There are certain sectors of the economy that play a vital role in the development of a country. Therefore, there is a need for utter optimization of such sectors for improvement. One of the sectors that are vital in development is management of electricity and water in the country. For instance, all industries and other sectors depend on electricity for production (Business Monitor International 1, 23). Therefore, constant supply of electricity and water ensures that industries and sectors of economy are in constant production for the development of the entire economy. However, when the supply of electricity and water is not consistent, the industries will be affected, as they will not likely optimize their production.
Graph showing increased efficiency, employment and reduced embezzlement after privatization.
The probable solution for such a scenario is privatization. Privatized industries tend to perform better than other industries that are controlled by government bodies. Therefore, privatization of electricity and water in Kuwait will involve, first, identifying the best performing individuals or groups that could run and manage electricity and water resources in the country (Business Monitor International 5, 25). This will be done by looking at their records of accomplishment while in their respective profession.
Professionals that have undisputed records of accomplishment are likely to instill the same management in the sector. Secondly, there is a need to look at the financial muscle of the individuals and professionals that are involved. The supply and management of electricity and water needs amassed resources for efficiency and effectiveness (Business Monitor International 3, 31). Therefore, individuals and professionals that have sufficient resources will be prepared to manage and run the sector. Thirdly, there is a need to look at the commitment level of the stated individuals and professionals. Individuals and professionals that have unrelenting commitment to serve the country will realize appealing results. Lastly, there is a need to look at the strategic planning of the stated individuals and professionals. Visionary professionals are likely to improve the sector.
For instance, they should have knowledge of the vision 2033 while privatizing the ministry of electricity and water.
Projected production and consumption of electricity after privatization of the ministry of electricity and water

Privatization of such an industry is for the benefit of the country, especially in achieving the vision 2033 (Business Monitor International 2, 18). First, there will be limited interruption from the government and politicians. Politicians have unlimited control over government bodies and ministries. This is a disturbance to development as politicians often have their interests at hand. For instance, some politicians endorse deals in the ministry for personal gains, which include kickbacks.
Under such circumstances, devious and unscrupulous deals are realized. Consequentially, they do not benefit the government. Secondly, privatization of the ministry will mark a reduction in corruption, nepotism, and underemployment. According to the Business Monitor International 4, people would wish to get personal gains through corruption in government bodies (23). This reduces the revenue that the government bodies collect. Secondly, employment does not conform to meritocracy. Under such circumstances, people are employed depending on their allegiance with the government officials. This leads to mismanagement (Business Monitor International 4, 23).
In addition, there is underemployment. However, privatization of the ministry will reduce any of these circumstances. Thirdly, privatization will enhance corporation with other industries that have registered exemplary performance. This will enhance the production and management of electricity in the country. Fourthly, privatization will ensure there is constant economic growth. Privatization will ensure the sector is effective and efficient as there will be minimized embezzlement of funds.
This will be a positive approach to economic growth as there will be an increase in production. For instance, the private sector is likely to look for alternative ways of producing electricity. This includes solar power, geothermal energy, and biogas, which are not only green, but also renewable. Therefore, it is a prudent approach to privatize the ministry of electricity and water as the country is likely to gain.

Works Cited
Business Monitor International. Kuwait Infrastructure Report Q3 2012 Includes 10-Year Forecasts To 2021. London: Business Monitor International. 2012.
Business Monitor International. Kuwait Infrastructure Report Q3 2012 Includes 10-Year Forecasts To 2021. London: Business Monitor International. 2012.
Business Monitor International. Qatar Power Report Q1 20 Includes 10-Year Forecasts TO 2021. London: Business Monitor International. 2013.
Business Monitor International. Qatar Power Report Q2 2013: Includes 10-Year Forecasts To 2022. London: Business Monitor International. 2013.
Business Monitor International. Saudi Arabia Power Report Q2 2013: Includes 10-Year Forecasts To 2022. London: Business Monitor International. 2013.