This research paper is aimed at analyzing such a disorder as Asperger syndrome. In particular, it is necessary to examine the diagnostic criteria according to which medical workers can identify this illness. Secondly, one should discuss possible causes of this disorder. Furthermore, much attention should be paid to current treatments that can be used by educators and therapists in order to assist children or adolescents.
The understanding of this disorder can be valuable to many professionals. It should be noted that Asperger syndrome can usually be diagnosed between the ages of five and ten (Stanford, 2002, p. 28). One should also bear in mind that in the United States, there are more than a million people who can have this disease (Baker & Welkowitz, 2004, p. 7). Thus, this disorder affects a great number of children.
Apart from that, the syndrome can significantly impair social and educational development of a child (Baker & Welkowitz, 2004, p. 7). These are some of the reasons why this problem should not be overlooked by medical workers, educators, and parents.
On the whole, one can say that the timely diagnosis of this disorder is vital for minimizing its risks. Moreover, it is critical to adopt a set of interventions that help a person develop social and behavioral skills that are adversely impacted by Asperger syndrome. These are the main issues that should be discussed more closely.
Diagnostic criteria
According to the American Psychiatric Association (1996), there are several attributes of this disorder. One should first mention the problems related to non-verbal behavior of a person. For instance, such children tend to avoid eye contact when communicating with other people (American Psychiatric Association, 1996). Moreover, they practically do not use gestures while communicating with others.
Very often, such children find it rather difficult to understand the facial expressions of other people (Stanford, 2002, p. 28). Therefore, they can misinterpret the emotions of others. As a result, they can encounter various communicative problems. It should be noted that these symptoms should be demonstrated consistently; otherwise, one cannot speak about Asperger syndrome (American Psychiatric Association, 1996).
The misdiagnosis is also one of the pitfalls that should be avoided because the misapplication of various treatments can significantly impair the development of a child. This is one of the points that should be taken into consideration.
In some cases, people diagnosed with this disorder tend to make some repetitive movements. In particular, they can sometimes flick fingers in front of their eyes (Klim, Volkmar, & Sparrow, 2000, p. 403). Additionally, such children do not try to establish relations with their peers. Furthermore, the children cannot easily adjust to any changes in their daily routine.
For example, such children always follow the same route while returning from school (Klim et al., 2000). As a rule, they prefer to perform actions according to a specific pattern that they once observed. In turn, a deviation from this pattern can pose significant challenges for them. Sometimes, their academic performance can be impaired significantly.
Additionally, they can be pre-occupied with some objects. Very often, they can play with a single toy for many hours. These are the main characteristics of Asperger syndrome. A child should display the majority of these behavioral characteristics; otherwise, the diagnosis may not be correct.
One should bear in mind that Asperger syndrome is similar to other autistic disorders. However, there is a critical distinction that should not be overlooked. In particular, the cognitive abilities of people affected by this disorder are not significantly impaired. Therefore, this people can better acquire and develop learning skills. This argument is particularly relevant if one compares this group to children who have autism (Bradshaw, 2012, p. 55).
Apart from that, such people do not have problems with the acquisition of language (Bradshaw, 2012, p. 55). Admittedly, some people with Asperger syndrome can struggle with some communicative problems. For instance, they can misinterpret the figurative language (Bradshaw, 2012, p. 55). Sometimes, they can focus on the literal meaning of words. Nevertheless, such problems are not very widespread.
Therefore, such people have more opportunities for achieving personal and professional growth. However, one should keep in mind that the interests of such children can be rather limited, and it may be difficult for them to switch from one subject to another. This is one of the main challenges that educators should anticipate while interacting with such learners.
They need to focus on the development of curriculum and instructions for such students. On the whole, the criteria identified in this section are important for the screening of this disorder. Additionally, educators can use various behavioral tests that can demonstrate whether a child can be affected by an autistic disorder. These are some of the main aspects that can be singled out.
One should mention that there are numerous debates about Asperger syndrome. Sometimes, it may not be described as a mental disorder. More likely, this syndrome should be depicted as a set of characteristics that a person displays during a certain period (Bradshaw, 2012). In other words, it is not regarded as a disability.
Nevertheless, such a view is not supported by the majority of therapists and psychologists since there are some specific problems that are associated with Asperger syndrome, and they can profoundly affect the socialization of an individual (Bradshaw, 2012). This is why its effects cannot be overlooked by educators or psychologists.
Possible causes of this disorder
It is important to mention that the underlying causes of Asperger syndrome have not been fully determined. Currently, this issue is still of great concern to medical workers and researchers who try to identify a specific pathology that is associated with this disorder (Quigg & Nugent, 2005, p. 8). Researchers assume that this disorder can be explained by genetic causes (Quigg & Nugent, 2005, p. 8).
This assumption is partly confirmed by the fact the children of people diagnosed with this syndrome are more vulnerable to the risks of this disease. Apart from that, the scholars note that Asperger syndrome is accompanied by the dysfunctions in such brain areas as temporal cortex and frontal lobes (Attwood, 2006, p. 327).
One should keep in mind that scholars can mostly speak about correlation between several variables such as the dysfunctions of frontal lobes and the onset of Asperger syndrome. Nevertheless, one cannot always say that there are causal relations between several phenomena. This is one of the points that can be identified. Furthermore, there are some events that are normally associated with this disease.
For instance, one can speak about the complications that occurred during pregnancy. In turn, researchers believe that the events that take place after the birth do not increase the risk of Asperger syndrome (Attwood, 2006, p. 327). Overall, it is possible to say that this question has yet to be fully examined and understood by medical workers.
Currently, there is no medication that can be used in order to alleviate the symptoms of this disorder. The problem is that medical workers do not clearly understand the physiological aspects of this disease. Yet, there are various interventions that can help children overcome the symptoms of this syndrome, In particular, it is necessary to speak about cognitive behavioral therapy (Romanowski, 2011).
This approach is necessary for helping a person adjust to the changes in the daily routine. This goal is important for the ability of a child to cope with educational tasks and many other activities that are a part of the everyday life. Overall, a child will see that continuous repetition of the same action is not necessary. Additionally, one can speak about the use of applied behavioral analysis.
This approach is particularly useful for the development of social skills. In this way, a child can learn how to act under various circumstances. Moreover, he/she can better understand the emotions of other people. Therefore, this person will better establish relations with peers. On the whole, this intervention is critical for the proper development of a child. These are some of the main details that can be singled out.
It is critical to remember that parents will be able to play a critical role in the implementation of various therapies. They need to know what kind of difficulties originate from this disorder; otherwise, these people will not be able to meet the special needs of a child with Asperger syndrome. These are some of the aspects that can be distinguished.
It is necessary to mention that that the symptoms of Asperger syndrome become less acute when a person passes into adulthood. Nevertheless, some impairment of social skills can remain tangible even at this stage. Thus, one should make sure that these effects are reduced to the minimum. This is one of the tasks that educators and counselors should do.
Overall, it is critical to adopt a set of methods that can help such children. If this goal is achieved, the effects of Asperger syndrome can be minimized since a child will be able to cope with the behavioral problems. Thus, parents, teachers, or healthcare professionals should be able to recognize the symptoms of this disorder. This is one of the points that should be considered.
On the whole, this discussion indicates that Asperger syndrome is a serious mental disorder that can adversely affect the development of a child. Much attention should be paid to the communicative problems that such children should encounter. Furthermore, these people may not adjust to the disruptions of the daily routine.
Parents, medical workers, and educators should be able to diagnose this disorder as early as possible because they need to make sure that a child can overcome the main symptoms of this disease.
The use of various interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy is vital for achieving this goal. Finally, it is important to avoid the risk of misdiagnosing since such an error can also be rather dangerous. These are the main arguments that can be advanced.
Reference List
American Psychiatric Association. (1996). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Primary Care Version. New York, NY: American Psychiatric Association.
Attwood, A. (2006). The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome. Boston, MA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Baker, L., & Welkowitz, L. (2004). Asperger’s Syndrome: Intervening in Schools, Clinics, and Communities. New York, NY: Routledge.
Bradshaw, S. (2012). Asperger’s Syndrome – That Explains Everything: Strategies for Education, Life and Just About Everything Else. New York, NY: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Klim, A., Volkmar, F., & Sparrow, S. (2000). Asperger Syndrome. New York, NY: Gulliford Press.
Quigg, P., & Nugent, O. (2005). Asperger’s Syndrome: From Diagnosis to Solutions – a Guide for Parents. New York, NY: National Autistic Society.
Romanowski, P. (2011). The Parents’ Guide to Teaching Kids with Asperger Syndrome and Similar ASDs Real-Life Skills for Independence. Boston, MA: Crown Publishing Group.
Stanford, A. (2002). Asperger Syndrome and Long-term Relationships. New York, NY: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.