Teaching is a very difficult process where positive results can be achieved only with the help of the excellent work of a teacher and the desire of children to study and obtain new knowledge. That is why it becomes obvious that it is very important to organize the teaching process taking into account these facts. It is vital for a teacher to be able to create his own approach to the organization of a lesson, basing on existing effective models and trying to make children work hard and get joy from the process of studying.
It is very important for a teacher to arouse the desire to study among his pupils. It is obvious that motivation plays a great role in the teaching process as it leads to increased effort and energy (The importance of motivation in an educational environment, n.d.). Motivated pupils go to school with great pleasure, trying to obtain new knowledge, and they willingly become involved in the process of study.
At the same time, stress, low motivation, and bad and depressing atmosphere on lessons repel pupils from the school, making them unwilling to study. Pupils, who are unhappy at school cannot work with maximum performance, being frustrated and stressed (Building an Encouraging Classroom, 2013). That is why the first task of any teacher is to create a special construct for his lessons to be interesting and motivating pupils to study.
With this in mind, it is possible to recommend a teacher to give consideration to the idea of encouraging the classroom. The main idea of this theory is that any child or his parents in this classroom should feel that they are supported and cared for. Of course, it is a teachers task to create such a kind of atmosphere.
However, it can result in a great increase in motivation and pupils desire to go to school under any conditions, even if they are ill (Building an Encouraging Classroom, 2013). The attractiveness of this classroom for pupils can be explained by the fact that teachers should take into account different peculiarities of all children and guarantee fulfillment of their main needs, at the same time trying to give them something new.
With this in mind, based on this theory, it is possible to create some special construct for discipline and teaching process, on the whole, taking into account different peculiarities of children. First of all, it deals with questions of discipline. There is no use denying the fact that the behavior of children depends on their age. That is why it is absolutely vital to take into account the age peculiarities of pupils. This statement can be easily supported by an example. It is very difficult for the youngest pupils to restrain natural for their age activity.
It is peculiar for children of their age to be very flexible and mobile. It is not surprising that it is very difficult for them to sit quietly during the whole lesson. Their attention decreases, and their mobility rises. They become noisier. With this in mind, in encouraging the classroom, it is very important to organize some special breaks for these little children to fulfill their drafts for movement.
Some micro pauses will give them needed activity, and they will be able to perceive the following information more attentively. Moreover, these breaks can serve for the creation of a positive atmosphere in terms of encouraging the classroom, as children love games very much. That is why they will go to school willingly, knowing that a good game is waiting for them. These pauses can also raise the level of knowledge among young pupils, as they will perceive information better.
However, these actions will not be complete without the close collaboration between a teacher and parents of children. That is why it is very important to take into account this factor while creating a certain construct for the teaching process. First of all, it is important to make sure that parents are really involved in the process as a child spends the majority of his time at home, communicating with his parents. It is easy to do it by organizing special parent meetings.
This practice can guarantee the accomplish several tasks at the same time. First of all, it will be easier for a teacher to control the atmosphere at home and give some special pieces of advice for parents to create a good working place at home.
Secondly, visiting these meetings and discussing the school life of their children, parents can feel involved in the process, which will guarantee their satisfaction and increase the assurance incorrectness of their actions, which are aimed at the creation of a good studying atmosphere for their child. Moreover, this process is of ambivalent character. Children feel more comfortable and satisfied when they see that their parents care about their studies and are involved in the teaching process. The whole family becomes satisfied.
With this in mind, it is possible to suggest creating a certain construct for the studying process, which is based on the theory of encouraging the classroom. It is important to take into account age peculiarities of children and involve parents in the teaching process. Under such conditions, children will obtain positive motivation for study.
Reference List
Building an Encouraging Classroom. (2013). Web.
The importance of motivation in an educational environment. Web.