Radiation Protection Principles Report (Assessment)

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According to the book by Pringle (1993), radioactive substances are not only emitted by the power plants but also by the fossils in the process of decaying as well as during the process of combustion. This is because; all of the fossils contain a certain amount of these radioactive substances. Radiation for that matter refers to the process by which energy is transmitted through a media or space; which can either be ionizing or non-ionizing.

Ionizing radiation refers to the energy that is released with enough power to cause the ionization of matter. This process normally occurs during the disassociation of matter or even the decay that includes three types of radiation, namely, beta, gamma, and alpha. On the other hand, the non-ionizing type of radiation refers to the process which occurs when the transfer of the energy does not cause any ionization. This kind of radiation is not as harmful compared to the ionizing type.

Therefore, it should be noted that radiation is one form of very harmful hazard and it is very dangerous to the health of living things as well as other materials. This then explains the need to have radiation protection principles put in place in case there is an emergency. In the book by Lipsitz (2009), a mechanism that has to deal with preparedness and response must be put in place in every nuclear power plant.

Radiation protection which also refers to radiological protection deals with all the measures that have been put in place to protect the people and the surrounding or environment from the harmful effects of radiation. In the study by Woolfitt (2000), the type of radiation in question here is ionizing radiation. Some of its effects are very lethal to the health of man like living tissue damage, burns as well as cancers

Radiation Protection Principles in Emergency Preparedness and Response

According to the study by Harmon (2007), in a nuclear power plant, the most likely found type of radiation is the ionizing one. These plants are known to be very complicated in the mode of their creation and work. Therefore, a lot of care must be taken to ensure that no danger is posed to the people as well as the environment. The principles used in the setting of a protection system against the effects of radiation in other places are not the same as the ones set in a nuclear plant. This is because; the production of the radiation matter in such a plant is in great quantity hence making it very vulnerable to damage, therefore some extra measures have to be taken in the process of offering protection

It should be noted that while putting up such a protection system a number of principles have to be followed to be able to cater to the workers, the public, and the environment at large. However, regulations from the government concerning the quantity of exposure must be followed. Gopal (2006) found that the following factors must be greatly considered in trying to control the dose or amount of radiation from the source. First and foremost, consider the time of the exposure.

In setting any nuclear system, there should be a reduced period of exposure of the workers to the radiation so as to ensure that the effective dose needed to cause any danger is minimized. This should be done by giving the employees adequate training in operation skills to ensure that they take the shortest exposure time possible. In a study by Claude (2004), a professor at Harvard University was very critical about the whole issue because, as far as he is concerned the issue of distance is not the point. The health of the workers should come first. He argued that sometimes the issue of proper training is not the ultimate solution in caring for their health.

In the book by Delfino (2006), the distance of the exposure must also be as long as possible because; the shorter the exposure distance the greater the effects. Another aspect that must be really considered is the issue of shielding. The addition of a shield is very important in reducing the dose level reaching the person or the environment. Therefore, the buildings of the plant must be very well shielded. Also, the workers must be wearing personal protective devices or equipment.

This will ensure that they are not exposed directly to the radiation. Some of the materials that are very good in shielding one from the effects of radiation include rubber and plastics. There are various types of radiations that behave differently which means that protection mechanisms should be available for each type. Therefore, the material to be used for the lining of the buildings and used by the workers for their own personal protection must be able to cater for every type of emission in the plants. Shielding being one of the best ways of preventing the penetration must be applied. However, care must be taken when choosing the right material to use.

The issue of the materials used to shield must be considered carefully because not all materials contain the correct combination. Therefore, there is a need to ensure that the best quality of the materials is reached. Fake materials should be avoided since using them is as good as not using anything.

Petit (1999) argues that, when putting up a system, it should be considered that in such a plant, there are a lot of risks of the plant being used by the enemies to attack a particular country. Therefore, there is a need to install a fence that is electronically monitored. This is to ensure that the actual plant is not readily accessible to just anyone. Apart from that, they should be guarded and always under patrol. These guards are to ensure that there are no enemies at whatever time around the plant. Another very important principle in the construction of the plant is to ensure that the design of the plant is secret to outsiders.

This is very important because anyone trying to intrude will not be easy to have access to plant inner operation points. The system should also have some emergency shut down point which is readily accessible by the employees at any particular moment. This is because, in case of any attack, the operations can be stopped easily.

Another protection principle that is very important is to ensure that those aerial attacks are prevented. This should be done in case there is an attack from an airplane. The kind of protection needed here is the one that ensures barriers hindering the release of the radioactive materials on the building are put up. Therefore, all buildings harboring the nuclear plants must be installed both on top and around by that kind of barrier. Marcia (2004) found that, apart from those principles discussed above, there should be a provision of some other things. The managers of the plants must be very concerned about the issue of safety. Every manager must be well knowledgeable about the issues of radiation. They ensure that the ultimate operation power or mandate falls in the hands of the operational teams.

In a study by Douglas (2008), another principle of protection in the nuclear power generating plant is the legal aspects. The government should ensure that the plant has met all the legal requirements as far as it is concerned. Different bodies involved in the protection of the human health and the protection of the environment must be involved in ensuring that the plant has met all the requirement as well as being insured and licensed.

The insurance must cover the employees in case an accident occurs. Some people felt that some of these principles were not valid. In the case where a principle allows the exposure of a human being to the radiations as long as there is a benefit has been highly opposed. This is because it is not human to risk the health or even the life simply because of the benefits a company has to gain. Also, the principle that dictates that the exposure of an individual should not exceed the dose has been criticised. This is because some people felt the exposure could be in very small doses but at the end of it all the effect may be accumulative only to be so lethal at a later date.

Douglas (2008) noted that, the provision of the protective gargets to minimise the number of people at risk has been also questioned. Suggestions have been given with an opinion that none of the people should be exposed at any particular point. Also, the issue of training the operators of the machines has been questioned. It has +been suggested that every employee in the plant must be well conversant with the operations of the plant since no one knows when the danger might arise.

European commission community research (research done)

Why this paper was chosen

According to the book by Nehf (2006), a radiation protection principle in emergency preparedness and response is a very important area as far as a nuclear plant is concerned. The above research work was done and it entails a nuclear radiation and fission protection. I have personally chosen to use this work because it was aimed at providing the entire public as well as the surrounding environment with safety against the radiations.

This means that, it shows that the protection principles were used in the process of setting up the plant as well as in the process of operation. It is also a project that aims at providing a sustainable and secure energy for the entire of Europe not only at that particular time but also in the future. The use of nuclear plant in the European community to provide energy is rated at one third of the total amount of the electricity provided.

It is very encouraging to know that though it is greatly used, there has been no record of green house effects due to the emission of the gases. Actually, it has been known to reduce the emission of the gases by 14% as compared to the emission of such gases from the cars. This work has clearly shown the effect of the use of the principles of radiation protection in preparedness of the emergence. It is also recorded that the nuclear power has contributed so much to the European community commitment to abide with the agreement of the Kyoto protocol. This research was also a very vital project in Europe in that it was aimed at ensuring the operations in the nuclear plant are done safely and also it is helping combat climatic change.

Significance of the Research

According to the study by Cardiff (1997), the research work has very much significant. It has helped highlight the fact that even greatly advanced and complicated nuclear technologies are able to deliver safe, very resource efficient nuclear energy. It is a research that has really helped the public eliminate some fears they had as far as their safety is concerned in the areas where nuclear energy is being generated. Also, the public has been able to eliminate their fears as far as the issues of climatic changes are concerned.

This is because the research has greatly shown that the nuclear plants in Europe have minimised the emission of green house gases with a percentage of around 14%. On top of that, it has boosted the pride of Europe in that it has been rated on the community that is focused in complying with some international agreements and laws dealing with the protection of the environment as well as achieving environmental sustainability.

The research has also enabled the public to learn the great impacts on the use of the principles in the protection of emergencies as well as in being prepared for any emergency. It has actually revealed and enlightened the public that it is actually possible to safely create nuclear energy as long as measures have been taken to prevent any effects. It has been used to highlight and show the rest of the world the best ways of creating nuclear energy and in a safe way. It has also been used to set a good example of a nuclear plant that is adhering to the requirements of operating such a plant to the new upcoming plants all over the world.

Work’s Contribution to the Knowledge of Radiation Protection

In the book by Steve (2005) the research had greatly contributed to the knowledge of the radiation protection. Today in Europe and also in the entire of the world, the issue of hazardous waste disposal like for instance the disposal of the radioactive waste has been a challenge. No matter the policies and the laws that have been put in place concerning the disposal of such, still the fear has been there. However, this research work has been used to highlight the best ways of achieving safe disposal.

It is a research that has brought the knowledge of principles of disposal of such waste to the concerned people. Also, it has been used to show the best way to manage the waste and also how to go about the issue of geological disposal. It has also brought out the deep knowledge on the safe ways to use the radioactive therapy in medical procedures. The research too has been able to highlight the best ways of managing emergencies in case they occur. Moreover, it has been used to show the best ways of achieving great production in any nuclear plant without any operational accidents and also threats from the emission both to the public and the environment at large. It is also a research that has shown how to successfully and safely operate a very advanced and complicated plant without posing any danger.

Practical Application the Work May Have

Siegel (2002) stated that, there are so many practical applications of the research findings. This is because the knowledge that has been gained can be used in updating the curriculum that has been in existence in most institutions that train people on the issues of radiation protection principles. This is because the plant under study is a very advanced one as far as technology is concerned.

Also, the findings can be used by the law enforcers as evidence to the rest of the plants to show that compliance to the laid down laws and rules is a very possible thing. The findings too can be used by the European community to prove that they are committed to the issue of environmental protection as well as sustainability. On top of that it can be evidenced that the plant under study has the health of the employees as their first priority hence the rest of the plant can do that.

Also, it has been used to show the rest of the plants the importance of having employees who are very much knowledgeable and of great scientific expertise working in the plant. This can be used by the law enforcers to assess the expertise of the worker in any nuclear power creation plant. Actually, these research findings can be used to write down additional laws and principles concerning the operation of a nuclear plant to be followed to ensure that emergency preparedness are achieved.

Whether the Work Is Well Presented With Clear Objectives and Conclusions

In the book by Steve (2005), the objectives of the research paper were greatly achieved. It has actually enabled the European community to show the rest of the world that the fact that they produce the nuclear energy in very large quantity, they are still concerned with the issues of environmental protection and sustainability. This has been achieved by the fact that the research has highlighted the percentage in which the nuclear plants in Europe have reduced the emission of the green house gases which are known to be the number one causes of climatic changes in form of environmental pollution.

Also, it is an objective for the research to highlight the possible ways of radiation waste which is so harmful in a safe way. The research, therefore, was able to achieve this objective since it systematically highlighted the ways to achieve safe radiation waste disposal. It was also the aim of the research to show how to apply the principles of the radiation protection in the right way to achieve preparedness to any emergency. This was achieved by the fact that the research showed the best and right way to go about the connection, operation, and also how to recruit the best employees.

Whether the Paper Could Be Improved In Any Way

According to the study by Sherwin (1991), despite the fact that the research findings achieved their goals, still a number of improvements need to be done. This is because first and foremost the paper covered an advanced nuclear plant technologically but did not show much of the work and operations in any less advanced plants. Not every nuclear plant for instance is in a position to reach the standards of such a plant. There was a need to show what should be done if the plant was a lesser technologically advanced plant.

Also, the research would have been more effective if it was a comparative research. By that I mean, could there be another research of that sort, it should entail the findings of another plant which has not fully complied with laws and regulations of the operations or a plant which has not completely embraced the principles of protection. This will enable the readers and the rest of the world to understand best the importance of complying with the principles. The next research can be done in the less developed countries so that their level of compliance too can be determined. This will enable the rest of the world to know what help they need in as far as the issue of running such plants is concerned. Such help can be in the form of expertise and better technology among others.


In conclusion it is very much evident that there is a great need to ensure the principles of radiation protection are applied in every nuclear plant since radiation is one form of very harmful hazards. It is very dangerous to the health of living things as well as to other materials.

This then explains the need to have radiation protection principles put in place in case there is an emergency. A mechanism which has to deal with preparedness and response must be put in place in every nuclear power plant. Radiation protection which also refers to the radiological protection deals with all the measures that have been put in place to protect the people and the surrounding or environment from the harmful effects of radiation. The type of radiation in question here is the ionizing radiation. Some of its effects are very lethal to the environment as well as health of man like living tissue damage, skin burns and cancers.


Cardiff, D. (1997) Radiation. University of Greenwich Press, UK.

Claude, L. (2004) Principles of the radiation interaction in matter and detection. Van Nostrand, New York.

Delfino, M. (2006) Cancer: We live and die by radiation. Oxford University Press, Australia.

Douglas, P. (2008) Moral principles and nuclear weapons. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Gopal, B. (2006) physics and radiobiology of nuclear medicine. Saunders, Philadelphia.

Harmon, J. (2007) Principles of radiation. Research Foundation, Oklahoma.

Lipsitz G. (2009) Principles of radiation. Yale University Press, New Haven.

Marcia, L. (2004) A nuclear plant. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Nehf, E. (2006) Nuclear power plant. Mayfield Pub, California.

Petit, C. (1999) Radiation: Use and control in industrial application. Gallup Press, Washington.

Pringle, L. (1993) Radiation: Waves and particles/benefits and risks. Free press, New York.

Sherwin, M. (1991) Radiation. Chicago University Press, Chicago.

Siegel, R. (2002) Thermal radiation heat transfer. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Steve, T. (2005) The economics of nuclear power: Analysis of recent studies. University of Greenwich, UK.

Woolfitt S. (2001) Radiation. Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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"Radiation Protection Principles." IvyPanda, 23 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/radiation-protection-principles/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Radiation Protection Principles'. 23 December. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2021. "Radiation Protection Principles." December 23, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/radiation-protection-principles/.

1. IvyPanda. "Radiation Protection Principles." December 23, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/radiation-protection-principles/.


IvyPanda. "Radiation Protection Principles." December 23, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/radiation-protection-principles/.

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