Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics Essay

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Week 1: Data Collected and Analyzed in Terms of Project Effectiveness

Data collection and evaluation a crucial step of the project realization. The DNP student began by systemizing the empirical data, which consisted of survey results and personal observations. The participants utilized a twelve-week program consisting of daily forty-five-minute mindfulness meditation sessions. Then, they filled an Expanded Nursing Stress Scale survey, which allowed the DNP student to evaluate the practice’s effectiveness.

The primary objective was to determine whether such mindfulness practices are, indeed, capable of reducing occupational stress levels in the field of nursing, as suggested by Heredia et al. (2017). Accordingly, the task consisted of comparing two data sets. The first test results were collected prior to the intervention, whereas the second data set was obtained upon completing the practical stage of the project.

Week 2: Nursing Implications and Outcome of the Project

Having collected sufficient information in regards to the project results, the DNP student utilized an analytical framework comparing pre- and post-intervention data sets. This process showed a significant decrease in participants’ occupational stress levels following the completion of the project. Accordingly, it was possible to conclude that mindfulness meditation programs were a promising stress-reduction instrument in the clinical environment. Therefore, the outcome of the project correlated with the theoretical framework synthesized in the course of the integrative review. As for nursing implications, the project introduced a promising avenue in terms of stress management techniques in high-morbidity patient work.

Week 3: Professional Mentoring

Professional mentoring was a crucial component of the discussed project. The DNP student attempted to demonstrate the maximum level of research independence. Nevertheless, it was important not to confuse independence and subjectivity. Professional mentoring allowed the DNP student to introduce professional insight into the project and increase its value. There were regular meetings and on-line consultations, during which the mentor received project updates and provided feedback. The DNP student later compared the proposed solutions with their own theoretical trajectory.

Week 4: Professional Growth

The DNP project was an experience of exceptional value in terms of the student’s professional growth. True mastery in one’s area of expertise is attained through an in-depth understanding of all implicit aspects. In the case of this project, the DNP student was able to review at length the issue of occupational stress in nursing. During Week Four, the DNP student systemized professional knowledge obtained during the study and analyzed it through the prism of professional growth. Prior to beginning the study, the DNP student filled a questionnaire devoted to occupational stress management. Once the study was completed, the questionnaire was filled in again, revealing a better understanding of the issue.

Week 5: Short- and Long-term Goals

Week Five was dedicated to determining the long-term and short-term objectives of the project. In the short term, the DNP student expects to acquire a better understanding of the issue and attempt to present the findings to the professional nursing community. Simultaneously, long-term goals are more ambitious, as this project has the potential to improve the field of nursing in general. Theoretical findings and practical implications present a framework of reference for all professionals experiencing increased occupational stress due to working in high-morbidity environments.

Week 6: Preceptor/Mentor as a Role Model

As determined during Week 3, professional mentoring was an important element contributing to the success of this project. The preceptor, indeed, provided the DNP student with a role model, serving as a source of professional insight. There were weekly updates and discussions between the DNP student and the preceptor, which ensured the proper research direction.

Week 7: The Use of Elevator Pitch for Project Promotion

In order to attain both short- and long-term objectives, it is important to be able to present the findings to the public. In fact, true mastery consists of the ability to present profound research in a concise, convenient form. Accordingly, the DNP student devoted Week 7 to elevator pitch practice, using a stopwatch. The goal was to condense the information in a short yet understandable manner while preserving all key aspects of research.


Heredia, L., Gasol, L., Ventura, D., Vicens, P., & Torrente, M. (2017). . Mindfulness & Compassion, 2(2), 130-137. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, May 22). Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics.

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"Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics." IvyPanda, 22 May 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics'. 22 May.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics." May 22, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics." May 22, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Nursing Work Stress Level During Pandemics." May 22, 2022.

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