Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement Essay (Article)

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Our company values the comfort and well-being of our employees and prioritizes it as one of the primary tools for meeting the expected goals and accomplishments. Motivating and recognizing the job performance of our staff is critical to ensuring Netflix’s success. Thus, it was decided that specific improvements had to be implemented to the hiring process and the interviews that accompany it.

The initial recommendation was to minimize the time the HRs spend on questionnaires to gather personal information about the candidate. We found that filling out the online survey yields the same results as a face-to-face interview. However, in the latter option, the presence of HR is required, and instead of spending time on the face-to-face first interviews, the employees can put their efforts into managing urgent responsibilities elsewhere. Not only can this advancement automatize the discussions, but give the company a competitive edge due to the possibility of completing more tasks on a daily basis.

Besides, we feel like it is of utmost importance to reduce biases during the hiring process. Replication of real-life scenarios seems like a fitting solution to eradicating the possible negative or unpleasant HRs’ first impressions during the face-to-face interview. Besides, candidates will feel more comfortable during the AI-produced interview and will be able to tackle any presented challenges without the prying eyes of strangers. It is also a benefit to introverts who are not comfortable working with people and are aiming to get positions that do not involve constant social interaction within the office. What is more, such an improvement is advantageous to everyone in the company and its stakeholders. The employees would not waste time on interviews which could be easily automatized without any complications. The stakeholders would undoubtedly benefit as the job performance of the staff would be increased, and more responsibilities would be managed throughout the day, reaching or even surpassing the expected KPIs.

Similarly, we regard one complex interview as insufficient to determine whether the candidate’s skills set, background, and knowledge meet the expectations of the employees. As a matter of fact, it seems reasonable to offer a few stages to the hiring process, not necessarily to complicate the procedure but to ensure that the candidate can show the best possible results. It is evident that one long interview negatively impacts a person’s attentiveness, alertness, and concentration, but if the interview is separated into two or three steps, it will likely increase the productivity of prospects. Besides, such a system is likely to get to know a candidate more and see how one acts when facing obstacles and challenges with the help of an AI-generated interview.

We feel that it would contribute to us hiring the most suitable candidates that would be critical to the company’s success. Furthermore, the interviews could be adjusted or explicitly designed for every position so that candidates would pass more stages for more crucial roles in the company and vice versa. Naturally, higher-paid jobs require more skills and knowledge, and to ensure that candidate meets all the expectations, a more complex interview is required. In a way, it may be disadvantageous because the interview itself would take more time to conduct, so the hiring process would be prolonged. Yet it would benefit the company and stakeholders as the chosen employees would be real professionals in their field and contribute to the company’s achievements.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 8). Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement.

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"Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement." IvyPanda, 8 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement'. 8 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement." May 8, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement." May 8, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Netflix: The Hiring Process Improvement." May 8, 2024.

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