How the Mongols Changed World History Essay

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Creating the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan was one of the most critical events in world history. It should be recognized that the importance of this period is still underestimated (Strayer and Nelson). However, it continued the experience of creating other states of the East and the West. Suddenly bursting out of the Transbaikal steppes, the Mongols changed the course of global history. Notably, even the discovery of America was indirectly provoked by the fact that the Silk Road stopped delivering spices to Europe and needed a new route to eastern countries due to the campaigns and wars of the Mongols (World History Encyclopedia 6:34-7:35). The change in the historical path of many states by the Mongols demonstrates how small actions can have significant consequences.

2 Ways the Mongols Changed World History

Starting small, the Mongols changed world history in two ways. Firstly, these nomadic people have conquered many major states like China, Persia, and Russia, changing the course of their ethnopolitical, economic, and cultural development. The Mongols devastated Persia and mainly dominated the Russian people politically and economically. Moreover, they united previously divided China, creating the Yuan dynasty (Strayer and Nelson). This society acted aggressively and predatory toward the outside world because it could exist by exploiting other neighborhoods. They waged war against communities unable to mobilize with lightning speed. They carried out exo-exploitation against them, including receiving tribute, periodic raids, and collecting simultaneous contributions. The Mongol conquests brought disasters to the peoples of Asia and Europe. They were accompanied by population destruction, vast territories’ devastation, and agricultural culture decline, especially in irrigated areas. They delayed the socio-economic development of the countries that became part of the Mongol Empire for a long time. However, the Mongols not only destroyed and plundered but also created something new.

Secondly, the Mongols were not only excellent warriors but also brilliant statesmen, talented students, skilled traders, and great engineers. It is no secret that they contributed more to the world than any other empire. Due to their knowledge, skills, and abilities, humanity has made incredible progress regarding innovations and modernization. The Mongols stimulated the development of trade and international relations and introduced the Yam postal system everywhere. Most of Eurasia has become an interactive exchange network that facilitates the movement of people, technologies, and cultures (Strayer and Nelson). These people constantly learned, greedily absorbed information, and found new, more valuable data. They knew and understood how to use the available opportunities correctly and direct them in the right direction. For example, the Mongol conquests were a prerequisite for the spread of paper and gunpowder. Hence, they have helped significantly shape the world in which people live today. Literally and figuratively uniting East and West, the Mongols significantly contributed to culture, art, and science.

Nonetheless, the Mongol invasions and conquests had positive sides along with negative consequences. In exchange for immediate submission, the Mongols promised peace and prosperity to foreigners. It would seem that this information should be enough for weighty conclusions. However, it is premature to consider many issues resolved on this basis. At a minimum, they could implement revolutionary ideas using horses, camels, and cattle, and their role in facilitating intercultural exchange should additionally be remembered (Strayer and Nelson). The Empire ensured the acquaintance of the cultures of the east of Eurasia with its west through trade. Many states of the East and Europe got acquainted with new inventions and adopted them, which accelerated scientific and cultural development. The presence of many religious denominations in the Empire and the policy of religious tolerance, unique for that time, allowed the spread of monotheistic religions both before and after the collapse, ensuring the cultural development of many territories in Central and Western Asia.

My Own Life and Actions

Analyzing my way of life, decisions, and choices, I concluded that even the most minor action might lead to inevitable consequences, both on micro and macro levels. Thus, a small effort becomes a giant ripple as it subsequently changes an individual who does good or evil to someone else, and this cycle continues (Delaney 1). For example, my friends and acquaintances have become involved in charity and aid “the tiniest creatures” in need due to my support for homeless animals and shelters. In addition, I hope to help the planet reduce its carbon footprint by giving clothes a second life and recycling what can no longer be worn. Therefore, I realize that such “small victories” can fundamentally change other people’s lives and contribute to the balance of flora and fauna.


Summarizing the above, it should be stated that the Mongols are a special people in global history. In many ways, they changed the chronology of events in the world due to aggressive wars and increased activity of trade routes connecting the East with the West. The Mongolian state developed through innovations, expanded geographically, and flourished. It was the largest power ever created by nomads and one of the most glorious empires in the world. History in the aspect of the Mongol Empire demonstrates how small victories can grow into something more. Having looked at my life and actions from other points of view, I realized that just like the Mongols can make a valuable contribution to the development of the world.

Works Cited

Delaney, Makena. “.” The Carlyle Creative, Web.

Strayer, Robert, W. and Eric W. Nelson. . 5th ed., Macmillan Higher Education, 2021. VitalSource Bookshelf Online, Web.

.” YouTube, uploaded by World History Encyclopedia, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 29). How the Mongols Changed World History.

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"How the Mongols Changed World History." IvyPanda, 29 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'How the Mongols Changed World History'. 29 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "How the Mongols Changed World History." May 29, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "How the Mongols Changed World History." May 29, 2024.


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