The study of the evolution of the universe is fundamental to understanding the driving forces behind the emergence of life. The Big Bang theory is the dominant version of what has happened to the world over time. It is expected that the universe gradually expanded, causing the distance between celestial objects to increase. This lab work aims to confirm this assumption empirically.
As the balloon expands, the distance between points (galaxies) will continue to increase.
The independent variable of the test is the amount of air let into the balloon, while the dependent variable is the distance between neighboring points. The controlled variables are the use of the same balloon, the composition of the gas to be let in, and the initial distance between the dots.
Questions and conclusion
- The density decreases as the balloon expands. In other words, at the initial and final point of balloon inflation, the distance between galaxies is quite different: the more gas let in, the higher the distance and the lower the density.
- The material of the balloon has an analogy with the matter of the Universe. As the Universe expands, galaxies also move away from each other as if they were dots on a balloon.
- It is worth saying, however, that such an analogy is highly subjective: no unambiguous connection between balloons and the Universe can be made by this point. In addition, the Universe manipulates such a metric as temperature, while the balloon simply inflates. Temperature can make a tangible contribution to the expansion of the Universe.
- The contradiction of the stationary state theory is the impossibility of determining the starting point for the start of the Universe. In addition, such a theory implied the self-nucleation of new galaxies in the expanding space between the previous ones: the experiment with the balloon showed that no new points are formed.
- When yeast dough is infused, it increases in volume, distributing the components (raisins) further apart — this is also an excellent example of studying the expansion of the Universe.
- This is probably an impossible scenario since the force of gravity is stronger than the urge to expand space. Nevertheless, assuming such a scenario, the gravitational force weakens slightly as it expands.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the Universe is expanding, and the current balloon experiment has relatively demonstrated this. It is an almost exponential increase in the distance between points. It was shown that the working hypothesis was fully confirmed.