The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a news website and is among the biggest news sources in the world. It collects news and has its journalists based in all parts of the world.
This website has several producers who they rely on in their production of the news. They include individuals, the Press Association, Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse.
BBC covers general news which includes weather news, political news, international news, sports, entertainment and technology news. This news comes from around the globe with its journalists based all over the world.
BBC website news is accurate since it reports news as it happens with reporters on the news websites. It also updates its website quite often as they happen. The site looks well organized.
Sky Sports news website is another source of news which also has individual producers from some parts of the world. Its news coverage is actually based on sports from around the globe. They report news on sports like football, golf, rugby, tennis, F1, cricket boxing and many other sports. It also reports news on the transfer of players and coaches from one team to another as they happen. This website tries to report the news as they happen but also based on speculation, which sometimes comes true or at times never happen. Example on speculation is when they report news of the transfer of players who are likely to get transfers to certain clubs.
This website is updated regularly as the news happens, but one has to wait, especially when it’s based on gossip to determine whether they are true or not.
The website looks very well organized and simple.
Cable News Network (CNN) is also a giant news gatherer from all parts of the globe and like BBC, it covers news from all continents including the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East, Business news, sports news, entertainment etc. This actually means that this is a general news website.
This news website is also accurate in its reporting/posting since they have reporters from around the world; hence they are not based on speculation. They report the news as it happens and they update it as soon as possible after the news happen.
Their website is organized and easy to follow.
The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) is a news-gathering agency based in the USA, but it is not as big as BBC and CNN in their news coverage. It reports general news like entertainment, international news, technology etc. although it does not have global coverage, it reports accurate news and the site looks easy on the eye.
The New York Times is the last news website on my list, and it is based in the USA. It is a general news website as it posts news ranging from one category to another. The website also reports accurate news, although it is not among the giant websites, and it updates its news regularly.
The website does not look good; it is clouded and lacks eye-catching facts.
Following the accuracy of reporting of these news agencies, it is difficult to detect news which is not reported accurately since they have professional journalists who gather news from reliable sources hence reduce the chances of inaccurate reporting.