The technical revolution has brought about a fundamental change in the world. Driven by the development of technology, the process of mastering the natural environment, the complexity of human social life, filled with artificial technical inventions, have reached their apogee in modern times. At a certain point in the process of inventing and introducing various technological devices intended for the means of mastering and subjugating the surrounding space, for means of communication and calculating his actions, a person produced a very unusual, previously unknown phenomenon – artificial intelligence.
The use of artificial intelligence has not bypassed the field of medicine. Nowadays, AI helps research and create new drugs, analyze a patient’s medical history, data from various devices, recognize the patient’s speech during admission, automate a doctor’s work, and recognize diverse diseases on medical images. AI has the potential not only to improve the accuracy of diagnostics and improve the quality of treatment, but also to significantly reduce its cost by optimizing tedious and time-consuming processes in medicine. Thus, the study of artificial intelligence seems to me interesting since this area of knowledge is of particular relevance today. It is this area that largely determines the course of development of technology and society.
It is worth noting that my background was a bachelor of biomedical engineering and my senior project took second place. Moreover, I have worked as a biomedical engineer for about six years. As is known, traditional bioengineering methods are slow and labor-intensive since the primary approach to choosing suitable materials here is trial and error. In this regard, artificial intelligence technologies adapted to the needs of synthetic biology come to the rescue. Artificial intelligence technologies can efficiently perform routine parts of synthetic biology research, freeing up scientists’ time for more creative scientific research processes. Thus, the program will help me reduce my work time and achieve revolutionary results.
In current conditions, the digitalization of medicine is not a populist slogan but an actual and urgent need. AI developments to create drugs, including those used to treat covid-infected, vaccines, cancer-fighting technologies, and other pharmaceutical and medical products, received an enormous volume of private investment in 2020. According to Zhang et al. (2021), it is more than $ 13.8 billion. Therefore, it seems that through the study of this, I will be able to contribute to the fight against the so-called plague of the 21st century.
Zhang, D., Mishra, S., Brynjolfsson, E., Etchemendy, J., Ganguli, D., Grosz, B., Lyons, T., Manyika, J., Niebles, J. C., Sellitto, M., Shoham, Y., Clark, J. & Perrault, R. (2021). Artificial intelligence: Index report 2021 [PDF document].