Bio: I am interested in how people choose new media to express themselves and oriented to creating a personal blog to discuss ideas that influence the modern society.
Project description: My project is developed to represent how the Radiohead music can influence the people’s visions, ideas, perceptions, and goals. The audience members are expected to submit their favorite words from Radiohead’s songs, their interpretations, ideas, and impressions as well as photos under the project topics or under the Contribute Section. All the submitted texts are presented in separate sections, and recent submissions are grouped into clouds to demonstrate the recent understanding of the topic or an issue according to the users’ submissions.
Project goals: The project’s goal is to help people understand that many people all round the world suffer from the same problems caused by the frequent changes in the reality. These problems are reflected in Radiohead’s songs, and they include alienation, fear, disorientation, isolation, anxiety, powerlessness, loss of identity, and loss of spirituality. Sharing personal visions of these problems discussed with the help of music is the first step to finding the solution and adapting to the changes. The project demonstrates how people can share their inner ideas on favorite and important songs and receive the understanding while promoting the Radiohead music.
Interactive component: The audience members can engage creatively with the project while submitting their favorite words from Radiohead’s songs, their texts presenting interpretations, ideas, and impressions which can be accompanied with photos. The materials are posted under the project topics or under the Contribute Section.
Audience: The project is developed for fans of Radiohead and people inspired by the band’s songs. The audience members are females and males from different social backgrounds and countries. The audience’s age is 18-50 years.
Inspiration: The Radiohead Project is inspired by the Johnny Cash Project and its approach to organizing the audience members’ contribution. The project is also inspired by many posts on forum pages which describe the listeners’ emotions and experiences associated with Radiohead’s songs.
The Radiohead Project is a collaborative text-focused art project with the help of which you can share your vision of the Radiohead music and its impact on your life. Radiohead was formed in 1985 and its debut single “Creep” made a kind of revolution in 1992 and following years while demonstrating how a person’s feelings and emotions can influence his life. Lyrics of the Radiohead songs can be discussed as the limitless world of associations and illusions.
We are sure that Radiohead also influenced your mind and vision of oneself. Can you determine the words from the Radiohead songs which influenced your personality and vision of the world? What are your associations and emotions? Join our community and submit your favorite words taken from the Radiohead songs accompanied with your interpretations and descriptions of associated experiences, feelings, and emotions. You can also use images to support your emotion.
While combining all the received textual and pictorial materials under certain topics, we can understand the unique role of the Radiohead songs in our life. The result of your work is the deeper understanding of the “Radiohead effect”.
Topics Section
Here you can find the recent opinions on the topic Alienation and personal reflections of the project members.
Topics Section
Songs: “Climbing Up the Walls” (1997)
Here you can find the recent opinions on Radiohead’s song “Climbing Up the Walls” and personal reflections.
Interactive Component
Contribute to the Project
Submit Quotes from the Songs, Impressions, and Pictures Here:
User 1:
“I don’t care if it hurts, I want to have control / I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul” (“Radiohead Lyrics”).
I received a chance to listen to “Creep” in 2008. I know, I have lost many years without an opportunity to join the unique world of Radiohead’s songs. However, I cannot resist temptation to learn more and more about the band. I have quoted my favourite words from “Creep” and I want you to share my experience associated with this song:
Nobody is perfect, but I want to receive a chance to improve my life, and I need to start from my body and soul. I know how destroying can be the other people’s words about one’s imperfectness, and I know that it is necessary to make only few efforts in order to start the work at your inner world and appearance. I know that I am not perfect, but my imperfectness is the first step to the better, improved reality. Many people have no such chances because they cannot compare “before” and “after” stages.

Works Cited
Black and White Wallpapers. n.d.
Radiohead Lyrics. n.d.