Recreation Zones and Public Administration Issues Essay

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The recreation is the vital part of the people’s lifestyle. It is not less important than the work environment. The local municipal committee announced about its efforts to cut the recreation program. I consider this step as the inadmissible. The local authorities cannot deprive the people from the opportunity to take the rest and to enjoy the places for sightseeing in their own town. I firmly believe that the intentions of the municipal committee should be disputed.

The recreation and parks department, the functions of which the committee is going to limit, should be defended by the public. The goal of the authorities is to cut spending but we must stand up for our right to have the places for rest in our town. I suggest the expansion of the recreation and parks department and I have a number of arguments to support my idea. First of all, it should be said that the recreation zones are the important part of the urban utilities.

Every developed town has such kind of places. Why our town should be an exception? According to the American Planning Association, “they provide people with formal and informal gathering places to be physically active, socialize, relax, build community, and connect with the natural world” (“Parks and Recreation” n.pag.). It is a well-known fact that the physical activity improves people’s health. That is why we can say that the recreation zones are the necessary elements of the healthcare. If our municipal committee is concerned with the well-being of the citizens, it should do its best to save the recreation zones and to support the activity of the recreation and parks department.

There is a claim that the recreation zones are the epicenters of the crime in the town. However, it is the task of the local authorities to provide the social security and it does not mean that the social places should be closed. It will be much better if the committee will increase the guarding in these areas. Besides, it is better to prohibit the smoking in the social places in order to prevent the fires than to deprive people of the opportunity to take the rest and to socialize. According to the report of National Wildfire Coordinating Group, the risk of the fire in the recreation areas is really very high but it is the responsibility of local authorities to prevent the hazardous conditions (Recreation Are Fire Prevention 23).

Besides, it should be mentioned that the recreation zones are the places of the organization of the entertainment events or meetings. I guess that people should not be deprived of the opportunity to participate in them. The recreation zones support the economic activity and employment because they are the places of location of many clubs, kiosks, and cafes (“Sport and Recreation Zone Code” n.pag.).

In order to summarize all above mentioned, it should be said that the recreation zones should be protected by our community for several reasons: they facilitate the sport activities and, thus, contribute to the improvement of people’s health; they support the socialization of people; connect them with the natural world, contribute to the employment, and they are the places for the relaxation and entertainment. The municipal committee should take actions to broaden the activity of the recreation and parks department and to prevent the hazardous conditions in such kind of places.

Works Cited

“Parks and Recreation”. Planning. 2013. Web.

Recreation Area Fire Prevention. 1999. Web.

“Sport and Recreation Zone Code”. Sunshinecoast. 2012. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 18). Recreation Zones and Public Administration Issues.

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"Recreation Zones and Public Administration Issues." IvyPanda, 18 Aug. 2020,


IvyPanda. (2020) 'Recreation Zones and Public Administration Issues'. 18 August.


IvyPanda. 2020. "Recreation Zones and Public Administration Issues." August 18, 2020.

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