Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test Research Paper

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A person is always known better by his personality and the way he deals with his surroundings and the people around him. Many writers have tried to find out statistics and formulae which could help in finding out what kind of a personality a person possesses. Some of them have been successful in devising such ways and means which could accurately define a person’s personality. Various tests are solved which contain some questionnaires that need to be precisely answered. The result based on the answers marked in the test gives us a rough idea of what kinda person is. One such test is known as the IPIP-NEO Narrative report.

This test is based on five basic principles which are evaluated to do the needful. The accuracy of the result can be determined by showing your report to someone who knows you well and can tell you whether the result is accurate or not. The IPIP-NEO test makes you fill a questionnaire that has some 120 questions and each such question contains some 5-6 choices. The questions are related to yourself and are designed in such a way to extract the maximum possible information about your reactions and what you tend to do in some situations. Based on the answers marked the computer prepares a report of your personality.

An article written by Dan P. McAdams and Jennifer L. Pals titled “A New Big Five” contains the fundamental principles for an integrative science of personality. In this article, the writers have listed five main points or principles which are essential to determine a person’s personality or what he or she is like. Several facets are incorporated by these principles which have their ratings. By answering several questions in a questionnaire, one can easily come to know of one’s accurate self-provided the answers are marked with full honesty and are not made up, else a wrong result is fabricated.


The first principle to be analyzed was Extraversion. Extraverts are those who like to mix up with society and be a part of them. Such kinds of people have a fairly large friend circle and they tend to make friends very easily. An Introvert, on the other hand, is an opposite of an extrovert. Such a person would not be as active in making friends as an extrovert but would be quite humble when approached by someone else for friendship. The sub principles of Extraversion are as follows-Friendliness, Assertiveness, Gregariousness, Activity-level, Excitement level, Cheerfulness. These qualities are incorporated in the principle of Extraversion. My rating on friendliness, gregariousness, cheerfulness, and excitement seeking was very high. I am an average scorer on activity level.

The second principle to be analyzed is Agreeableness. Agreeableness means being considerate, friendly, helpful. Such people are trustworthy also. The main classifications of this principle are-Trust, Morality, Altruism, Cooperation, Modesty, Sympathy.

The rating on trust is average since I don’t trust people too easily. The rating for Morality, Altruism, and Modesty is high. My level of compliance came out to be average.

The third principle is Conscientiousness. It concerns how a person controls his impulses. Such people achieve a high level of success through rigorous planning. The sub-points of this principle are as follows-

Self-efficacy, Orderliness, Dutifulness, Achievement-striking, Self-discipline, Cautiousness.

My rating in Self-efficacy, Achievement-striking, Self-discipline, and Orderliness were average whereas in Dutifulness was low.

The fourth principle is known as Neuroticism. It deals with the emotional aspect of the person. It concerns how the person can control and regulate his or her emotions and feelings. Emotionally reactive people have a high rating of Neuroticism. In times of stress and emotional misbalance, such people are seldom able to take hold of their feelings and may sometimes burst with feelings. On the other hand, those who score low on the Neuroticism scale are less emotionally reactive and can very well manage and control their feelings and emotions. The main facets of this principle are as follows-

Anxiety, Anger, Depression, Vulnerability, Self-Consciousness, and Immoderation. My level of anxiety, depression, and vulnerability, and self-consciousness came out to be average. My level of anger is high.

The fifth and the last principle that is responsible for determining a person’s personality is known as Openness to Experience. It points to the creative aspect of a person. Those who score high on this point are intellectuals. Such people are sensitive to beauty and love art. The facets of this principle are as follows-

Imagination, Artistic Interests, Emotionality, Adventurousness, Intellect, and Liberalism.

My level of imagination and artistic interests is low. My level of emotionality, adventurousness, and liberalism is high. My level of intellect is average. Overall, it says that I enjoy tradition and art but at the same time I am willing to try new religions also.

Finally, the overall test predicts accurately what I am. Also because the answers that I gave were not made up and were what I actually feel should have been concerning me.

Works Cited Page

A new big five”- McAdams & Pals (2006). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, October 31). Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test.

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"Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test." IvyPanda, 31 Oct. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test'. 31 October.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test." October 31, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test." October 31, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Personality and the IPIP-NEO Test." October 31, 2021.

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