Medical terminologies for dummies Essay (Critical Writing)

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This site is dedicated to helping dummies understand the terminologies used in medicine. It is suitable for anyone new to the field of medicine, as well as anyone with an interest of the medical language and or medical education.

The authors explain that knowledge of medical terminologies will only start by knowing the system of the body and recognizing the medical words that are commonly used. They also give an explanation of the influence of Greek in medical terminologies. In addition, they give a list of the medical words that always seem hard to spell.

In explaining the body’s system, the authors explain that the body is a complex system with components that work together. They give a list of terms that represent different parts that make up the body system. These include the skeletal, which represents the bones, joints, axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.

The other term is muscular, which represents the tendons and muscle. The other term is sensory organs, which represents the eyes, mouth, ears, nose and the skin receptors. Furthermore, there is the lymphatic system, which includes the spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, lymph fluid and the lymphatic vessels among other systems (Henderson and Dorsey 2).

A list of the common root words used in medicine is given. The site seeks to give the meaning of certain body parts. Examples of the words listed include the abdomino, which means abdomen; Adeno meaning glad; anterio meaning front; arterio meaning artery; bio, which means life; cardio, which means the heart; cyto meaning a cell, and a list of many other words.

The other section gives an explanation of the medical terms that are derived from the Greek language. The website explains that the founders of modern medicine are the Greeks hence the origin of most medical words.

Examples of such words listed on the site include Semantics. This word is derived from the Greek word semantikos that refers to significant. The coccyx is a term derived from the Greek terminology cuckoo. In essence, this is similar to a cuckoo’s beak. Cardium meaning the heart is derived from the Greek word kardia. The authors also give a list of medical words that are commonly misspelled such as adolescence, alopecia, inoculate eczema, and gonorrhea among others. (Henderson and Dorsey 3).

This site is specifically directed to people who are completely new to the medical field and would like to understand the different terms used in medicine. Medicine is considered one of the most crucial necessities to everyone. It is an area of knowledge, and a science concerning the body system, the diseases, and ways of treatment.

Individuals have at some time in their lives visited a hospital or has seen a doctor for one reason or the other. There are advertisements in the media like in magazines, radios, televisions and the internet. All these mediums try to explain about health and how to deal with it.

They use different terminologies that are at times hard for the layman to understand. Therefore, it is important to be conversant with the different terminologies used in medicine in order to understand the human bodies and the issues that affect them. This site gives an explanation of the basic terms used in the field of medicine. In this case, I will readily introduce it to my community and my work place as a reference guide to different terms used in medicine.

Works Cited

Henderson, Beverley and Jennifer Dorsey. . 2013. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 11). Medical terminologies for dummies.

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"Medical terminologies for dummies." IvyPanda, 11 Dec. 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Medical terminologies for dummies'. 11 December.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Medical terminologies for dummies." December 11, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Medical terminologies for dummies." December 11, 2018.


IvyPanda. "Medical terminologies for dummies." December 11, 2018.

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