Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense Essay

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Ben and Derrick together with their girlfriends Brenda and Diana have completed their final examinations. They plan to travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a famous tourist destination. However, despite the excitement in this city, it is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Despite the travel advisories issued against visiting this city, these youths are confident they will not fall prey to any criminal gangs. However, their holiday is cut short by the disappearance of one of them.

Derrick: (Entering Ben’s room) How are you? I hope everything is well with you? I thought I would find you asleep as usual.

Ben: No. Don’t start your nonsense this morning. I swear I have not slept a wink. I thought that after completing my exam, I would fall asleep like a dormouse. However, you cannot even imagine that my eyes have been wide open for the last six hours. I hate this day. I hate this day! I hate this school and I hate this world!

Derrick: No. Do not be that pessimistic. Look, this world has a lot to offer, yet you see nothing around you. You see darkness and a bottomless pit around you. Your vision is dead. Your hopes are blind, and you are also dead. I have always warned you against these feelings, still, you are playing deaf.

Ben: What do you mean? You are the victim here; can’t you see what is happening? A man spends eight hours in bed and sleeps for two hours only. The rest of the time I was staring at the ceiling and listening to unknown voices outside this room.

(Ben’s mobile phone starts ringing)

Who is this bugging me at this holy hour?

Derrick: (Smiling). Ben, you have issues with everyone and everything in this world. I think you should see a psychiatrist. I must take you there as soon as possible. If I don’t do something urgently; next you will be feeding on the contents of the dustbins. All madmen started behaving this way before help came. However, your case requires urgent attention.

Ben: (Talking on the phone). My lovely Brenda, how is everything going? This morning is very boring, and I hate the morning air and fragrance in my room. Are you still in bed? You must be lucky. I have not slept a wink for the last six hours. No, don’t say that. You know yesterday I spent the whole afternoon working on my last paper so I guess I should have slept like a baby. No. I never went out. Trust me. I never went out, my dear. No. Today, I have no plans. I am going to watch movies and reflect on this term’s performance. (Moving closer to the bed and then sitting on it). I am here with Derrick, and he is pissing me off. (Derrick looks at him and frowns). I think he must have had one of the deadliest nights ever. No. He came alone. I have not heard from her. Let me ask him then, I will tell him later. Thank you for calling. (Sighs and drops the phone on the bed).

Derrick: I know she was asking about Diana. You should have told her that Diana is fine and healthy. Ben, I have an idea. What if we go out to a place we have never visited before? We should visit a strange place far from city life. I hope we will be happy after the trip. I am sure it will make you happy.

Ben: No. We can’t go out today. Brenda is coming, and we will be watching movies.

Derrick: Spare me the movie nonsense. You and I can take our girlfriends with us. We will have fun out there instead of caging ourselves in these little rooms.

Ben: You are right. I accept your offer. (They grab their phones and make calls to their girlfriends. After a short while, they smile and hug each other happily. They start packing their items and leave the room hurriedly).

Diana and Brenda: (In unison). Hello guys!

Ben and Derrick: Hello guys. (They hug each other and head towards the bus station).

Dina: Derrick, I never thought you could keep time as you had promised. You have a bad habit of keeping people waiting for you. Sometimes, I just wish you were programmed to work like a television. I would love to use a remote to control your actions.

Brenda: You have not told us where we are going yet we are following you like sheep. I hate surprises. Where are we going to?

Ben and Derrick: (In unison). We are going to the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Brenda: (Shocked). I am not going there. That is an anti social destination. People trade drugs there and it is like normal business for them. Crime thrives in that town and I am not ready to risk my life. Please, let us not go there. We’d better go to the theatre.

Derrick: (Jokingly). Brenda, the problem with you is that you like watching movies a lot and some contents infiltrate your brain that is why you say such crazy words. That place is safe, and I guarantee your protection and security.

Brenda: (Confidently). I don’t blame you Derrick. Your innocence clouds your judgment. Some of our close family friends went to that place last summer, and none of them came back. Today, their story is still unknown. I would wish to enjoy this day, but I will not go to that place. However, if you insist on going there, you will blame yourselves. Count me out of your plans!

Ben: Brenda, don’t do this, please. We are sure of our security so none of us will be hurt or injured. Besides, we have already booked hotel rooms to spend the nights. We will be safe. Trust me.

Brenda: Are you sure?

Ben: Yes. I am absolutely sure of where we are going. You should trust me to take you to safe places. (A blue bus stops nearby and they all board it and soon they are fast asleep. Rio de Janeiro is a city inhabited by drug peddlers, muggers, kidnappers and other social misfits. They spot strangers as soon as they alight from their vehicles or buses and trace their movements. Later, they attack their victims, rape, rob or kill them).

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 2). Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense.

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"Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense." IvyPanda, 2 Feb. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense'. 2 February.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense." February 2, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense." February 2, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Opening Scene of a Play: Conflict, Intrigue, Suspense." February 2, 2022.

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