Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech Essay

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Do you know that Minnesota has one of the highest voter turnout rates in the United States? In the 2020 presidential election, the state had an impressive turnout of over 79 percent, compared to the national average of around 66 percent (Shaw & Petrocik, 2020).

Introducing the Topic of the Minnesota Election Policy

This remarkable turnout is due, in part, to the Minnesota Election Policy. As a resident of Minnesota and a voter, I am convinced that this policy is an excellent model for fair and secure elections.

Thesis Statement

In this speech, I will explain the Minnesota Election Policy and persuade you that it is a good policy for ensuring a fair and secure election process.

Background Information

Brief History of the Minnesota Election Policy

Minnesota has a long history of promoting voter participation and accessibility. In 1974, the state became the first in the country to allow election-day registration, which significantly increased voter turnout (Coppess, 2018). Over the years, the state has continued to improve its election policy, including introducing online voter registration in 2014. In 2013, the Minnesota Legislature passed legislation establishing a drop-off system, making it easier for people to vote. (Coppess, 2018). The state also introduced automatic voter registration to eligible citizens, further increasing voting access.

Explanation of the Current Policy

Minnesota’s current electoral politics include several key features that set the state apart from others. It offers same-day voter registration service, allowing eligible citizens to register and vote on Election Day. The state also has an unexcused absentee ballot, which means voters can request an absentee ballot without providing a reason why they cannot vote in person. In addition, eligible citizens can pre-register to vote at the age of 16 and can vote early, making it easier for citizens to vote.

Importance of the Policy

Minnesota election policy has played an essential role in promoting voter access, reducing barriers to voting, and ensuring safe and fair elections. It has been praised for its transparency, accuracy, and efficiency, making it a model for other states. The state has a history of having one of the highest turnout rates in the country, a testament to the success of its policies. In addition, the state has experienced no significant incidents of election fraud or other violations, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach in ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. Minnesota’s political elections are a great example of how states can work to promote democracy and encourage citizen participation in the electoral process.

Advantages of the Minnesota Election Policy

Minnesota’s election policy has significantly increased voting access for eligible citizens. Same-day voter registration and unexcused mail-in voting have removed many barriers to voting, making it easier for everyone to participate in the democratic process. This has contributed to high voter turnout in the state and ensured that all voices are heard.


Minnesota election policy includes a number of safeguards to ensure the security and integrity of the election process. The state uses paper ballots, which are difficult to hack or manipulate, and has a robust audit system in place to detect and prevent fraud. The state also uses a statewide voter registration system, which helps detect and prevent voter fraud and ensures that only eligible citizens can vote.


Minnesota’s election policy has simplified the voting process and made it more efficient. Same-day registration, early voting, and no-nonsense mail-in voting have reduced queues at polling stations and made it easier for people to vote according to their schedules. This has resulted in faster and more efficient election results, ensuring that citizens have timely and accurate information about election results.

Personal Experience

As a Minnesota resident and voter, I have personally experienced the benefits of Minnesota electoral politics. I was able to register to vote on the same day of the election and have used absentee voting without reasonable cause in the past. These choices make it easier for me to participate in the election process, even with a busy schedule.

Positive Impact It Has Had on My Voting Experience

Minnesota Electoral Politics has made my voting experience more efficient and accessible. I was able to vote without having to miss work or rearrange my schedule. This has allowed me to participate more effectively in the democratic process and ensure that my voice is heard. In addition, the security measures in place give me peace of mind that the election process is fair and accurate. Knowing that my vote has been counted and that the integrity of the election is protected is essential to maintaining confidence in the electoral system.


In conclusion, Minnesota’s election policy is a solid model for ensuring fair and secure elections, and I believe it is a good one.

Main Points Summary

We discussed the background and benefits of electoral politics in Minnesota, including its accessibility, safety, and effectiveness. We also address common misconceptions and provide evidence to support policy. Finally, I shared my personal experience of politics and how it positively impacted my voting experience.

Call to Action to Support the Minnesota Election Policy

I encourage you to support Minnesota’s electoral politics and support similar policies in your state. By working to promote voter access and safety, we can strengthen our democracy and ensure that all voices are heard. Thank you.


Coppess, J. (2018). The fault lines of farm policy: A legislative and political history of the farm bill. The University of Nebraska Press.

Shaw, D., & Petrocik, J. (2020). The turnout myth: Voting rates and partisan outcomes in American national elections. Oxford University Press, USA.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 24). Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech. https://ivypanda.com/essays/minnesota-election-policy-persuasion-speech/

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"Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech." IvyPanda, 24 May 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/minnesota-election-policy-persuasion-speech/.


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech'. 24 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech." May 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/minnesota-election-policy-persuasion-speech/.

1. IvyPanda. "Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech." May 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/minnesota-election-policy-persuasion-speech/.


IvyPanda. "Minnesota Election Policy Persuasion Speech." May 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/minnesota-election-policy-persuasion-speech/.

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