IBNOVO Firm: IT Training Program Case Study

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Executive summary

IBNOVO is committed at ensuring that it provides sufficient and effective IT training to its employees in the subsidiary firms located in Australia and China. This document entails a report outlining a number of issues that the firm will consider in its IT training program. Some of the issues taken into account in this study include quality management, risk management, communication management, procurement management and human resource management.

Purpose statement

In its quest to attain competitiveness, IBNOVO is committed at developing a strong human resource base. Consequently, it has designed an IT training program to be implemented concurrently in India and Australia. The training program will focus on how the firm’s human resource skills will be executed effectively. This document outlines some of the issues that will be considered in the process of implementing the project. The report focuses on how to undertake quality management effectively, communication management, risk management, human resource management, and procurement management.

Quality management

Managers assume the responsibility of ensuring that their organisations provide customers with high quality products and services (Mukherjee 2006). Therefore, it is paramount for the firms’ management teams to ensure that their firms’ operations deliver value to their customers, which underscores the importance of total quality management (Nigam 2005). In the course of its operations, IBNOVO is committed that its customers are satisfied. Consequently, the concept of total quality management will be integrated in the training program. The involved parties will ensure that all the firm’s employees are committed at improving the customer’s level of satisfaction. In a bid to achieve this goal, a number of aspects as outlined below will be incorporated in the training program.

  1. Effective leadership
  2. Customer focus
  3. Involvement of employees
  4. Process orientation
  5. Continuous improvement
  6. Integration of systems’ approach
  7. Integration of the process approach
  8. Institution of factual approach in the decision making process
  9. Establishment of a mutual and beneficial relationship between the firm and the suppliers

In an attempt to improve customer satisfaction by focusing on quality, IBNOVO will continuously appreciate the fact that people are the most important organisational asset (Pfeifer 2002). Therefore, optimal leadership will be integrated, which will contribute towards the creation of unity of direction and purpose amongst the firm’s workforce. Furthermore, the firm’s employees will be constantly motivated towards the attainment of the predetermined organisational objectives and goals. The firm will consider instituting a leadership style that culminates in establishing a high degree of contact between the firm’s stakeholders. Examples of the leadership style that will be considered include transformational leadership.

The program participants will receive training on the importance of incorporating both the internal and external stakeholders in the firm’s operation. In a bid to ensure a high level of satisfaction amongst the firm’s employees, continuous employee training, and development will be paramount. The training provided will ensure that the employees are productive in addition to supporting them attain their career goals. The job satisfaction created will culminate in development of trust amongst employees which enhances the creation of a high degree of organisational identification and hence employee performance (Pfeifer 2002).

A high degree of employee involvement will be critical in IBNOVO’s operation. The firm’s management team will develop a high degree of collaboration between the executive and the lower level employees. The collaboration will be created by ensuring that a concrete understanding of the employees’ needs, issues, and problems faced is developed. Through the creation of such an organisational environment, IBNOVO’s performance and hence its competitiveness will be improved. One of the factors that will contribute towards improvement in the firm’s performance is associated with improved knowledge sharing amongst the employees. In the 21st century, knowledge has become one of the most significant components in firms’ quest to develop their competitiveness (Rehman, Mahmood, Salleh & Amin 2011).

The training program will also focus on the most effective way through which the firm’s operations can culminate towards the attainment of the desired results, which is attainable through the integration of the concept of process orientation. Pfeifer (2002) is of the opinion that ‘process orientation is an important criterion for excellence’ (p. 12). Process orientation will be achieved by identifying the process that is most significant to IBNOVO’s success. Clear boundaries of the identified processes will be developed. Secondly, effective techniques to manage the identified processes will be designed, which will also entail development of mechanisms necessary to prevent the processes from being derailed. A lucid definition and quantification of the desired quality improvement targets will be outlined. Additionally, a strategy to motivate employees to be innovative and creative will be designed in order to augment the processes. A continuous evaluation strategy to determine the costs and benefits of the processes will be developed.

Systems approach will entail ensuring that the system’s incorporated in the firm’s operations contribute towards the attainment of the firm’s goals in the most effective and efficient manner. It will be ensured that the participants develop a comprehensive understanding of the prevailing interdependencies between the implemented information systems and the processes developed. The system’s approach adopted will culminate in the creation of solid understanding of prerequisite roles and responsibilities for IBNOVO to attain its goals.

The training program will also impart knowledge on project managers regarding the need for IBNOVO to undertake continuous improvement, which will enable the firm to adjust to changes occurring in the Information Technology industry considering its dynamic nature. Consequently, the firm will be able to take advantage of opportunities available in the external business environment. The training program will impart knowledge to IBNOVO’s employees on the tools and methods that they should consider in their continuous improvement efforts.

The quality of decisions made determines the ability of the firm to develop its competitiveness (Kerzner 2009). In the course of developing the project charter, I appreciate the fact that project managers should not make decisions in isolation. However, they should incorporate other stakeholders. In light of this insight, training on how to undertake a structured decision making process will be conducted. The decision making process will be undertaken by taking into account a wide range of market information. Update market information will be collected through market researches, which will ensure that the information considered in the decision making process is factual and valid. Conducting market research will also ensure that the ideas of diverse parties are taken into account.

Quality management also focuses at ensuring that customers receive their desired product quality (Ghuman 2010). Therefore, the training program will incorporate measures that IBNOVO should take into account in order to ensure procurement of high quality and effective supply of raw materials. Strategies on how to develop a mutual relationship between IBNOVO and its suppliers will be considered. Some of these measures include establishing open and clear communication, sharing information with suppliers regarding its plans, and recognising improvements made by its suppliers.

Risk management

Durkovic and Rakovic (2009) define risk management to include the process through which Information Technology managers ensure that a balance is established between operational cost and the protective measures implemented by an organisation in its quest to attain its mission by protecting its data and Information Systems that support its operation (Stonebumer, Goguen & Feringa 2002). The Information Technology industry has undergone rampant transformation over the past few years. Therefore, firms in the industry are facing a major challenge in their quest to remain competitive. IBNOVO’s management team must ensure the implementation of effective initiation, development, implementation, and maintenance of risk management.

Charged with the responsibility of providing global IT training on behalf of IBNOVO, I appreciate the fact that all projects are associated with some degree some risk. Therefore, I will focus on imparting knowledge to IBNOVO’s employees in Australia and India on the best risk management practices that they should incorporate in their effort to develop the firm’s competitiveness. One of the areas that the firm will focus on relates to information security due to the immense and, in some cases, adverse nature of uncertainties that organisations face. In a bid to deal with possible uncertainties, a number of aspects as outlined below will be considered.

  1. Risk assessment
  2. Risk mitigation
  3. Risk evaluation and assessment

In a bid to assist IBNOVO’S employees determine the extent to which and nature of risk that the firm faces in the course of its operation, a comprehensive risk assessment will be undertaken. This aspect will assist the firm in making decisions regarding the most appropriate control mechanism to integrate in order to minimise or eliminate the risk faced. Skills and knowledge on how to determine the likelihood of an adverse event affecting the firm’s future operations will be imparted to participants of the training program. The participants will receive training on how to analyse the current information systems, the control mechanism and the vulnerabilities faced. A number of steps as outlined below will be considered in training the employees.

  1. Systems’ characterisation
  2. Identification of threat faced.
  3. Identification of vulnerabilities
  4. Control analysis
  5. Determination of likelihood
  6. Analysing the impact
  7. Determining the risk
  8. Control recommendations
  9. Documentation of results

In the process of analysing the risk, a comprehensive definition of the scope, which entails identification of the Information Technology systems, will be conducted. The various resources that constitute the system will be taken into account. Individuals charged with the responsibility of risk assessment will be required to collect comprehensive information regarding the IBNOVO’s hardware, system interfaced, software, system mission, system’s and data criticality and sensitivity (Stonebumer, Goguen & Feringa 2002).

Data regarding users and the system’s security measures implemented by the firm will also be evaluated. With regard to threat identification, the team will ensure the impartation of comprehensive knowledge on how to identify the various sources of threats on the participants. Some of the sources of threats for consideration include natural, environmental, and human threats.

Risk mitigation will be conducted by ensuring effective prioritisation, evaluation, and implementation of the most effective risk control mechanism identified during the risk assessment process. One of the enormous hurdles that IBNOVO will experience with regard to risk mitigation relates to the impossibility of eliminating the risk in totality. Coupled with the high cost of risk mitigation processes, it is paramount for the firm’s management team to ensure that it institutes the most cost effective risk mitigation mechanism. However, the firm will ensure that the IT risk faced is minimised to an acceptable level. A number of risk motivation options which include risk limitation, risk planning and research and acknowledgement will be integrated. Risk limitation will entail implementing control mechanisms that minimise the adverse effects of possible threat. Some of these mechanisms will include detective and preventive mechanism. On the other hand, risk planning will take into account risk-mitigation measures that prioritise risks as a threat to the firm’s operations, implementation of risk mitigation and creation of sustained maintenance of the controls.

A comprehensive strategy on how and when to institute the risk control measures suggested will be designed. The strategy will be based on threat source, the systems’ design, vulnerability to attack and the cost involved (Stonebumer, Goguen & Feringa 2002). When implementing the risk mitigation measures, a number of steps, which include prioritisation of the action, evaluation of the recommended risk mitigation options, conducting a cost benefit analysis of the control measures and selection of control will be undertaken. Secondly, an action plan detailing the risks, recommended control measures, prioritised actions, the resources required, the implementing team, start and the intended date for completion will be formulated.

Procurement management

As the project manager, I appreciate the fact that projects require procurements occasionally for them to be completed (Westland 2007). Therefore, an effective procurement management process, which entails will be taken into account in the training program. Procurement management will be constituted of a number of elements, which entails ordering, receipt, appraisal, and approval of the ordered products and management of the supplier’s general performance.

In a bid to ensure effective procurement management, some of the aspects that will be taken into account include-

  1. Procurement planning
  2. Soliciting sources
  3. Choosing a source
  4. Administering the contract
  5. Closing out the contract

The training program will impart knowledge to participants on how to determine when to procure depending on the project’s phase. The procurement decision will also be affected by the project scope, which arises from the fact that it provides a comprehensive product description and hence its requirements. Additionally, the procurement process will also take into account the procurement mechanisms that the firm has incorporated such as project contracting and negotiation. In the planning phase, the participants will also be trained on how to evaluate the market environment in to determine the sources available for the firm. Training on how to use various procurement planning tools and techniques such as make-or-buy analysis will be conducted.

The various project assumptions and constraints are important elements for evaluation in the procurement-planning phase (Westland 2007). Additionally, the planning phase will also incorporate the cost estimates, cash flow projections, risk management plans, quality management requirements, and schedule estimates. Soliciting sources will also entail training the participants on how to identify potential sources and obtaining quotations, offers, and proposals from various suppliers. A comprehensive criterion on how to evaluate the various offers and proposals made will be designed, which will aid in the selection of the most effective supplier. Selection of suppliers will be based on the supplier’s proposals, the evaluation criterion for example analysing the suppliers’ previous works, and the suppliers’ policy. The chart below illustrates an example of the selection criterion that the firm will use.

Selection criteriaScale [possible points]Supplier 1Supplier 2Supplier 3
Background information with regard to performance10879
The suppliers work project management policy5543
Certification by the relevant authority10867
Total score25211719

From the above criterion, IBNOVO should select supplier 1 based on the total points

In a bid to ensure that IBNOVO has a wide range of sources from where it can undertake solicitation, a list of qualified suppliers will be maintained. IBNOVO will also ensure that a comprehensive review of the solicitation result is conducted. Upon selecting the supplier, the participants will learn on how to ensure that supplier selected adheres to the procurement contract entered. The contract administrator and the contract manager will be required to work together to ensure that both parties to the contract meet their respective obligations. In the contract closeout phase, the participants will get training on how to conduct procurement audit. Some of the aspects that will be incorporated include product verification, evaluation of administrative activities and documentation (Westland 2007).

Human resource management

In addition to the aforementioned issues, I appreciate the fact that successful completion of a project is also dependent on the quality of the human capital (Eigenmann 2007). Consequently, training on how to undertake effective human resource management will be conducted. The participants will get training on how to develop, lead, direct, and coordinate a strong project team. Additionally, the training program will also take into account how IBNOVO should deal with external stakeholders such as project partners, contributors, and customers.

In a bid to improve attainment of the firm’s goals through implementation of projects, the training program will ensure that the participants develop a comprehensive understanding on how to establish projects responsibilities and roles. This goal will be attainable by focusing on organisational planning. Considering the broad nature of project human resource management, it will be paramount to ensure that the participants understand the necessary interfaces for project completion. The training will focus on three main interfaces, which include organisational interfaces, technical interfaces, and interpersonal interfaces.

Identifying the most optimal staff requirements in a project is vital in ensuring its successful completion. Considering the fact the firm is focusing on developing its workforce competitiveness through training, I will ensure that the training process transforms the participants into software and hardware gurus. Training on how to appraise the firm’s staff requirements continuously will be essential to aid in sealing likely skills gap that might hinder the firm’s competitiveness. Additionally, human resource management will also entail the importance of instituting a clear organisational chart detailing the reporting relationship in the process of implementing a particular project will be considered. The organisational chart will identify how reporting amongst project team members, the management team and other key project stakeholders will be conducted.

IBNOVO will ensure that the participants develop a broad understanding on how to develop a strong project team. Consequently, the element of staff acquisition will be taken into account, which will entail making a decision on how to provide project team members with the necessary resources to execute the tasks assigned. The need to ensure that staff acquisition is undertaken within the firm’s procedures and policies will be created. The staff pool developed should be evaluated comprehensively to assess its suitability to the project. Some of the issues that will be considered include the experience, interest level, characteristics, availability, and knowledge of the team members.

Communication management

Project management communication is a fundamental element in enhancing the creation of synergy amongst project members. Poor communication in projects may result in the emergence of breakdown in the process of implementing a project (Schwalbe 2006). In an attempt to ensure that IBNOVO is effective in its project execution, the training program will ensure that the participants appreciate the importance need to incorporate an effective information flow mechanism. Therefore, an effective communication management plan will be developed. The plan will form the basis upon which all the project communication processes should take into account. Some of the elements that will be considered when designing the communication plan are outlined below.

  1. Stakeholder communication requirements- it will be ensured that the project team members are provided with timely updates on the projects progress. This goal will be achieved by providing frequent reports on the project status. Effective stakeholder management will be undertaken to ensure that their needs and issues are met and addressed appropriately.
  2. Information to be communicated- IBNOVO will ensure that the project team members and stakeholders are provided with the most appropriate information with regard to content, format and details to ensure effective understanding.
  3. A policy on the frequency within which communication should be conducted will also be developed.
  4. IBNOVO will ensure that effective guidelines on how to convey information are developed.
  5. Problem solving- In the course of its project implementation, IBNOVO cannot shield itself from conflicts. Some conflicts may arise from differences amongst the project members with regard to project implementation. Therefore, the firm will ensure that effective problem solving mechanisms and escalation procedures are developed.

Reference List

Durkovic, O & Rakovic, L 2009, ‘Risks in information systems development projects’, Management Information Systems, vol. 4 no.1, pp: 13-19.

Eigenmann, U 2007, Design and implementation of a human capital oriented balanced scorecard in an engineering service unit, GRIN Verlag, Munchen.

Ghuman, K 2010, Management: Concepts, practice and cases, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

Kerzner, H 2009, Project management a systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Mukherjee, P 2006, Total quality management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Nigam, S 2005, Total quality management: an integrated approach, Excel Books, New Delhi.

Pfeifer, T 2002, Quality management: Strategies, methods and techniques, Hanser, Munchen.

Rehman, M, Mahmood, A, Salleh, R & Amin, R 2011, ‘ Review factors affecting knowledge sharing’, International Conference on E-Business, Management and Economics, vol. 3 no.3, pp. 213-226.

Schwalbe, K 2006, Introduction to project management, Thomson Course Technology, Boston.

Stonebumer, G, Goguen, A & Feringa, A 2002, Risk management guide for information technology systems, McGraw-Hill, London.

Westland, J 2007, The project management lifecycle, Kogan Page, London.

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