What promotes exponential population growth? What constrains exponential population growth?
The exponential population growth gives rise to many concerns because researchers believe that the existing resources are limited. Thus, the increasing number of people can lead to significant risks such as food insecurity and violent conflicts between and within various states. There are several factors that contribute to this process; for instance, one can speak about the improvement of healthcare, increasing life expectancy, and the growing availability of food in various developing countries (Botkin & Keller, 2014). In contrast, there are factors that limit population growth. For example, one can mention economic instability, growing availability of contraceptives, unemployment, violent conflicts, and changing lifestyles of people.
What is carrying capacity? What will occur if carrying capacity is exceeded?
The term carrying capacity is defined as the maximum population of species that the environment can sustain (Botkin & Keller, 2014, p. 8). This term is usually applied in demographic studies. Predictions about demographic trends in developed and developing countries differ significantly. For example, the population of advanced countries can increase due to the inflow of immigrants, lower infant mortality rate, and higher life expectancy. In contrast, the population of developing states can grow due to some improvements in healthcare and a higher fertility rate. If the carrying capacity is exceeded, the environment can sustain significant damages. Moreover, there is a risk of violent conflicts.
Reference List
Botkin, D., & Keller, E. (2014). Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. New York, NY: Wiley.