McDonald’s and Bosch Car Service Analysis Essay

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In the contemporary world, firms are using a mix of strategies to achieve greater levels of differentiation. Service delivery is one of the avenues that firms are using to realize this operational goal. In this respect, this paper focuses on service visits and analyses by critically evaluating, comparing, and contrasting two service-based entities; a fast food restaurant (McDonald’s) and an automobile service center (Bosch Car Service). By critically examining the types of services rendered by these two entities, it is evident that they mainly focus on consumer service as their main means of service delivery.

Consumer service at McDonald’s is fast and efficient. Unlike in fine dining restaurants where customers have to wait for their orders to be taken and actually their food to be served, employees at the McDonald’s outlet that I visited were quick to take orders from their customers and serve them quickly. This is an effective means of serving customers hence saving customers as well as the restaurant’s management a lot of time. On the other hand, Bosch Car Service has specialized in service delivery to enhance its overall performance. To achieve this, the service center that I visited, comprised of employees who had the skills and technical knowledge to perform specific duties that have been vested to them. This is critical as it ensures that all cars that are brought in for service are clearly diagnosed and repaired in accordance with the expectation of their clients. This is essential in ensuring that the entity maintains its existing clientele and attracts new customers.

At McDonald’s, the main aspect of service delivery that had a positive influence was the offering, because the services that are offered in the outlet that I visited are designed to meet the needs and expectations of its clientele. The McDonald’s menu, for instance, provides its customers with a wide array of food combinations to choose from, hence meeting the needs and expectations of their varied clientele. A fast-food restaurant needs to offer its services in a fast but efficient manner. McDonald’s has specialized in this. It is perhaps as a result of this fact that this specific outlet did not have long queues, hence ensuring that customers spend a minimal amount of time purchasing food. These aspects of service delivery tend to enhance the overall consumer experience. However, while firms such as Bosch Car Service spend a lot of time and money on recruitment and training, McDonald’s does not. This increases the chances of an employee behaving in an inappropriate manner, such as being rude or arrogant to customers or other employees, hence resulting in the development of a negative attitude and perception towards the restaurant.

As stated previously, the Bosch Car Service lays a lot of emphasis on employee recruitment and training. This ensures that the firm offers high-quality repair service to its customers, and also ensures that its customers develop a positive attitude and perception towards the entity. To further enhance its service delivery, this entity specifically offers service and genuine service parts for specific vehicle brands. This develops a feeling of professionalism and specialization in its clients. However, this aspect of consumer service has a negative influence on clients who own cars that cannot be serviced by this firm. Such clients will not have confidence in the firm if they take their cars to be serviced by Bosch.

At McDonald’s, color, lighting, and smell influenced my overall consumer experience. The ambiance that was brought about as a result of the presence of these factors enhanced my eating mood while at the outlet. At Bosch, color and lighting were the main physical factors that enhanced my overall consumer experience while at the service center. The color and lighting of the service center clearly brought out its spatial layout. For instance, the customer waiting area was well spaced with comfortable couches that enhanced my comfort while waiting for my car to be fixed. Additionally, magazines were present, which had more information on the company as well as cars and car maintenance. This greatly enhanced my experience at the service center.

Other aspects of physical evidence at McDonald’s and at Bosch aimed at achieving corporate branding. These entities used signs, symbols, and artifacts to brand themselves within their outlets. At McDonald’s, for example, there was a huge logo of the company. Inside the restaurant, the logo and catchphrase of the company were present on its walls, employee uniforms, as well as the food packages. Bosch took a relatively similar approach to the brand itself. Outside, the service outlet was a huge Bosch sign. Moreover, there were numerous signs and symbols inside the building attributed to the firm. The use of the physical environment for corporate branding purposes is critical, especially in developing brand awareness and brand loyalty in consumers.

Like any other entity, McDonald’s used its physical evidence as a service differentiator. To achieve this, the spatial layout of McDonald’s restaurant aims at reducing congestion and increasing sitting space for its clients. Congestions and long queues are usually a problem in many fast-food restaurants. Thus, by overcoming this setback, McDonald’s has managed to brand itself as a fast and effective fast food restaurant. To enhance the experience of its customers, McDonald’s outlets are usually kept clean, well-spaced out, and have ambient lighting. This creates a desirable mood and eating atmosphere in consumers. To enhance service delivery, McDonald’s outlets usually have a huge menu placed above the counter. This menu reduces the time, and difficulty customers might have in deciding what to purchase as well as their costs. Bosch, on the other hand, used its physical environment as a service differentiator. The technical team, for instance, had well-designed overalls with the logo of the company at the back. Such a dressing code tends to develop the notion that its employees are more intelligent, skilled, and interactive as compared to other car service firms. At the same time, the presence of symbols, signs, and magazines enhances the process of service delivery by providing more information about the entity, its operations, the ordering process as well as consumer management.

Despite the fact that McDonald’s and Bosch operate in different industries, the service marketing concepts that these entities are using are fairly similar. Thus, to enhance their overall consumer service delivery, these firms need to conduct more consumer research to understand the needs and requirements of their customers clearly. This will ensure that the service delivery strategies that they will come up with will enhance their brand awareness, differentiate them from their rivals, and meet the needs and requirements of their target market.

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IvyPanda. (2020, June 12). McDonald's and Bosch Car Service Analysis.

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"McDonald's and Bosch Car Service Analysis." IvyPanda, 12 June 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'McDonald's and Bosch Car Service Analysis'. 12 June.


IvyPanda. 2020. "McDonald's and Bosch Car Service Analysis." June 12, 2020.

1. IvyPanda. "McDonald's and Bosch Car Service Analysis." June 12, 2020.


IvyPanda. "McDonald's and Bosch Car Service Analysis." June 12, 2020.

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