Human Potential in Rig Veda, Genesis and Homer’s The Odyssey Essay

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The Rig Veda focuses on various human ideals to show how they are related to spiritualism. In Veda texts, the concept of Dhyana influences human thinking processes and guides people to be more rational in their actions. Human beings need to meditate from time to time to find out specific modes of behaviour they need to observe.

They also need to understand various social systems that influence how they attain specific goals they have set for themselves. A person who is willing to build and sustain strong communal relations with other people easily attains inner peace (Doniger 67). As a result, he is able to get rewarding experiences from different people who reciprocate benevolent actions he shows them.

The Rig Veda asserts that human potential is limitless because every person is born free. Human beings are gifted creatures because they have a conscience which makes them distinguish right actions from wrong ones. As a result, they need to make rational choices to enable them attain good results in different activities they take part in. The concept of Dhyana encourages human beings to overcome various environmental constraints that limit them from achieving their goals (Doniger 72).

Therefore, they need to engage in activities that strengthen their conviction and commitment. Humanity has an important role to play because it encourages all people to treat other people with respect and love to strengthen emotional connections that define their relationships. As a result, human beings need to prepare themselves for various challenges by being more interested in various activities that happen around them.

The concept of consciousness allows human beings to express their solidarity with other people to help them live more fulfilling lives. Human beings are a mirror of the universe because of social, emotional and physical ties that bind them together. As a result, they are able to understand their own failings and those of other people, to find out how they affect their happiness.

They use their own judgment to find out if they are capable of attaining their personal goals and if need be, they build alliances to help them achieve their objectives. The Rig Veda argues that both inward and outward expressions of human emotions help people to understand themselves better. As a result, they are able to understand their purpose and responsibilities they are expected to perform to attain inner fulfilment (Doniger 76).

Human behaviour and personality determine whether a person realizes his potential or not. Since humans need to have strong beliefs, they need to use their knowledge to engage with others to improve their overall understanding. Humans have discerning instincts which make them more curious about different issues around them. As a result, this curiosity makes humans to become more interested in exploring ideas to discover new solutions to various problems that exist.

There are different thinking processes which human beings need to follow to become more enlightened (Doniger 79). Every individual needs to have some form of self-discovery to find out more about his true purpose in life. The Rig Veda argues that every person needs to have a vision and he or she should be motivated by a strong drive to achieve it. Human beings need to engage in positive actions that help them achieve their full potential in different locations they live in.

Homer’s Odyssey uses the concept of heroism to explain how human determination enables human beings to succeed in different activities they do. The concept of heroism is accurately presented by Odyssey, who overcomes various challenges he encounters to succeed.

Odyssey’s travels make him experience a myriad of problems which strengthen his ability to endure various problems to achieve his goal. The value of hard work is used to explain how human beings need to be prepared to make sacrifices to succeed in different engagements they take part in.

Human beings as exemplified in the text have the capability to be whatever they want to be as long as they are willing to invest time and energy in different activities. Heroism manifests itself during difficult times when everyone has lost hope for a better tomorrow (Doherty 82). As a result, human beings need to have strong personal discipline to enable them achieve their personal objectives.

In the Odyssey, heroism is used as a benchmark that measures whether a person is willing to do all he can to realize his full potential. Homer’s epic narrative demonstrates that collective values and responsibilities define human character and they determine the level of success a person gets out of various activities.

The concepts of time and virtue are treasured by Homer in all his writings (Doherty 88). An individual needs to carry out specific actions when the time is right to achieve good outcomes. Virtue guides a person morally making him more committed to various ethical principles that are important for his success. The Odyssey emphasizes that virtue makes human beings set high moral standards that encourage them to attain their personal as well as collective societal goals.

Odyssey turned down pleasure and riches to focus on his mission. He used deceptive means to triumph over his enemies on several occasions. His individual acts of humanity made him take part in dangerous activities, without taking time to think about his personal happiness and comfort. Odyssey’s story exemplifies all experiences people go through as they seek to accomplish various goals in their lives (Doherty 95).

The story confirms that the inner feeling of personal success is immeasurable. The concepts of devotion and commitment bind all human beings together because morally upright people are interested in the welfare of others. Therefore, every person needs to gain recognition from other people for his accomplishments to understand himself better. The story also reveals that every human being needs to understand how he can contribute positively to the society he lives in, to follow a path that guarantees him inner fulfilment.

The social ties a person has with people in the community determine whether he has what it takes to achieve his full potential. Odyssey managed to overcome his troubles by reuniting with his family. Even though he faced many obstacles, he was able to build beneficial relationships with people wherever he went and this made him gain favour and respect. The story confirms that the mind, body and soul have to be in good condition to enable a person gain inner happiness.

All human beings need to have the right balance in their lives to make them more contented. The Odyssey story manages to show that human potential is a trait that is inborn and every person needs to tap into it to realize his true destiny (Doherty 98). During times of hardships, human beings are able to unite to forge ahead because they are able to come together to tackle different problems they are facing.

The book of Genesis in the Holy Bible explains the importance of human origins and development. The values that are advanced through the book explain why human beings hold a special place in the world. The story of Adam and Eve, the first human beings on earth and their encounter with Satan who appeared to them in form of a serpent, offer crucial lessons on human nature.

The curious nature of Eve and Adam after getting tempted to eat the forbidden fruit exposed them to a world they never knew existed (Turner 18). Humans as shown through Genesis are very intelligent yet they do not always live up to common expectations. The story reveals that patience helps human beings to be more focused after experiencing different incidents that increase their wisdom.

More about The Odyssey

Therefore, it is easy for human beings to make mistakes in their lives by making bad choices. The story of Lot and his wife shows that in some instances, focusing too much on the past can lead to self destruction. In some instances, a person has to undergo a transformational phase to make a fresh start in life. The story also reveals that human beings should be wary of destructive influences that are likely to lead them astray from their true purpose in life.

Every individual needs to find out what he lives for to understand what he needs to do to attain personal fulfilment (Turner 26). It is important for every person to open up his mind to more positive influences that are likely to change the way he lives to help him build positive relationships with other people. Genesis encourages every human being to be guided by good intentions in all activities he takes part in to ensure he does not deviate from his true purpose in life.

The concept of punishment as used in Genesis demonstrates that whenever people go astray, they need to get reprimanded to make them more responsible. For instance, the punishment meted out by God against people who failed to heed Noah’s advice, shows the true value of obedience and humility.

This punishment makes people understand that all actions have consequences and there is always a price to pay for every choice a person makes (Turner 37). The book shows that for a person to achieve full potential, he needs to adopt positive habits that make him live a righteous life. This understanding helps a person to exercise good judgment in every activity he does to avoid compromising his personal values.

Human beings have been blessed with knowledge that makes them distinguish good actions from bad ones. This influences the concept of humanity and encourages people to set codes and high standards of behaviour which everyone must conform to. The concepts of obedience, respect and trust are all based on interactions human beings have with each other (Turner 42).

As a result, people who build strong relationships with other people are able to realize their full potential in different societies they live in. Since they are the most intelligent creatures, they need to make sure that they do not harm other people as they pursue their individual aspirations. This will enable them have positive interactions with other people in different societies they live in.

Works Cited

Doherty, Lillian Eileen. Homer’s Odyssey. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.

Doniger, Wendy. The Rig Veda. London: Penguin Books, 2005. Print.

Turner, Laurence A. Genesis. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, January 17). Human Potential in Rig Veda, Genesis and Homer’s The Odyssey.

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IvyPanda. 2019. "Human Potential in Rig Veda, Genesis and Homer’s The Odyssey." January 17, 2019.

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