Survey Findings
An online survey was conducted on the topic of Organ Donation In Saudi Arabia. A total of 27 participants answered the questions that were asked in the survey. Those participants were of different gender, educational background, age, and nationality. Following are the graphs that illustrate the survey findings over the above-mentioned issue.
Out of those 27 participants, 77.8% were female and the remaining 22.2% were male. As far as their nationality is concerned, 26 participants or 96% participants were Saudis and the remaining one was an Iraqi.

The following graph clearly shows that most of the participants were young and aged between 15-20 years; nevertheless, 25.9% of the participants were elder youth and aged between 21-25 years. As the age ratio implies, a large chunk of participants was from the Higher graduate schools, after that 30.8% of the participants were Bachelors’s students; whereas, the least was the Masters’s degree students who were 3.8%.

It was surprising to see that 74.1% of the participants didn’t have any know-how about the issue and still 66.7% of the participants said “YES” when they were asked if they want to donate their organs.

Those who were willing to donate their organs made their respective choices of which organ to donate and which to not. The following chart reveals that the “KIDNEYS” was the choice that got 81%. After that people preferred to donate their Heart and Liver, and both of these got 57.1%. We can infer from the preference of people for donating their heart that they really lack some information regarding the issue; because the heart is the main key organ of the body and it can only be donated when the person dies.

It was shocking to see the unawareness of people regarding the organ donation issue; which is quite an important issue these days. The problems that are behind the ambiguity that people have over this issue are some of their limitations and perceptions. Unfortunately, this issue has not been made clear and its misconceptions remain at their place. The awareness of the issue should be made through campaigning and proper programs like through hospitals, clinics, television programs, and full support by the government in regulating and passing a common and clear set of rules or ways that make people think, decide and act easily and unhesitatingly over the issue. There should be a ban on selling of the organs because it violates the boundaries of Islam; moreover, people must be made aware of their misconceptions and should be told which organs to donate and which do not. To sum up, the donating of organs along with their donors should be encouraged as it results in the saving of other people’s lives; moreover, it results in the adding up of good deeds performed by the people.