Public Relations Essay

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International events bring many people from different regions together. When organizing internationals events, organizers should have competence skills so that they can be able to make such events successful and enable the customers to appreciate the products. During preparation of internationals events, public relations and relationship marketing skills play a major role in ensuring that the event is successful (Bernays, 2004).

This paper will assess the effectiveness of public relations and relations marketing in ensuring that international events become successful. To acquire a broader understanding, this paper will discuss numerous theories of public relations and relationship management. This paper will also use the Miss Universe Pageant 2011 as the case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of public relations and relationship management.


Events industry is crucial in informing the public about future events (Peck, 2001). Mostly, events industry is influential in ensuring the public supports local and international events. Notably, marketing plays a major role to ensure that such events become successful. Marketing refers to any positive effort used by a company to cultivate a good relationship between the customer and the company (Bernays, 2004).

These efforts refer to the various approach techniques aimed at achieving the set objectives. Marketing helps individual and companies to obtain positive results through developing channels where they can be able to exchange products, ideas, and values. However, it is important to understand that balancing the company’s need and those of the customer is a crucial step, and any strategy used by the company in the marketing process must be guided by certain goals. Such objectives must meet customers’ expectations (Smith, 2004).

Today, there is a serious competition and event organizers must become innovative in order to out-smart other competitors in the same field. They must also be very creative to develop better strategies that will catch the attention of the customers. On the other hand, it is important that event organizers to have the ability to maintain customer’s base (Marconi, 2004).

A good marketer is able to maintain a good relationship with the customers and therefore ensuring that the marketer also retains his customers (Wilcox and Cameron, 2011). Because of competition, marketers should work towards retaining their customers. However, this is not easy and it requires a well developed relationship between the marketer and the customer. Therefore, public relation and marketing go hand in hand.

Public relation is a management practice which aims at promoting goodwill between the organization and the public, community members, employees and the customers (Brown, 2009). It also involves different procedures that influences public’s attitudes, defines procedures of a company, and develops the action plan to earn public acceptance (Breakenridge, 2008).

When a company develops new products, public relation informs the public about the new products. The public relation department then studies the public to observe their reaction or respond to the new product. This is the reasons why event organizers must organize an event that will be productive.

Relation marketing is a form of marketing which has emerged as a result of customer response. This form of marketing involves being aware of customers need in order to satisfy them (Smith, 2011). Relation marketing aims at developing a strong and long lasting relationship with the customers.

Literature review of public relation theories

In this section, this paper will review numerous contemporary theories of the public relations and relation marketing especially those theories that have emerged in the recent. This theories will demonstrate how new developments have emerged in this crucial areas of public relation and relation marketing.

Rhetoric theory of public relation is one of the public relations theories that emerged long time. This theory was proposed by Robert Heath in the 1980. “Heath proposed rhetoric to be the essence of an organization’s relationship to its environment” (Mackey, 2003). According to Heath, expressing marketing ideas through speech plays an important role in promoting public relations.

Heath also argues that, a good and successful organization is one that is able to communicate well to the customers (Mackey, 2003). Therefore, rhetorical theory plays a major role in facilitating public relations and it accounts for the symbolic aspects of communication that are significant in public relations activities (Mackey, 2003). Rhetoric theory helps to focus on the stakeholders, bring different interpretations, and creates meaning.

The Commitment-Trust theory of relationship marketing. Morgan and Hunt, (1994) argues that relationship marketing is about creating and maintaining quality “relational exchange.” In order to have a successful relation marketing, commitment and trust are key ingredients required to maintain focus to the set goals. Relation marketing involves developing network so that the company can be ahead of other competitors.

Morgan and Hunt (1994) say that, “true marketing companies” become successful by establishing strong networks that are held together by norms such as commitment and trust. Within a network, competitors need to develop a strong trust to cooperate well.

On the other hand, there are other many factors that may contribute to success or failure of relation marketing but commitment and trust are central to success of relation marketing because they encourage investment among marketers, encourage commitment to short term and long term goals, and they promote efficiency leading to supportive behavior (Morgan and Hunt, 1994).

Symmetrical model of public relations. This theory was brought forward by Grunings and has its foundation from political science theories (Turney, 1998). Interest group liberalism is a political theory, which believes that in a society, groups have different interests and there is need to indentify a point of harmony.

For instance, in a country groups of activists or trade unions must be formed to protect the public from exploitative behaviors (Turney, 1998). The symmetrical model in public relations argues that, public relation officers are hired not only to make sure the organization benefits but also to ensure that the targeted groups benefit (Turney, 1998).

This theory also argues that public relations occur when people want to secure and develop their expectations. For these reasons, people have to engage in dialogue and arguments to solve current issues and prevent conflict in the future. Public relation is a continuous practice and hence it is important to form long lasting relationships (Turney, 1998). It is also important to listen and understand others to ensure effective communication.

Back ground information about Miss Universe 2011

In fact, Miss Universe 2011 attracted million of viewers across the world. This is also a current event that will help in reflecting how public relation and relation marketing have developed today. Miss Universe 2011 will also help in assessing the current marketing strategies especially the social media and how it has contributed to success of events.

Miss Universe is beauty pageant project that was founded in the year 1952 by California Pacific Mills Company (Miss Universe Organization, 2011). This event is held every year with the main event usually being held in the months of May or July.

The first contest was held in California. Miss Universe 2011 marks the 60th anniversary of the Miss Universe event; it was held in Brazil September 12, 2011 (Miss Universe Organization, 2011). The 2011 pageant was broadcasted across the world and it had over 600 million viewers. In this event, the finalists were interviewed and the runners up were decided based on this criterion.

According to the organizers, the winner must meet certain standards and must posses some traits such as intelligent, quality discipline, and cultural values (Miss Universe Organization, 2011) and therefore Miss Universe contest is more than a beauty pageant. The event celebrates the intelligence, integrity, and personality of women (Miss Universe Organization, 2011).

In recent years, Miss Universe has been chosen by popular internet vote. Voting of the winner was introduced to the viewers where people’s choice was voted in Miss Universe 2011; the winner and her runners-up were given special awards (Miss Universe Organization, 2011).

The main objective of this event is to recognize and appreciate qualities that define a woman. On the other hand, the funds that are raised for this event are used to promote charity work across the world. It also promotes cultural values and helps to spread hope in the planet.

Internal stakeholders in the Miss Universe 2011 include all involved participants such as staff, promoters, donors, contestants, and Miss World Organization, which is the main organizer. Externals stakeholders include all affected parties such as the, host country, community, and the media (Miss Universe Organization, 2011).

Public relations strategies used on internal stakeholders

For such a big event managing public relations may seem difficult. However, it is important to grab any opportunity to ensure that organizing of this event becomes successful (Ledingham and Bruning, 2001). Foremost, an effective public relations strategy on internals stakeholders will include press release.

As an event organizer, it is important that all contestants, employees and other stakeholders be aware of any news concerning future events. Therefore, it is important to write a press release and distribute it to all involved stakeholders to ensure effective communication.

Secondly, another public relation strategy that should be used on internal stakeholders is making use of the internet (Johnston and Zawawi, 2009).The company should create a blog. The company’s blog can play a major role to provide good public relations to the management and contestants. When your blog is part of the public relations it helps in enlightening the involved parties about the product and the events is exposed to the customers as well; it is a form of advertisement.

Another strategy is working with the media. Public relation is the ability to create and develop free publicity (Hougaard and Bjerre 2003). As such, working with the media ensures that the event gets enough coverage. Once the event gets enough publicity, the company establishes new contacts with other interested parties including donors and volunteers (Bowdin, 2010). Working with the media will ensure that the event acquires more donors and contestants become interested too.

Additionally, organizing media events can be a good public relation strategy on internal stakeholders (Smith, 2004). As an event organizer, one can organize several media events such as special shows. This will help in getting many media outlets and it offers the event an opportunity to have a good exposure (Breakenridge, 2008).

By gaining a good exposure will motivate the contestants because they also become aware of what is expected in the main event. On the other hand, the organizer should be very creative and come up with excellent ideas. Through such ways, the organization may encourage more promoters and donors to contribute towards supporting this event (Poster, 1995).

The use of all public relations is effective in one way or the other. The use of press release, working together with the media, utilizing the internet, and organizing special events can ensure success of the main event (Bowdin, 2010). It will be effective since it provides good exposure, it motivates the contestants, encourages promoters, enlightens the staff, and it does attract more customers. However, creativity is required to provide good public relations to ensure that the event becomes successful.

Relation marketing strategies used on external stakeholders and its effectiveness

Relations marketing strategies should ensure that external stakeholders are informed concerning events (Ledingham and Bruning, 2001). First, the marketing relations should set up a forum that will allow community and media representatives to give their views pertaining to the upcoming event.

The hosting community determines the security level of the place where the event is occurring. For this reason, the relations marketing should ensure that the community is treated with dignity and respect (Marconi, 2004). Secondly, community members should be assured that the event would not violate their norms or interfere with their way of life.

Thirdly, marketing relations has to ensure that the community and the media are rewarded for participating in the event and giving the event organizer a positive image (Smith, 2011). The event organizer should understand that all the stakeholders including the hosting community and the media can make this event successful (Hougaard and Bjerre2003).

Relation marketing should also appreciate the community and the social media for their support in the past; this will help them understand that the company recognizes their role and appreciates their effort (Brown, 2009).

The media is responsible in promoting the event and the image of the company to the outside world and hence, the marketing relations department must ensure that the media is informed about the progress of the event from planning stages to the final detail.

Additionally, the company should create a blog where it can communicate to the community and get instant feedback concerning the upcoming event. Alternatively, event organizer should promote community projects as a social corporate responsibility to bring the hosting community and event organizers closer creating good image and trust (Egan, 2008).

Creating good communication between the event organizers, hosting community, and social media will ensure that the company meets the expectations of the stakeholders. When the community feels appreciated, they will support this event and many others because community members have earned trust; this will contribute to success of the event (Peck, 2001).

Generally, everyone likes to be appreciated and valued by the people they interact with. For instance, a media group that has supported the company before will be positive about this event because the company has rewarded them for their loyalty. This will ensure that, they will give the Miss Universe beauty pageant more media coverage (Egan, 2008).

Conclusion and recommendations

Managing relations with the media is so much inclined on public relations than relation marketing. For a long time public relations has been looked as synonymous with the media and this is not true.

Public relations maintains positive image of the company to the public. Public relation officers use the social media and press release to communicate to the public. Therefore, public relations department must establish a positive relationship with the media; this is important to prevent any negative communication from the media (McKee and Dave, 2010).

Communication is an important aspect in promoting event industry. To ensure that communication is effective, public relation and relation marketing should focus on exposing events online.

Social networks can play a major role in this area. Organizers can communicate about Miss Universe event through face book and twitter because majority people are using these social networks. This way, it will attract more participants and encourage customers.

To ensure that the event industry becomes successful in the future, organization should develop good relationship with the media because the social media plays a big role in public relations. Therefore, organization should always ensure that they relate well with media because they are also stakeholders (Poster, 1995).

Alternatively, organization should also consider promoting special events. The company can opt to promote any event at the community level with an aim of promoting charity work. Through this way, the community will developed trust towards the organization (Harrison and John, 1996)

The company should develop a good relationship with their clients. Relation marketing department should create avenues that will enable the company to understand the changing needs of their customers (Egan, 2008). Customer relationship can also be improved by providing the clients with good experiences at all times. Engaging the customers by getting their opinion will enable the customers to feel appreciated and valued.

Reference List

Bernays, L., 2004. Public Relations. Cleveland: Kessinger Pub Co.

Bowdin, G., 2010. Event management. London. Rutledge.

Breakenridge, D., 2008. New media, New tools, New audiences. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

Brown, R., 2009. Public Relations and the Social Web. London: Kogan Page.

Egan, J., 2008. Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing. New Jersey. Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Harrison, J. and John, C., 1996. Managing and partnering with external stakeholders. Academy of Management Executive, 10 (2), pp. 48-60.

Hougaard, S. and Bjerre, S., 2003. Strategic relationship marketing. New York. Springer.

Johnston, J. and Zawawi. C., 2009. Public Relations: Theory and Practice. Sidney: Allen & Unwin.

Ledingham, A. and Bruning, S., 2001. Public Relations as Relationship Management: A Relational Approach to the Study and Practice of Public Relations. London: Routledge.

Mackey, S., 2003. Changing vistas in public relations theory. Web.

Marconi, J., 2004. Public Relations: The Complete Guide. New York: Thomson Learning.

McKee, J. and Dave. E., 2010. Social Media Marketing: The next generation of Business Engagement. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

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Morgan, R. and Hunt, S., 1994. The Commitment-Trust theory of relation marketing. The Journal of Marketing, 58 (3), pp. 20-38.

Peck, H., 2001.Towards a framework of relationship marketing: a case study approach. Cranfield: Cranfield University Press.

Poster, M., 1995. The Second media age. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Smith, R., 2004. Strategic planning for public relations. London: Routledge.

Smith, M., 2011. The New Relationship Marketing: How to Build a Large, Loyal, Profitable network. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Turney, M., 1998. Asymmetric v. symmetric public relations. Web.

Wilcox, L. and Cameron, T., 2011. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Ottawa: Pearson education.

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