myself missing out on experiences.
- Brain function has changed due to smartphone influence.
- Smartphone should be a tool but not a solution.
Field of Study or Profession
- Technology is a significant part of accounting.
- Accounting – language of business – has become highly digitized.
- Technology advancements enhance ability to interpret data.
- Ability to analyze large data and statistical values.
- Increases accuracy and ability to interpret and predict future business trends (Pepe, 2011).
Society: Interaction
- Technology such as the smartphone – primary methods of modern interaction.
- Shifted the patterns and behaviors of human communication (Wardynski, 2019).
- Technology can increase accessibility to communication.
- Can also limit its viability, particularly in-person interactions.
- Social patterns are forming around technology in the 21st century (Peeples, 2018).
Society: Strategies
- Critical analysis drives comprehension.
- Allows to perceive certain patterns, behaviors, trends.
- Through this, decision-making can improve.
- Technology used correctly can enhance the ability to attain personal and professional goals.
- Accounting requires broader thinking, awareness of business trends, and a methodological approach.
Benefits and Challenges
- Helps to understand the influence of technology on society • Provides potential for improvement or correcting of course.
- Context of modern technology increasingly complex.
- Issues can only be resolved through collaboration of various entities.
- Social and ethical issues arise that have no simple solution.
Adds Value
- One recognizes modern patterns of communication.
- Identifying which medium of interaction is most appropriate for various contexts (Wardynski, 2019).
- Finding common grounds of discussion in either context.
- Contributing competently to the professional discourse in the field of accounting.
Bhattacharjee, Y. (2019). Smartphones revolutionize our lives—but at what cost? National Geographic. Web.
Eadicicco, L. (2019). The first iPhone changed the world forever — see how Apple’s iconic smartphone evolved over the past decade. Business Insider. Web.
Peeples, L. (2018). Can’t put down the phone? How smartphones are changing our brains — and lives. NBC News. Web.
Pepe, A.A. (2011). The evolution of technology for the accounting profession. CPA Practice Advisor. Web.
Wardynski, D.J. (2019). What are the effects of technology on human interaction? Brainspire. Web.