Morale: Importance of Showing a Positive Attitude Essay

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Morale which is also regarded as esprit de corps especially when discussing the morale of a group, is an indefinable word used for the ability of individual to maintain trust in a body or an objective, or even in individual and others. Esprit de corps is the term used specially to military personnel and to members of sports teams; however it can as well be utilized in business organizations and in any other organizational perspective, especially in situations of tension or disagreement. Many scholars into the issues concerning morale define it as the capacity of a group of individual to pull together with determination and consistently in pursuit of a common objective.

In an army perspective, there can be two connotations to the word morale. In one hand chiefly it means the solidity of a unit, task force, as well as other military group. In the other hand, an army with excellent supply lines, appropriate air cover and clear goals possesses, entirely can be regarded as having a good morale or high morale. Typically, elite army units including the famous Praetorian Guard, Napoleon’s imperial guard, and many Special Forces and elite units such as the US Marine Corps, French Foreign Legion, US Army Special Forces, SAS, and Spetnaz, are considered to have high morale. This is because of their elite training and pride in their unit.

Moreover, when an army unit’s morale is considered to be depleted it implies that unit is close to crack and surrender. A good example is the case of Italian units in North Africa during World War II. Usually, majority of army commanders do not consider the morale of particular persons but rather the fighting spirit of squadrons, divisions, battalions, ships, among others.

Despite the indefinable character of morale, in most army improvements in material factors including remuneration, food and shelter can improve the morale. But, history is crammed with stories of the self-will and purpose of a poorly supplied army sustaining morale to the very end. A good example is the army of northern Virginia in the American Civil War.

Army morale can benefit from proper quantity and quality of food, water, and shelter; the quality of military leadership as well as the quality of military training. Further, having a volunteer army rather a force composed of potentially less motivated conscripts can as well benefit army morale. Additionally, belief in the values the military represents, and fights for as well as belief in, and loyalty towards the nation and culture the military fights on behalf of are also very important in boosting the morale of an army.

Morale in fighting is also linked to the morale of a country’s people. Research and other studies urge that, a country whose citizens lose their determination to fight more often than not loses the war as well. These findings also suggest that, country’s people have the likelihood of retaining high wartime morale when the aims of a war are clearly known by the public, the aims of a war are valued by the public, and the population believes the war can be won. Also a high wartime morale can be retained when the population believes the war is worth winning and fears the negative result of losing the war.

Studies suggest that, the morale of an inhabitant population can also increase or decrease due to exposure to misinformation from their government or opposition forces. In the current world, psychological warfare is a key element in the war. In effect, nation states, politically motivated people, religious activists, as well as secular pressure associations use psychological warfare to control the minds of citizens in nations and cultures they are opposed to. Reviewed research indicates that maintenance of morale is one of the basic principles of war.

Workplace circumstances play a significant role in transforming the workers morale. These events may include weighty layoffs, the deletion of overtime, cancelling advantages programs, and the pressure of employees unions. Other circumstances that can as well impact workplace morale include sick building condition, low pay, as well as workers being mistreated.

Factors that can boost morale in the workplace include Job security, employees feeling that their contribution is valued by their employer and true opportunities for value based promotion. Moreover, the work culture, team composition as well as a good management style can also boost morale in the workplace. Further, the perception that the work is being done by the whole organization as well as the social value of the work being done by the organization is very important in boosting the morale in the workplace.

The importance of morale such as showing a positive attitude to whatever a person is doing is something which is very difficult to quantify. Recent research efforts into morale suggest that, showing a positive attitude toward individual work helps him/her in keeping it going. This is because a positive attitude encourages and motivates an individual to learn more of what he/she is doing hence allowing for a long-term engagement in that activity. A positive attitude enables soldiers to be more effective.

Regardless of the kind of job an individual is doing the better his/her attitude toward that work the more he/she get that job done. A senior army officer should have a positive attitude toward his/her job. This in essence will help those around him/ her to work toward achieving the targeted goal of that team. Studies point out that, even a positive attitude as simple as a smile that an individual shares with another who needs one result into inspiration in that person’s mind. When you look closely, all around the world, many individuals like to complain. This in effect, for sure, affects the world around them. Looking at the two alternatives in this matter, it is worth for an individual to do his/her part to make a positive impact in the world around him.

Morale such as having a positive attitude in the army allows for the improving of the level of service that the soldiers provide to their countries. An interpersonal skill is how good an individual can get along with other people around him/her. It is simpler to show respect to individuals, listen to their needs and assist to come up with solutions when a person have a positive mind-set than when he/she has a negative one.

This is because a positive enables an individual to simply feel better when interacting with other. In this case, an individual does not only appreciate what he/she but those around him/her will be more likely to show their appreciation towards him/her.

The point is that a positive attitude influences each single area of individual work, volunteer and home life. Therefore, it is very important that every individual understand and hold this fact. So it is advisable for an army officer to start everyday by doing something that will aid in creating a positive mindset. Perhaps, as army officer you possibly have various ideas as to what that would be for you.

One of the simple ways of reminding an individual that he/she should always have positive is keeping quotes or using affirmations in the area around him/her. Break time can also be effectively utilized to restore a fresh attitude. Moreover, it imperative learn to realize what is worth getting worried about and vice versa. An army officer should always remember what is really important to him or her and if he/she have it. Further, it is equally important to surround yourself with positive individuals.

As individuals we should realized that our attitude is our option and that we are the only one to decide how to tackle issues in our lives. In its simplest form, an attitude can be regarded as individual’s feelings or disposition toward things, situations or people. No matter how as individual may choose to call attitude, it is one of our invaluable possessions. In the first place, it is good to know the significance of attitude.

It is also equally necessary to always remember attitude is everything. This due to the fact that, attitude, whether positive or negative illustrates, what we are in our every day lives. Scholar argues that, a positive attitude toward what an individual is doing is more valuable than experience or education. They in essence utilize attitude as the tiebreaker between when comparing two equally qualified persons.

An army officer ought to know that he or she can not transform the past; however, he/she can change his/her reactions and attitude toward others. Therefore, he/she ought to portray a positive attitude as he/she presents herself or himself. This is because a positive attitude is an essential tool at any time in his/her work.

Further, an army officer must take responsibility for his/her attitude actions. This in essence will give him/her the strength and control during time of change. Studies have shown that, before a change, majority of individuals are comfortable because the situation is familiar. Thereafter, when situations change, such individuals may experience feelings of fear, anger, sadness, resistance, relief, hope, or excitement among others. The way an individual deals with these feelings is what makes the difference.

When army officer has the capability of finding something positive or seeing possibilities in his or her carrier will have energy and motivation. It is vital that, if an army learns how to manage his/her attitude, he/she will not feel paralyzed, and potential benefits will follow such as being able to secure assistance with a positive attitude; his/her self-esteem and productivity in both the private and public sectors will increase; he/she will be a role model for new army officers and others and have more energy to pursue his or her goals and dreams.

Army officers should act in a way to create their own future in their carrier. A positive attitude will aid them creating their future job instead of being held back by allowing negative feelings affect their attitude and behavior. A positive attitude must be that centerpiece in one’s mind. Choosing or exhibiting the right attitude is critical to any army officer success. This is because life provides many possibilities to individuals with positive attitudes.

A positive attitude can enable army officer to get rid of corruption and bring honor and dignity to his/her carrier, be more vigorously when carrying out is duties, bring stability and development in his or carrier, bring a sense of security to his or her country’s people as well as visitors. Moreover, a positive attitude can help army officers learn new skills, revitalize, consolidate and restructure, reevaluate their goals as well as allowing them to follow their dreams and take risks.

In order to succeed, one must have dreams and build castles in the air, as everything is surrounded by dreams. In the process of dreaming, individuals will and ought to meet others and learn new things in order to be competitive and develop. It is very important that army officers recognize their own resources and look from within with the same eagerness and respect on how to deal with people surrounding him/her.

For an army officer to create a positive attitude, he/she ought to monitor and correct his/her attitudes. Research and other studies suggest that, one of the most difficult, nevertheless, important tasks are to monitor and correct deteriorations in our attitude. Various red flags may emerge which indicate that individuals’ attitude may be slipping. These red flags include fear, procrastination, dismay, self-blame, or bitterness. For successful carrier, an army officer should be on the lookout for these feelings and behaviors in order respond positively and direct his/her thoughts and actions to more results oriented activities.

Recent studies show that, when individuals find themselves in changing situations, it is vital to maintain structure and routine. This in essence helps in keeping positive attitudes. Keeping the structure in the army will help soldier stay motivated on his/her task, and see the steps need to take to bring progress. It is therefore very important in army to avoid exclusive programs and implement inclusive programs for all army officers regardless of any political, religious, sex or other affiliations. Further, senior officer in army should establish incentive that will encourage their junior to change our attitude to good ones. These programs should be geared at changing their juniors’ mindset in order to change their attitude.

In order to develop positive attitudes Individuals ought to engage them in positive self-talk. People talk to themselves all throughout the day yet they must stop talking when they realize they are talking negatively and attempt to replace these negative messages with positive messages.

Accordingly, army officers have to surround themselves with positive people who encourage them and help develop them; however, attitudes are like magnets. Positive attitudes attract positive results. This is because spending time with positive individuals who make us feels good about ourselves and the surrounding situation will help maintain a positive attitude.

In order to succeed in army it takes and requires hard work, but an officer will find that it can be accomplished more effectively with a positive attitude. This is because a positive attitude will be valued and appreciated by individuals around us. Further, it is worth to note that, when change come our way, as it often does we ought to remain in control by of course, controlling our attitudes and responding positively to that change.

A reviewed research indicates that, highly successful individuals exhibit an unimpeachable attitude of positive behavior and there is nothing these individuals can not acquire in their life. There is utterly nothing they can not seek to be and there is simply nothing they can not own. These persons are the masters of positive attitude, a self realized vigor that propels them towards the path of greatness.

Scholars maintain an individual can do whatever he/she wants if he/she the power of positive attitude. This is due to the fact that how an individual steers his/her life, depends on how he/she adjust his/her attitude. Therefore, a positive attitude will help an army officer develop a successful career, while a negative attitude will create more problems in his/her personal life.

Attitude is a state of your mind and tests individuals’ patience and stress. This is due to the fact that, when an individual handles his/her stress with optimism and hope; the end result might be the clutches of despair and hopelessness. An army officer with a positive attitude will ensure that he/she stays optimistic in whatever he/she does and perform in his/her life. Optimists are effective in countering any form of stress or problem to emerge as ultimate winners, while a pessimist is likely to deny the existence of challenge and run away from the source of problem as well. An optimist invariably becomes successful in achieving his cherished goals, while a pessimist can never hope to become successful, due to his/her negative attitude.

Studies indicate that, the trait of positive attitude is developed from the time we are adolescent. This implies that an individual demonstrates a high level of positive attitude, when he/she grows in an environment that is highly positive and immensely hopeful. Individuals with a positive attitude always perceive things very positively and respond to any tricky circumstances with positive answers like, Yes, I can do it, it is attainable, it is perfectly possible and I am capable among other positive remarks. While negatively inclined individuals more often complain about other people and situations and are always pessimistic in all what they perceive and do.

If an army officer has been demonstrating an intense negative attitude in his/her life as a soldier and always expecting failure and tragedies in his/her carrier, it is now the right time to change the way he/she perceives things and how he/she behaves. It is also a right time to eradicate those negative thoughts and behavior and attain treasured goals for a cheerful life.

Therefore, it essential when army officer see the signs of a negative attitude or feelings creeping in his or her mind, to stop and start visualizing those vividly beautiful pictures of success and contentment. Research and other studies suggest that, a novel way of stopping negative thoughts from individual’s mind. Even though this technique is a bit complex to learn, an individual can attempt them at his/her own leisure.

Thought stopping process involves two fundamental phases that is a driving mechanism to shoo away all those negative feelings and perceptions and an infiltration mechanism whereby your negative mind is infiltrated with positive thoughts and feelings. Self talk and positive affirmations are recognized scientific mind ideologies which can aid an individual to develop positive mindset. Develop an individual self talk and affirmation statement and start talking to yourself on a usual basis.

Another unusual method for an individual to develop a positive attitude is to create sticky notes with positive statements like, I can do it, am capable, success is mine and I have a aim, and to stick them up on his/her surroundings where he/she can see the message each day and night.

Further, get familiar with highly successful individuals with tangible achievements. This is because the right association and acquaintance will make things easy for you to develop positive attitude. An individual can as well start reading all those positive self help books and magazine and attending to self help workshops and seminars which assist in developing a positive attitude.

Positive attitudes can only be imparted to you by you only and not by anyone else. This is because this internal mechanism which requires individual’s effort and dedication. It can take significantly long period however it is priceless when an individual attains it

Recent research and studies have indicated that education contributes just 15% in acquiring a new job or promotion whereas the remaining 85% is because of attitude. This in essence implies that, for an army officer to achieve success in his/her carrier, the importance of having a positive attitude can not be challenged.

Always two thoughts are fighting in an individual’s mind. One is the positive thinking and the other is the negative thinking. Each and every moment of our life is determined by this difference between the stepping stone and the stumbling block. Positive attitude is the key to success while Negative attitude is the key to failure.

Recent studies have shown that, individuals with an upbeat perspective of life were less likely than pessimists to show signs of frailty. The same findings have found that a positive attitude may delay the ageing process. Studies have also proven that not only having a positive attitude can improve our mental health; it can also improve our physical health. It is so important to have a positive attitude as it can really improve our life. So start to have positive attitude today.

Importance of morale in war

Morale is significant element of warfare for various reasons. This is because it provides the determination to fight and the driving force to win. The absence of morale within an army is in effect up a creek while not having paddle. An army with a low morale can find it very difficult for it to be successful in battle. This due to the fact morale brings about the eagerness to do the duty at hand; it is a very essential element to have in battle.

Morale is needed to keep soldiers from ignoring the significance of listening to their commanders. Without positive attitude in the army the hell can break loose on the battleground. There is no time in war for idleness or disgruntlement. Studies point out that, low morale causes armies to lose war. The strategy to win battle is being aggressive and willing is definitely a key to success, both on the battlefield and anywhere else in life. It is very necessary in battle for an individual to keep a cool and steady head. That is absolutely one of the reasons many armies succeed in the war.

Morale is one of the top priorities of any particular army. To this date, the meaning of morale is becoming a worldwide concept excepted by armies across the globe.

Research and other studies suggest that war is inseparable marriages of physical and immaterial or moral forces such as will; however the moral forces are more essential to war. This is to say that, fighting is a trial of moral and physical forces through the medium of the latter. The physical factors seem little more than the wooden hilt whereas the moral factors are the precious metal, the real weapon, the finely-honed blade. Moreover, if moral forces are the definitive determinant of battle, it then follows that the demolition of the enemy’s determination to resist should be the key aim in any war. War is the bloodiest resolve, however, it should be considered an act directed at killing the enemy’s will rather than his/her soldiers.

It is importance for both the soldier and the commander of morale and will. The soldier’s initial requirement is moral and physical courage, both the taking of responsibility and the containment of fear. For a soldier to survive the horror of battle he/she ought to have an invincible martial will, which can be achieved only via military victory and hardship. The soldier has but one role that to fight at the right place and the right time.

On the other hand, for an army commander to enter the psychological fog of battle, he/she must have sound judgment. This can be depicted as an intuition rooted in experience and sober calculation, and determination. This in essence enables him or her not waiver from his/her decisions. This is because in the terrible presence of suffering and danger, emotion can easily overcome intellectual fervor, and in this psychological fog it is so hard to create clear and inclusive insights that changes of view become more understandable and excusable. This is to say that, action can never be based on anything firmer than instinct, a sensing of truth.

To be certain, an army commander also requires being bold. In the army, the higher up the chain of command, the great the need for courage to be supported by a thoughtful mind. Without this, it is possible for the boldness to degenerate into aimless bursts of blind zeal. These features create military genius. That is the inquiring rather than the resourceful mind, the inclusive rather than the specialized approach, the calm rather than the emotional head to which in war individuals would choose to entrust the fate of their brothers and children, and the safety and honor of the nation.

Determination plays a significant political role in calculus of war. Therefore, the armed services offer the means for war; such means ought not to be diverted from their intended political purpose. After it has been established, from the political conditions, what a war is meant to attain and what it can achieve, it is early to chart the course. However, great strength of character and great lucidity and firmness of mind is required in order to follow through steadily, to conduct the plan, and not to be diverted off course by many of diversions.

The entire carrying out of armed force for political ends is far more demanding than the mere establishment of those political goals in the theoretical. The most important act of judgment that the statesman as well as commander has to make is to establish the form of a battle on which they are embarking. He/she should not mistake it for, or try to turn it into, something that is unfamiliar to its nature. This is should be the first of all strategic questions and the most inclusive.

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IvyPanda. (2021, August 28). Morale: Importance of Showing a Positive Attitude.

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IvyPanda. 2021. "Morale: Importance of Showing a Positive Attitude." August 28, 2021.

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