Political Power in Nursing Essay

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Traditionally defined as “special kind of a social relationship” (Fairholm, 2009, p. 5), power can be applied to practically any field and alter it significantly. The concept of political power, in its turn, is typically rendered as the hierarchy of the people exercising and producing it (Chaplin, 2009, p. 43).

The very essence of political power, as well as its nature, however, is yet to be identified, as “its proper definition remains a matter of controversy” (Baldwin, 2013). It could be argued that power in general and political power in particular exists in every single domain that people control (Chaplin, 2009, p. 44).

In nursing, power is viewed as the access to “intertwined resources such as wealth, education, political influence and economics” (Daly, Speedy & Jackson, 2014). The specified definition embraces the concept of political power on nursing; therefore, making it obvious that the political choices made in a specific state affect the quality of the nursing services provided to the residents. To be more exact, the political choices made by the state authorities affect the amount of opportunities for the provision of nursing services, as well as the quality thereof.

Nursing and How It Affected My Christian Worldview

The concept of power in nursing in general and the influence of certain political powers on the specified area in particular have altered my view on the subject matter slightly. Although I must admit that it was not very shocking to find out that political events affect the flow of a range of nursing processes, it still seems striking that politics and healthcare are related to each other this closely.

It seems wrong that political forces dominating a certain state dictate specific rules to the nursing department, therefore, affecting not only the experts in the specified area but also the lives of millions of patients. From a Christian viewpoint, the situation under analysis can be interpreted as rather controversial.

On the one hand, by opening the realm of nursing to the political forces of the state, one may facilitate safety of the patients and even enjoy opportunities for better funding, not to mention the fact that successful foreign policy allows for collaboration with influential international companies providing nursing related products, such as medicine and equipment (Choudhuri, 2012).

Therefore, the effects of politics on nursing can be viewed as striving for greater good and helping those in need, which aligns with the principles of the Christian faith (Wiersbe & Wiersbe, 2012). On the other hand, depending on the political regime, the process of controlling the nursing field executed by those beholding power may trigger a significant drop in the quality of nursing services, as the people supervising the key nursing processes on the statewide level are likely to have little idea of nursing and its goals. Thus, the introduction of political power into nursing does not seem reasonable in this case.

Nursing and My Current Role in It

However, once the effect of political power in nursing is restricted to facilitating the processes of communication with international partners, as well as providing financial and social support for nursing services and the people requiring the latter, the effects of power in nursing may turn out to be entirely positive.

More importantly, political power may be used as the tool for reinforcing the process of raising awareness on a range of issues that pose a threat to people’s health on national and international levels. Raising awareness as one of my current roles in nursing is crucial to preventing and addressing a range of health issues; by inviting people to learn more about the subject matter, political forces will help increase health rates not only across the state but also worldwide.

Reference List

Baldwin, D. A. (2013). Power and international relations. In W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse & B. A. Simmons, Handbook of international relations (273–297). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE.

Chaplin, J. R. (2009) Paradigms of political power. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.

Choudhuri, B. (2012). Public services and international trade liberalization: Human rights and gender implications. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press

Daly, J., Speedy, S. & Jackson, D. (2014). Contexts of nursing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Elsevier Health Sciences.

Fairholm, Gilbert W. (2009). Organizational power politics: Tactics in organizational leadership. Santa-Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO.

Wiersbe, W. W. & Wiersbe, D. W. (2012). 10 power principles for Christian service. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 24). Political Power in Nursing. https://ivypanda.com/essays/political-power-in-nursing/

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"Political Power in Nursing." IvyPanda, 24 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/political-power-in-nursing/.


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IvyPanda. 2019. "Political Power in Nursing." June 24, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/political-power-in-nursing/.

1. IvyPanda. "Political Power in Nursing." June 24, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/political-power-in-nursing/.


IvyPanda. "Political Power in Nursing." June 24, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/political-power-in-nursing/.

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