One of the distinctive and unique ideals of America is individualism and it proponents that everyone is his own master and owner. It was due to Jamestown that spread the ideal of individualism throughout America. This paper presents what are the ideals of Jamestown and how it influenced the civil war and what change ideals from Jamestown to civil war in North America.
Individualism as an American Ideal
There were many English colonies in the soil of America and Jamestown is recognized as the first permanent English colony in North America. Most of the Americans believe that James town is the birth place of the distinctive, secular and unique ideals of America that led to America’s freedom and prosperity. The concept of individualism which is the spirit of American culture is born in Jamestown promising the progress and opportunities of new world. It brought a new concept like every one is the owner of his own land and it attracted new settlers to America where they can live freely and earn enormously. It inculcated the new ideas of individual liberty that made them to think like every man has the freedom to choose, pursue and realize his own destiny. These ideas were spread throughout the country and with the influence of these ideas the people started to question the British imperialists for actualizing the economic and political freedom. Constitution was framed giving emphasis on the individualism in political practice protecting the individual rights. The individualist spirit was born in James town that persuaded a lot of people to come and settle in America for leading a better life because people were treated dignified. The new ideals with the emergence of James town spread to other colonies of America and even to other countries. It had a role that led to America’s civil war.
American civil war which is also known as the war between states held between 1861 and 1865. Slavery was one of the phenomenons at this time in the entire America. People were suppressed and oppressed neglecting the basic dignity of human beings. Negligence of individuality that reflects in the slavery is the main reason for the civil war in America. There were some contrasting opinions between the southern and northern part of America. Southern America has big plantations for crops and cotton. But the northern part of America where Jamestown had an influence had an interest in manufacturing sector, raw materials and production of finished goods. The dominant social evil at this time was slavery and it was eradicated from the northern part. This led to the revolution I southern part also. Southern economy was based on crops whereas northern economy was based on industry. The southern states where crops economy was in force, was in favor of slavery since it had a lot of plantations. But the other part where the industrial economy was at centre was against the slavery. It respected the individual dignity of the people.
The starting point of ‘individualism’ which is a unique characteristic of United States traces it root to Jamestown. American history is known for the practice of slavery. Jamestown gave a light to eradicate the slavery from America. There were controversies between southern and northern part of America with regard to slavery. Therefore, Jamestown is considered to be the corner stone of the modern prosperous and advanced America which has many unique ideals different from other countries.