The digital marketing strategy implemented in April 2020 has caused a variety of improvements in terms of effectiveness, including reductions in the bounce rate and increases in session duration. Despite still being high, the bounce rate has been reduced by 6.23% recently, which is indicative of the growing engagement with the company’s web content (Poulos et al., 2020). A notable improvement in average session duration (it has increased by 125%) also points to this positive trend.
One area for improvement refers to the measures to attract new users. As per the analytical report, the number of new users of the company’s website has decreased by almost 18%. To prevent this tendency from affecting marketing results for the following month, is it possible to increase potential new clients’ exposure to the company’s advertisements by establishing partnerships with other prominent businesses selling green goods. Particularly, buying advertising space from the most popular sustainable food blogs or online organic supermarkets can be beneficial.
As for the second opportunity, the content of the website can be variegated to cause further growth in the average session duration. As per the Databox business analytics platform, the ideal average session duration is between two and three minutes, and Sustainable Sips’ result is less than one minute and a half (Albright, 2020). The potentially helpful measures include the increased use of video content on the website and internal links (Albright, 2020). Particular examples are video blog entries devoted to the benefits of reusable bottles and product reviews that would incorporate the elements of popular science.
The third improvement area relates to maintaining the balance between new and returning users. For websites that engage in commercial operations, loyal customers present a critical source of financial growth, whereas Sustainable Sips’ share of returning visitors continues to decrease (Malnik, 2020). It can be helpful to start social media accounts to attract followers or make use of e-mail newsletters, thus increasing former clients’ exposure to news about the business.
Albright, D. (2020). Benchmarking average session duration: What it means and how to improve it.Databox. Web.
Malnik, J. (2020). New vs. returning visitors: What’s the right balance & does it even matter?Databox. Web.
Poulos, M., Korfiatis, N., & Papavlassopoulos, S. (2020). Assessing stationarity in web analytics: A study of bounce rates.Expert Systems, 37(3), e12502. Web.