Clarity of Hypotheses
The authors had clear and understandable hypotheses coupled with concise and straightforward writing. The writers defined and explained the theoretical background of each hypothesis, which was a helpful approach to understanding the research they conducted (Guèvremont & Grohmann, 2013). In most cases, studies summarize their adopted hypotheses, which leaves several unanswered questions, particularly on the basis for adopting such assumptions.
Statistical Tests Presentation and Clarity
The authors expressly mentioned the statistical tests they conducted and presented them using straightforward methods and words, making it easy for the readers to understand. The authors tested each hypothesis at a time, make it easy for the readers to follow the research from one section to another (Guèvremont & Grohmann, 2013). Moreover, the tests and methods of presentation were concise and direct, hence easy to comprehend.
Presentation of Research Results
The authors mentioned their approach to results presentation concisely. This made it possible for the readers to understand each of the study’s results. The researchers also organized their findings and kept their writing succinct, making it easier for the readers to follow the research from one point to another.
Possible CMO Action Based on the Research Results
It is crucial to update the brand’s style book, its voices, and tone guide to symbolize the brand. Therefore, as a CMO, I would reanalyze the book to create a tone guide for the marketing team. The voice of the brand is not what it said but how it is presented. In particular, the voice must be consistent, though the tone may change based on the format, medium used, or the audience, but must be regular (Campelo, 2017). I would begin with reviewing the content to understand the existing similarities and consider if it is the best approach for the brand and the targeted customers, and then choose the various aspects that must be changed or kept. After establishing the voice and tone of the brand, I would proceed to design the training manual, as this is necessary since training reflects the brand’s attitude, as suggested by Campelo (2017). Therefore, I would analyze the training manual with the sales team and fine-tune it where necessary.
Campelo, A. (Ed.). (2017). Handbook on place branding and marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Guèvremont, A., & Grohmann, B. (2013). The impact of brand personality on consumer responses to persuasion attempts. Journal of Brand Management, 20(6), 518-530. Web.