Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility Research Paper

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One of the most relevant social problems globally is the violation of labor rights. Many people worldwide have unsustainable working conditions or are even exploited for the benefit of corporate profits, which leads to physical and mental health problems among workers. Today’s society is changing rapidly and the issues and concepts surrounding day-to-day life are more complex than ever, meaning that society has a social responsibility to improve labor standards.


Historically, forced and abusive labor has been part of many societies. In the 21st century, the quality of life improved significantly, and there is no need to exploit people for nations to survive (Donnelly). However, even today, millions of people are subject to unfair and abusive working conditions (Andrias 636). In summary, there is a need to improve labor standards worldwide and support fundamental human rights.

One of the causes of this problem is the global race for wealth. Economic competition makes business owners choose unsustainable working practices to earn larger profits (Guasti and Koenig-Archibugi 2). As a result, rich people are getting wealthier while the quality of life of the working class drops, frequently leading to physical and mental health complications among regular people. Societies should introduce better labor policies because this approach negatively affects workers and is not sustainable long-term.

Another relevant issue is the economic inequality among nations globally. Business owners from developed countries, such as the United States, hire people from developing economies for cheap labor. While this approach can be helpful for both parties, the evidence shows that it usually promotes labor inequality in global supply chains (Dahan et al. 1026). It occurs because companies can avoid following labor standards and exploit international and domestic laws.

The third point is that some industries have vague labor standards, enabling business owners to avoid international regulations. For instance, McDonald et al. acknowledge that “Forced labor in fisheries is increasingly recognized as a human rights crisis” (1). In other words, it is challenging to enforce sustainable working conditions in some industries (McDonald et al. 4). Hence, governments and international organizations should introduce new policies that can effectively address this problem.

The three examined key points clearly show the gravity of the issue. Many experts agree that the United States and most countries globally need major reforms regarding labor law (Andrias 616). According to the research, this approach can help reduce economic inequalities, enhance working conditions, and prioritize the quality-of-life improvements of the working class (Andrias 697). It is essential to promote meaningful change in labor rights and help people worldwide.

Moreover, the examined issues demonstrate only the surface level of labor rights violations. Abusive conditions and forced labor are still normalized in many countries (Dahan et al. 1028). For this reason, it might also be appropriate to focus on labor movements that have been historically successful in the United States (“Labor Movement”). Combining this approach with governmental policies might be sufficient to improve labor rights globally, enhancing the quality of life of most workers.


The violation of labor rights is one of the most acute social problems in the world, and it is the social responsibility to resolve this matter. Global economic inequalities, race for wealth, and unsustainable working conditions in some industries are some of the most relevant causes of the issue. Governments and international organizations must collaborate to introduce practical policies and enable labor movements. In summary, the situation regarding working conditions in the world is concerning; however, it is still better than in the past, demonstrating that people can unite and make a meaningful change in labor standards.

Works Cited

Andrias, Kate. “An American Approach to Social Democracy: The Forgotten Promise of the Fair Labor Standards Act.” The Yale Law Journal, vol. 128, no. 3, 2019, pp. 616-709.

Dahan, Yossi, et al. “.” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 182, 2021, pp. 1-16. Web.

Donnelly, Drew. “Horizons, Web.

Guasti, Alessandro, and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi. “International Studies Quarterly, vol. 66, no. 4, 2022, pp. 1-10. Web.

.” History, Web.

McDonald, Gavin G., et al. “.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1-9. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 2). Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility.

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"Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility." IvyPanda, 2 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility'. 2 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility." June 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility." June 2, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Preserving Labor Rights as Social Responsibility." June 2, 2024.

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