Adult training is similar to school education in many ways, but it still has many particularities. Age differences shape the way adults are trained, so professional trainers have to consider these features when developing their programs (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). Interviewing professionals is one of the effective ways to gain insights into the peculiarities of the industry or practice. This paper includes a brief report concerning an interview with a professional trainer who shares the most relevant experience.
Interviewee’s Background
As mentioned above, adult training is quite different from formal education as people learn differently at certain stages of their lives. Professional trainers provide educational services in the corporate setting with a focus on organizational needs and goals (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). Training can be related to any aspect, including the development of some professional competencies, some general skills, as well as forming the appropriate environment in the working place. Professional training is also provided to trainers who acquire (and share) knowledge and skills associated with teaching adults. The interviewee is a professional trainer involved in teaching trainers (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017).
This person has been chosen as the experience of this practitioner is valuable since it can provide insights into the most effective and recent teaching methodologies. The obtained information can be utilized in any business and any industry, which is the primary reason for inviting this person to take part in the interview.
When looking for a potential interviewee, colleagues were addressed. Although the online search is one of the primary methods to locate people and data (that is fast and convenient), trusted individuals’ references are also valuable as the trainees’ evaluation of training effectiveness is available. One of the trainers mentioned by a colleague agreed to participate in the interview that was conducted through a digital communication platform. The interview lasted for an hour and had three major parts: greeting, questions and responses, thanking, and termination.
Discussed Areas and Questions
Before the conduction of the interview, the aspects that could be covered were analyzed. The review of the recent literature on the matter unveiled some of the most problematic and relevant aspects. Motivation and specific teaching practices are central to research related to adult learning (Shen-Miller et al., 2015; Thompson, 2016). The use of technology in diverse settings is another area of concern. It has been acknowledged that small companies have fewer opportunities to ensure the development of their employees due to scarce resources they can allocate in staff training (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). It was important to discuss the opportunities such organizations could have in a highly competitive environment. Therefore, the interview involved questions related to these domains.
A semi-structured interview was the most appropriate format for this research as the focus was on the person’s experience and viewpoints. Open-ended questions helped to elicit detailed information regarding the matter. Some questions were planned while others were changed and added during the interview. Since the interview was short, the trainer answered only seven questions. At that, the responses were detailed and provided helpful insights into adult learning and training.
Summary of Answers
One of the challenges the interviewee mentioned was the lack of motivation due to ineffective organizational culture. The interviewee stressed that employees in learning organizations are motivated to take part in training projects and are active and engaged. On the contrary, companies that do not provide their employees with a favorable learning atmosphere have difficulties with developing the staff. People may have a negative attitude towards training and find it unnecessary or even harmful.
As far as the motivational strategies are concerned, the trainer named the establishment of clear goals and effective assessment. Interestingly, the latter was regarded as an integral part of the former as the interviewee argued that assessment was a tool to evaluate trainees’ progress. Adults need to see the relevance of their actions related to their professional life. The assessment shows the extent to which these goals have been reached, which will motivate employees to continue their self-development in particular areas. The creation of social networks has a positive influence on adult learners’ motivation.
This process can be facilitated by the use of technology. The trainer also mentioned that trainers had to utilize different types of computer- and mobile-based opportunities to make training more effective. Finally, the interviewee stressed that self-development and the focus on people’s needs were critical for effective adult training.
Lessons Learned
The assignment was insightful as it offered several lessons to learn. First, it helped to improve research skills as a review of academic works was needed for the conduction of the interview. Peer-reviewed journals mainly contained data concerning specific studies and cases, while books provided detailed accounts of the matter. When crafting the questions, the former was specifically valuable as they revealed the gaps existing in the field.
In addition, the implementation of the interview was instrumental in improving data collection skills. During the preparation stage, the literature concerning interviewing was studied, but some of the difficulties still emerged. One of the most problematic parts was the development of clear questions. A set of questions was developed and evaluated before the interview. Although they seemed clear and consistent with the objective of the interview, the preliminary evaluation revealed several deficiencies. It was also evident that professionals’ views on the effectiveness of the questions were more valuable (compared to relatives’ views) due to their precision and the focus on the most relevant aspects of the issue.
Apart from the insights into the collection of qualitative data, the assignment enriched the understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with adult training. Motivation is one of the primary concerns of scholars and practitioners, although it has been acknowledged that adult learners tend to be pragmatic and understand the benefits of training (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). The need to create a specific atmosphere that implies the development of social ties was quite a valuable insight (Thompson, 2016). This area is often neglected as adult learners are regarded as people concentrated on their personal goals.
Adult learners in the western hemisphere are individualistic, so it can be assumed that these learners would prefer the focus on skills and competencies with no attention to other people in the group and intragroup relationships. However, the interviewee’s experience suggests that adults also benefit from interactions with other learners as they need support from peers and the instructor. According to Thompson (2016), the necessity of social networks and support is specifically apparent among Millennials who are becoming the majority in the labor force. Young adults seek support that can be provided by their colleagues and the trainer. Technology is instrumental in attaining this objective most effectively.
One of the areas attracting the attention of professional trainers is the use of technology. Wlodkowski and Ginsberg (2017) note that information systems, as well as other technological advances, are beneficial for adult training. Effective presentation of training materials (videos, PowerPoint presentations, and visuals) and communication-related tools (computer- and mobile-based communication channels) offer numerous opportunities for adult learning. The use of social networks is another valuable instrument trainers can employ. As mentioned above, social ties facilitate the learning process making trainees more engaged and active. It is also clear that companies of different sizes can utilize technologies effectively and achieve set goals.
The role learning organizations play in their employees’ development was also discussed in detail. The atmosphere in the working place can have an impact on people’s participation in training projects (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg, 2017). Therefore, when developing a training session for a company, it can be necessary to identify the presence or absence of a strong culture since this knowledge can help to choose the most effective training techniques.
Interview Script
What is your specialization? What kind of training projects do you implement?
I train adult learners who are involved in many spheres including but not confined to business, education, health care, and sports. I specialize in instructing professional trainers, as well as the provision of training in such areas as project management, leadership, conflict management, team building, and many other topics.
What are the most challenging aspects of teaching adult learners?
You know, when I meet my trainees for the first time, I often have to face their self-assurance and unwillingness to learn. Many adult learners believe they are successful and need no training in certain areas. For example, based on my experiences, I can say that project management training is something healthcare professionals find unnecessary due to their formal education. Nurse leaders often say they employ some of the most effective techniques in their practice, but soon it turns out that there are many gaps in their knowledge. Trainees employed in other spheres also make it clear that they have the necessary skills and simply waste their time during training sessions. This attitude usually changes rather soon, but some people are way too confident.
And what is the reason for such opinions? Is formal education ineffective?
I don’t think formal education is responsible for this inflexibility. I guess the lack of strong learning … or even any culture in an organization leads to the development of certain views regarding training. This assumption has been mentioned in numerous studies and academic works, and this is something I have noticed in my practice as well. Learning organizations offer a proactive environment for on-the-job training. As a rule, employees are active and engaged; they are committed to achieving the set goals. However, many companies fail to establish an effective culture, which results in employees’ unwillingness to learn.
How do you overcome the issues related to employees’ negative attitudes?
It depends on the exact reactions of my trainees, their knowledge, experience, and skills. I believe my expertise is my most effective weapon. I mean … I always have thousands of tips in my pocket. I help people address the issues they find overwhelming or unsolvable. When trainees see that they can learn from the experience, they become engaged and active. Of course, I do not tell them that they know nothing in this world, but we start discussing various topics, and a plethora of helpful and brilliant ideas emerge. These discussions are extremely important and beneficial as we, I mean my trainees and I, manage to feel connected.
What motivational strategies do you find the most effective?
It is hard to say as all people are very different. Teaching adults has its peculiarities due to the psychological differences of people of different ages. In my practice, setting clear goals and referring to them regularly is a potent motivational tool. Adult learners need to know the outcomes of their training, so they are motivated when they feel the training will have a positive impact on their career or personal life.
I also think building rapport and creating a social network is another instrument to make trainees more motivated. Finally, assessment is a motivational strategy many trainers underestimate and pay little attention to. Assessment is an indispensable part of setting goals as people can never know whether the established goals have been attained. This final stage of training also needs precision and clarity, so trainers have to develop assignments that can be instrumental in evaluating people’s progress. I often resort to tests and role-play as these activities unveil the existing gaps and the outcomes of training.
Can small companies afford the use of advanced technologies in on-the-job training? Is this use justified?
Some trainers do not make extensive use of technologies, but I believe information technology is an indispensable part of the modern business world, so no business activity can be effective without this element. Even the smallest company or an entrepreneur can and should utilize various technological advances. Cloud-based opportunities, mobile-based gadgets, and the Internet are affordable tools trainers can use. Employees have their smartphones or other mobile technologies, so communication can be established through these channels. The development of social networks is the necessary premise for creating a favorable atmosphere for learning. Therefore, technologies should be a part of the learning process.
What tips would you give to a new trainer?
Being ready to learn is essential for a trainer irrespective of the years spent in this sphere. A trainer helps others to develop but has to remember that every training session and every trainee is a source of self-development as well. It is also important to identify trainees’ needs and try to address them rather than follow the established plan based on some assumptions. Every course should be flexible to meet people’s expectations.
To sum up, the interviewee unveiled certain peculiarities of adult learning and training. Motivation and the use of technology are the areas to pay attention to when developing a training program. The assignment was beneficial as it helped to identify the challenges associated with conducting an interview, as well as the opportunities this data collection method has to offer. The development of questions is one of the most important and difficult parts of the process, and external assistance can ensure the creation of precise and concise questions. Such assignments help researchers to use various methods and choose the most appropriate ones for their further inquiries.
Shen-Miller, D. S., Schwartz-Mette, R., Van Sickle, K. S., Jacobs, S. C., Grus, C. L., Hunter, E. A., & Forrest, L. (2015). Professional competence problems in training: A qualitative investigation of trainee perspectives. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 9(2), 161-169. Web.
Thompson, K. S. (2016). Organizational learning supports the preferences of Millennials. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 28(4), 15-27. Web.
Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017). Enhancing adult motivation to learn: A comprehensive guide for teaching all adults (4th ed.). San Francisco, LA: John Wiley & Sons.