It is to be believed that our brain is divided into two and the study of its functioning as a whole is so important to Physiologists and psychologists. One can see that Psychology is closely related to human behavior. And it focuses upon the actions of brain and nervous system. To learn more about brain, right brain/left brain specialization and the study of functioning of brain is important.
The book Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Explorations into the History of Psychological Research, Sixth Edition by Roger R Hock explores the mysteries behind human mind and behavior. Now, one is to be able to identify that there is a close connection between human behavior and human brain. The first chapter of the foretold book is based upon a study conducted by Gazzaniga M.S. tries to disclose the functioning of human brain.
It can be seen that the left part of our brain controls right side of our body and the right part of our brain controls left right side of our body. So it is evident that two parts of the brain perform different functions. The split brain conducted by Roger W. Sperry reveals that there exists a communication between two hemispheres of the brain. So as to understand more about the functioning of the human brain, one must try to understand human behavior, intellectual development, and the changes that happen in the brain during sexual responding etc. Roger R Hock is able to define all these through the book Forty Studies that Changed Psychology: Explorations into the History of Psychological Research, Sixth Edition.
It is pointed out that the book is helpful to understand human behavior. “explains forty of the most influential studies that have shaped our understanding of human behavior during psychology’s brief history.” (Hock 2008, p.1). To understand human behavior it is important to know deep about the functioning of the brain. It is evident that left part of brain controls the ability to use language and the right part of the brain controls spatial relationships. The result of the research was that the participants demonstrated many unusual mental abilities.
The method of the research was so complicated and it aimed to explore mental and perceptual capacities of the patient. Three tests were conducted and the first test was designed to examine visual abilities, second was to test tactile (touch) simulation and third was to test auditory abilities.
The research was able to prove that two different brains exist with each person’s cranium, with complex abilities. This research was able to reveal the misery behind psychological disorders like dissociative, multiple personality disorder etc. There were criticisms regarding the result of this research. The idea of right/left specification of the brain was not so easy to prove in front of physiologists and psychologists.
The significance of the research is that it was able to prove through experiments that the brain is divided into two and these two halves have many special skills and functions. Moreover, the study conducted by Gaazzaniga was able to prove that the division in human brain will not result the change in intelligence, personality and emotions.
Before summing up, the relation between human behavior and human brain is not fully exposed and future study in the fields of human psychology and physiology may reveal more facts about human brain. The problem headed by psychologists and scientists while studying about human brain is that morality and medical ethics is against the study of brain which is alive. To study the functioning of brain, it must be alive. So, beyond these moral and ethical restrictions, new researchers like Roger R Hock are able to reveal more about human brain. It is to be expected that research in the field of brain mapping and the functioning of brain may reveal more about the complex relation between the process of thought and functioning of human brain.
Works Cited
Hock Roger R. Forty Studies That Changed Psychology: Explorations Into The History of Psychological Research. Alibris. 2008. Web.