Values are worth holding to in the workplace as they are beneficial to the company. It is vital to define what work values are. To me, and to some researchers, work values are ideologies and beliefs about a career experience held by an individual and a measure of how far these people feel content with their current status.
This almost entirely differs among individuals, mostly because of the gap that exists between people’s goals and objectives in life. However, there are some work values that get universal acceptance and are regarded as crucial and worth having despite the set goals and objectives. These include honesty, time consciousness, readiness to learn, accessibility, self-motivation and loyalty to the career for better performance.
Some companies strive for setting universal values for the leaders and staff to follow if the company’s goals and objectives are to be met. This may not be such a good idea as just a small deviation from the values puts the company on a scale. The major focus of this is to maintain employees, focus and set a stress free working environment for them, improve relations and cooperation among departments and break excessive bureaucracies. It also instills positive working attitudes of the employees and gives them positive momentum to keep going.
The spirit of teamwork is a very essential spirit in career exploration. This is so especially since it enables one to show compassion and respect to other team members and leaders. This extends to further respecting participation from other people hence appreciating their efforts. Such a spirit provokes unity and accountability.
This attitude stems from the recognition and appreciation of individual ability and diversity as being so crucial in fostering synchronization and open-ended communication. With such a working environment, there is enhancement of productivity and customer satisfaction. Therefore, maintenance becomes a possibility.
Good communication skill is another value that is essential, but employees often ignore it. It is a value that calls professionals to be open-minded in thinking and speaking, be honest in what they say and act in a supportive manner especially to customers.
There has to be some sense of integrity in one’s speech to gain trust and entice others to listen to them. Such a value stems from an individual who has self-confidence and is sensitive to the company’s issues. This encourages creativity and innovation as the employees exchange thoughts and ideas.
Respect is also a desirable value for employees in a workplace to co-exist effectively. This concerns both the internal and external environments of the workplace, right of fellow employees to other stakeholders. This is encouraged by personal integrity values held by individuals and plays a major role in ensuring cooperation among employees. Also, this is determined by the existing code of ethics that seeks to achieve a free atmosphere for expression and easy existence.
In a work environment, people need to be self-driven into doing what they know is right and not for any other reasons but to achieve the company’s goals. Such a value can be called honesty, and it encourages employees to act and think honestly with no hidden motives. This can be obtained at ease if the concerned employees have some sense of integrity and follow the code of ethics. This pushes the customers and other stakeholders into corresponding reliability and credibility of the concerned parties.
Having such values in the workplace and also among employees, is extremely important. First of all, it helps staff make the right choices of jobs in which workers are expected to be very productive. Being aware of whether one holds such values or not helps them to obtain the right jobs in which they cope without straining.