Red Bull Project’s Effective Leadership Measures Research Paper

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Problem Definition and Research Objectives

Red Bull is one of the top beverage companies of the world. In 2006, it was the top company in terms of sales with 3 billion cans. It has a market in about 130 countries and its head office is located in Austria. (EnergyFiend, 2007) The problem is that Red Bull has launched a new product Red Bull Cola or ‘Simply Cola’ on March 24, 2008. This product was targeted to take on the existing cola beverage market. This was available in 355ml version and 250ml cans. (MarketingWeek, 2007) It was reported that the new product is comprised of natural ingredients and the marketing was implemented as the launch of a natural product. (GenDigital, 2007)

Experts placed greater emphasis on trade liberalization, globalization of markets, advances in communication, thus allowing consumers to be exposed to a wider range of imported goods and a sure success of the new brand. However, the product failed to create wave in the market as expected and it is believed that the main cause of the failure was lack of proper leadership.

Research has shown the perceptions of product quality and the variety the product influences the market. Some of the brand drinks have a good established market in worldwide and the present status of the new drink to be launched has to pass in different phases. The scope of the study is:

  • To study the effective measures of leadership within the company while launching a new product and the lack of leadership structure while launching this new cola product;
  • To study each of the major customer segments viz., institutions such as schools, colleges and educational institutions etc. and retail outlets, the brand awareness and brand preference of the different segments, the purchase pattern for cola in terms of identification of manufacturers from whom the product is purchased, price paid, credit facilities enjoyed by the institutions and retailers and the delivery schedules.

It should be noted that under the parameters of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, started in 1981, leadership was defined and categorized under definite qualities. These qualities were of a leader examined “how senior executives guide the organization and how the organization addresses its responsibilities to the public and practices good citizenship”. (Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 2007)

Similarly, Bolman and Deal in their renowned Four Framework Approach declared that leaders all over the world tend to exhibit behaviour that fits in with one (of the 4) leadership models (or frameworks) suggested by them. These four models they christened as Structural, Political, Symbolic and Human Resource. Bolman and Deal suggest that of these models might prove either a success or a failure depending on the specific situation in which it is being used.

In the following section, we take a closer look at three of these four models.

  1. The Structural Framework: In a successful condition, a leader following this leadership model will be a “social architect” who relies deeply on close inspection and detailed planning. These leaders will concentrate on factors such as structure, stratagem, setting, execution, trailing and adjustment. If however, his/her condition is unsuitable for this sort of leadership he/she will be found to be a bit of a bully and a ‘tyrant for details’.
  2. The Political Framework – In the appropriate setting the ‘Political’ leader is an activist who tirelessly campaigns to help his followers cooperate and unite. Such leaders clearly spell out their needs and the means by which they intend to gain them. They are quick to gauge the distribution of capacity of the workers under him/her and the interests his/her establishment is likely to milk out of them. Building relations with the stakeholders will always be their first priority. For this, they will be likely to use persuasion and later negotiation or even a certain amount of force or pressure, if required. Of course, if the setting is unsuitable for this particular variety of leadership such leaders will prove grave failures and be seen as pushy and unscrupulous.
  3. The Human Resource Framework – In a successful leadership setting a Human Resource leader is a medium or a channel who serves as supporter or a promoter and whose main occupation is to help empowerment. A typical Human Resource leader’s primary characteristic is his/her tremendous belief in people. However, it is not just their faith that ultimately makes them successful; instead, it is their capacity to communicate that faith. Such a leader is easily accessible and believes in keeping themselves available and in full view. They communicate their conviction in their workers strongly enough to convince them of their own capacities! They believe in increasing each staff-members contribution to the decision making process and in keeping their employees thoroughly informed. They empower their workforce and make them work as a whole, as a full-functional team where everyone is capable of making significant contributions. If the setting is, however not right for this variety of leadership such a leader will be found to be deceitful and deceptive. (Zimmerman, 2002)

As if every successful leader comes to understand with time and experience no one, leadership model is adequately effective in all situations. Take for instance the specific situation we have in hand. Given the major organizational modification that Red Bull is likely to undergo after its launch of new product, a Structural leader rather than a purely visionary one will be more suitable for it. This is because Structural Leadership lays great amount of emphasis on ‘building’. Under the circumstances, Red Bull is in much need of this sort of structuring, particularly while launching a new product. Given the new employees and the burden of the old tasks of up gradation, Red Bull needs new strategies, new methodologies, new approaches and a completely new plan. A Structural Leader is capable of providing this better than others provide.

The same is true about Red Bull leadership in its strategic marketing context. According to several sources, the main goal of international marketing strategy would be to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing policies that the corporation has been using, determine the means to optimize these processes and improve the results that the marketing department has been producing. (Lamb, 2004)

At corporate level, we are referring to strategic marketing. This would mean that the chief executives have defined both the strategic paths that the company will be approaching in the net period of time and the specific ways by which marketing can provide the appropriate help. This would go anywhere from identifying new potential segments of consumers to developing new promotional plans to approach them. In this case, the audit will look at the efficiency with which the corporation has managed to fulfil its proposed strategic market objectives and how these can be improved in the future. At the strategic business unit (SBU) level, we are more at an operational level at which the questions asked are how marketing tools can efficiently help in direct sale of the product. At the product unit level, we are concerned with the product mix, especially in terms of price, distribution, how changes in these variables have influenced the overall sales. As such, there are two directions that the organization should approach, closely correlated with each other. The two strategic directions are

  1. the adequate exploit of current market position, with a trend towards improving the position on the market
  2. diversification.

Red Bull leadership needs improvement in both sectors. Particularly, at a time it is launching a new product like its cola drinks.

Developing the research plan

Academics of marketing often emphasize what too many of us are utterly obvious, that there is no certainty in the study of marketing sciences. A Qualitative method of study differs from the usual quantitative methods (used in the study of pure sciences) in the sense that it tends to be far more subjective. The research methods for marketing are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Being open to qualitative methods of study also allows social scientists to incorporate non-quantitative data (i.e. non-numerical data, such as words, images, gestures, impressions etc.) in their study.

Other variables may be inclusive of the economic standings of the potential customers of the company and rival organizations along with the same standings for the customers at the edge of the market segment interviewed. The data for this work was managed through a single questionnaire handed out to potential customers.

This gave the research a more focused view of the research goal. The interviews and questioners would certainly include the Administrators, Managers, marketing experts and Scholar, senior managers and obviously the potential customers of the cola market. To sum it up it should be mentioned that the methodology will involve client interviews, client’s strategic customer interview, company records, secondary research through the Internet and university database, it will also use strategic analysis tools for development of the marketing plan.

One of the primary ways in which marketing is defined is in terms of its difference from the so-called ‘pure sciences’ such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. Its use of theory and methodology is, therefore, closely related to this distinction. Academics of marketing often emphasize what too many of us are utterly obvious, that there is no certainty in the study of marketing sciences. This is because marketing not only deals with fiscal variables but also it deals with humanity, which is inherently transient. Taking this element of transience into consideration marketing scientists has to use not just quantitative but also qualitative methods of study. For this study of the company, both the methods would be used. (Berkowitz, 1993)

A Qualitative method of study differs from the usual quantitative methods (used in the study of pure sciences) in the sense that it tends to be far more subjective. This is in sharp contrast to the methods used in pure sciences which are exclusively objective. The research methods for marketing are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Being open to qualitative methods of study also allows social scientists to incorporate non-quantitative data (i.e. non-numerical data, such as words, images, gestures, impressions etc.) in their study.

Since human beings tend to operate in terms of such data and not in terms of the terminology used in ordinary sciences this broader outlook is far more applicable in the study of social sciences. In keeping with the methodology employed in marketing researches the theories too are formulated and used keeping in mind that they are not necessarily applicable to all conditions. Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a marketing subject. Success in the field of marketing researches can therefore be achieved if and only if it is understood that the subject has no space or opportunity for watertight methodologies or theories. (Sen, 2001)

It can always be stated that Qualitative research is a process that includes interpretative paradigm under the measures of theoretical assumptions and the entire approach is based on sustainability that is depended on people’s experience in terms of communication. It can also be mentioned that the total approach is because reality is created on the social formulations. It can also be mentioned that the basic target of qualitative research is instrumented towards social context under normal circumstances where it would be possible to interpret, decode and describe the significances of a phenomenon. The entire process is operational under the parameter of interpretative paradigm that can minimize illusion and share subjectivity under contextualization, authenticity and complexity of the investigation. (Bandura, 1999)

The basic advantages of qualitative measures are multifold. Firstly, it presents a completely realistic approach that the statistical analysis and numerical data used in research based on quantitative research cannot provide. Another advantage of qualitative measures is that it is more flexible in nature in terms of collected information interpretation, subsequent analysis and data collection. It also presents a holistic point of view of the investigation. Furthermore, this approach of research allows the subjects to be comfortable thus be more accurate as research is carried on in accordance to the subject’s own terms. (Roy, 1991)

The best statistical method would be to interview long well formulated day-to-day working procedure at a specific and well-selected location. Throughout the procedure, it should be noticed whether there are specific variables within the testable population or not. These variables would be extremely important while evaluating the basic data in the final stages where the adjustments would be made to the formulated data in accordance to the observations. However, it is important to completely take into account the aspects of fundamental variables of an individual such as ethnicity, religious belief or positive support from the sales structure of the management and individual. (Border, 2002)

All these variables are considered as very relevant and important features of the statistical method and it is to be seen if these aspects are fundamentally acceptable in practical world and it could well be mentioned that service are a very relevant manifestation of the social dimensions. As a result, if the test is carried out in a proper manner with proper calculations of the population involved then there is no reason that the results would be both logical and true at the end consideration. (Deb, 2002)

The objectives will be addressed by using both primary and secondary sources. The primary research that will be used will be questionnaires and interviews. These sources will enable the author which will be I to gain an understanding of issues surrounding Red Bull commerce and corporate strategy and marketing in the context of the leadership influence and its effects on the launch of new product.

There are many advantages and disadvantages surrounding the primary research methods. The main advantages are:

  • Immediate response rate
  • Detailed information can be collected
  • Feelings and emotions can be seen
  • Questions can be thoroughly explained

As well as advantages, there are also disadvantages these are:

  • Interviews might be biased
  • Costly and time consuming
  • Interview might be rushed due to time
  • Volume of information might be large

The secondary sources that I shall use will include using books, newspapers and electronic journals to gain an insight to football commerce and international business issues.

I will also need to collect quantitative and qualitative data to overcome some of the objectives. This will involve interpretation of the results received from questionnaires and interviews from the managers and employees of Red Bull businesses. If any statistical data is received then I will need to use data analysis methods.

There are two paradigms, which are Positivistic and Phenomenological. These contain the quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Positivistic research is made up of the following: quantitative, objective, deductive, formal, impersonal, large sample, low validity and high reliability research methods

Phenomenological research is the opposite of Positivistic research, which made up of qualitative, subjective, inductive, informal, personal, small sample, high validity and low reliability research methods.

  • In order to discover Red Bull commerce issues for international business the first thing that I will need to do will be to get in contact with a manager from a small business. I will firstly get in touch with the business manager via telephone and from here; I will arrange a formal face-to-face interview with the manager. A semi-structured interview will be planned before the interview so I will know what information is required. The primary method of research will benefit me, as it will enable me to get detailed information from the manager I need and the information that I will have collected will all be accurate information
  • In order to examine the international commerce issues for Red Bull business a self compiled questionnaire will be drawn up to ask employees and managers from other small businesses questions relating to football commerce issues. Interviews will also be arranged if more information is required from the employees/managers. The interviews will help me to collect detailed information from the managers and any question that
  • A more comprehensive approach to identifying the Red Bull commerce issues would be to carry out secondary research on all the necessary points, which links in with the objective. The most useful ways to do this will be to use the internet as well as books, e-journals and information databases such as Mintel and Lexus.
  • Once all the interviews and all the questionnaires have been handed back to me I will need to analyse all the data that will be received. I will use the data and produce graphs using Microsoft Office.

Collecting the data

In the area of marketing, much of the information required for decision-making exists outside the firm e.g., information on why people buy only certain products and not other products; information about the competitor’s next move ; information about new rules and regulations which can affect the working etc. Simply Cola faces a challenging task in attempting to improve this decision-making.

The variables involved in the marketing decisions being external to the firm make collection of information cumbersome and expensive. Since the variables are often qualitative and dynamic in nature their measurement is also difficult, and the results not always accurate. Moreover many of the variables interact with each other in a very complex fashion, which makes it difficult to isolate and measure specific variables.

Thus the pressure on the company is very strong to correctly choose the most critical decision variables and seek relevant information about them. The wrong choice of information variables will not only result in unnecessary expenditure but can also lead the decision-making process astray. It also needs to monitor what is happening in the market place and in the general environment of the firm. The only way the company can monitor all these is through regular market research.

The biggest problem confronting anyone who sets out to conduct research is the meagre secondary data. The census, which contains a wealth for data, takes many years to be compiled and released for public usage. Data contained in journals and handbooks is usually two to three years old. Thus whatever data is readily available is usually obsolete and this greatly reduces its utility. In collecting primary data the problems are those of widely scattered sampling units, location of some sampling units, and lack of communication facilities that compounds the problem of inaccessibility.

The other kind of problem encountered in collecting primary data is the uncooperative attitude of respondents arising out of sheer lack of knowledge about the nature of marketing research and its utility. Most of the market research organizations are located in the cities and have an urban-base to the extent that they have neither a penetration/base in the rural areas. Most market research is conducted in the cities for products used by city dwellers.

The Design of Depth

If the problem is correctly and precisely stated then it would be able to spell out the precise objectives for research. The new cola research design spells out how we are going to achieve the stated research objectives. The data collection methods, the specific research instrument and the sampling plan that we will use for collecting data and the corresponding cost are the elements that constitute the research design.

Problem Interviewing

A problem is any situation, which requires further investigations. However, not all marketing problems need formal investigation or research. Many problems are of a routine and trivial nature, which can be solved immediately after ascertaining all the facts of the case. Our distributor wants 90 days credit against the usual 60 days because he is facing certain financial problems. The distributors past record in honouring his outstanding and ascertain the genuineness of his problem and make a decision.

Some problems faced by companies are such that they can be handled based on experience and intuition. It is very important that we define the problem for research properly. Clear, precise, to the point statement of the problem itself provides clues for the solution.

Key Questions chosen

The key questions in this concern would be as follows:

What criteria’s do you take into account while choosing the company?

Cost: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Criteria 2: Parameter:

Taste: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Criteria 3: Parameter:

Reliability: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Criteria 4: Parameter:

Advertisement: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Criteria 5: Parameter:

Customization: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Criteria 6: Parameter:

Brand: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Criteria 7: Parameter:

Others: Critical


  • Very Important
  • Important
  • Marginally Important
  • Not Important
  • Irrelevant
  • Very Irrelevant

Key ethical issues relevant to the research

In accordance to the basic test selected it could be stated that it could be possible that the outcome would be relatively logical in the sense that it would ultimately follow the trends of social facilitation theory in marketing and thus it would be agreeable with the statistical method and thus a well formulated marketing strategy can be constructed for the benefit of the gaming company. Furthermore, the entire scenario would be ethical too.

However, it should be stated that there would be few independent variables in the context of the test that could not be explained by the statistical method statements. Here the ethical consideration of the potential customers or the ethnic background of the potential customers may not be a very relevant factor. Thus there could be some flaws to the collection of the population but if these aspects are kept in mind then the shortcomings would easily be negotiated during the ultimate computations. As a result the test would appear to be a full proofed measure that would be able to define and prove the fundamental aspects and statistical method applied under ethical considerations. (Mukherjee, 2004)

Evidence of an appreciation of scientific principles

The data for this work was managed through a single questionnaire handed out to potential customers. The researcher utilized gender identifiers and numbers or letters to separate each questionnaire for validity and reliability of results and to ensure bias reductions. The questionnaire is located in the Appendix section for understanding of the questions. Each question had either a yes or a no answer or followed positive or negative reactions to certain questions. The process to deliver and collect these questionnaires would be spanned around approximately two weeks.

The data sampling would be randomly managed utilizing stratified means with thirty-seven questionnaires completed by both male and female potential customers. The choice to use potential and existing customers alone in this research was made for three reasons. First, it was far simpler to have access to customers about the researcher’s availability. Second, the focus itself is on customers’ attitudes and understanding of the gadget. Third, the quantification of such information allows the researcher to gain a broader perspective on how customers observe and realize the validity and reliability of information received from a variety of sources and how they apply it to daily life in terms of market.


It should be noted that reliability for the researcher was achieved in the assurance that only a specified group of men and women were utilized about the research. That group was focused mostly on customers and retails along with administrative personnel. This gave the research a more focused view of the research goal. The validity was managed as a result of this focus and emphasized in the considerations involved in the data collection, variables, and sampling methods. Privacy and confidentiality methods included assigning numeric and alphabetic coding to each responding questionnaire. This ensured anonymity about the researcher and the subjects of the research process. (Fletcher, 2005)

Thus the most important objective of the interviews regarding this study concerning the market segment of the gaming industry system would be building an impact regarding the profitability of this market for the stakeholder. As a result the study would feature qualitative interviews of personnel and personalities that are well known to the arena of marketing and a huge amount of potential customers who would provide complete views of their needs through as series of open and close-ended questions.

Representative ness

The interviews and questioners would certainly include the Administrators, Managers, marketing experts and Scholar, senior managers and obviously the potential customers of the gaming software. The involvement of the administrators is a logical conclusion as this is the main stronghold that would be able to render the impetus of the market with his valued opinions. It should be noted that the interviews of the organization managers would be very helpful as they are the personnel who directly understand the ground reality of the nature and feasibility of the game plans established in the market segments of the company’s gaming system.

Marketing scholars and experts are also important for the basic strategy development these are the people who would be able to provide the theoretical framework of entire project. Interviews of the senior administrators, Journalists and retailer are very important because not only these people are well respected and their words highly valued, these are the people who are able to influence the structure of the gaming market segment with their experience and insights. Lastly, interview would also be taken of experienced and potential consumers because they are the key objective of the entire scenario and these are the people who would actually present the objective of the market and would be instrumental directly to make the market worth venturing. (Kar, 2006)

To sum it up it should be mentioned that the methodology will involve client interviews, client’s strategic customer interview, company records, secondary research through the Internet and university database, it will also use strategic analysis tools for development of the marketing plan. In this context it should also be mentioned that the purpose of the project is formulated in a mutually beneficial way such that from an academic perspective there would be a huge gain in the context of valuable experience, and simultaneously add value by providing insights as well as a fresh & objective outlook on any matter relevant to the organization. (Lamb, 2004)

As descriptions of statistical methods that will be used it could be stated that in order to isolate the results for this particular study, only a survey questionnaire done would have been utilized. These questionnaires would be delivered to potential customers and retailers along with the administrators of different companies. The results were divided into these same categories to ensure validity and reliability. General information about identifiers was utilized in order to ensure that there would be no bias. This information provided the researcher with a more clarified view of perceptions about the possibility and impact of market penetration by the company.

The objective in this study was to see the possible effect of the new gaming system would have on the market segment. The study would in fact be balanced in its validity and reliability by results in questionnaires delivered. The objective would be to discover whether a prior knowledge of management of market segmentation would be beneficial or detrimental toward the company and their understanding of the use of strategies as marketing tools. Data would be gained from a specific area for ease of accessibility and for targeted accuracy lending reliability and validity to the research process. (Anand, 2006)

The variables involved would also include age groups, amount of education, and understanding of security needs and responsibility. Other variables may be inclusive of the economic standings of the potential customers of the company and rival organizations along with the same standings for the customers at the edge of the market segment interviewed. A third series of variables includes the types of studies that are managed and the cultural background of the customers at each of these areas.

The research paradigm considered by the researcher about this work included the consideration of groups and how strategically developed planning would target them. These considerations included in management and how the different respondents would in fact classify usage of cola drinks. (Dollard, 2006)


However, it should be mentioned there are certain limitations of the study. A number of people (usually senior administrators) may also insist that the consumers have no contribution to the issue. Many of them may think that consumers come into the working formulation only during the advertising scenario and never in the development plan of the marketing procedure. As a result they do not use the requisite strategic management techniques or adaptive methods that need to be exercised while developing a study such as this. However, it creates a void in the test as this limitation can be overcome by taking the subject into better mode of confidence.

However, at the same time, it should also be noted that there are certain limitations regarding the methodology of the interview aspect. It could be mentioned that past history has shown that it is not always people revealing a context in a survey or interview holds much truth in the end in general sense.

This is one variable that is able to corrupt any well-formulated strategically set formulations. However, this again is a possibility and not the general rule. At any case it should be noted that all steps would be taken with utmost care so that such variables are not allowed to upset the basic test of market segmentation beyond a certain permissible limit. If all these parameters are well implemented there could be no reason why a long-term strategy for operation in a full-length marketing penetration and procedure cannot be established. (King, 2006)


Under the circumstances the Director of Order Fulfilment Applications in the Information Technology department must therefore keep in mind that his/her department (and Organization) is in dire need of ‘details’ that will allow it a new definition. As the leader the Director has the specific duty of providing these specific ‘details’, as of now. With time as the sudden changes settle down and ‘normality’ is established again the Director may want to turn his/her attention to the level of growth and use Human Resource methods to step up progress. (Lamb, 2004)

Despite our choice of one particular style of leadership, even during times of crisis (such as an organizational overhaul), we must keep in mind that no one leadership model can be our sole key to success. Our managerial capacities are proved only by means of our ability to combine and amalgamate various styles in order to obtain the results we are keen on achieving. For this it is important for us to understand and tabulate our specific requirements and desired outcome before everything else. It is also of some value to understand our own selves and find out what our personal style of leadership is. Often our own unique approach, though theoretically quite inappropriate in a given situation, can prove to be a real savoir.

Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals under the aspects of Management principals can be defined as the art of creating industrial relations of any kind, between people engaged in the industry, such as relation between employers and employees, relation between individuals entering into commercial contracts, relation between investors and debtors etc, in order to maintain true cooperation of all concerned along with motivating the entire deal into a positive favour.

Efficiency of the Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals lies in not only making the employees to work, but to make them work willingly, sincerely and consciously, by employing new knowledge, new methods, new designs, new machines and novel techniques of production and by allaying mistrust and antagonism. The Leadership purpose takes account of a several activities, and the most important among them is making a decision what staffing requirements one have and whether to use autonomous contractors or take into service employees to meet these needs, appointing and training the most excellent employees, making sure that they are better performers, handling performance related problems, and ensuring that the human resources and administrational practices do the accepted thing to various set of laws.

Wright indicated in his book The Moral Animal: why we are the way we are that a fundamental supposition of Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professional’s approaches is that the whole staff of the organization including both the management and the workers, equally contribute to the common purpose, share the common objective and have full attention in progress of the organization. The Leadership policies and ideals undergo constant changes due to influence of some basic factors such as domestic and international competition, changes in the social structure and developments in technology etc. (Wright, 2000)

Lamb states in his extremely important book on the subject Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata that the increasing significance of competitive advantage and of the growing presence of multinationals has resulted in noticeable changes in sector of Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professional’s ideologies. Globalization has led employers to push for implementation of fewer directives of industrial relations, less standardization of the employment affiliations, and a greater focus on the workplace as the centre of gravity of Leadership.

Of the three popular models in Leadership construction Management, the global Leadership model has the utmost coverage in international point of view due to worldwide growth approaches, degree of delegation, organization’s dimension and requirement for deportee reimbursement etc. Due to steady Industrialization and accelerating competition in market, today organizations have to face tough time to survive.

These conditions also affect leadership strategy and policies up to a great extent and the aspects of Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals as a whole. Such an environment gives rise to organizational conflicts. Such as conflict of power verses moral values, which include raising standards of production along with humanizing the workplace, Managerial prerogatives with ownership policies such as system, reliability, hierarchy, uniformity etc conflict with sensitivity, responsiveness, interactive ness, novelty and sub optimization. (Lamb, 2004)

Another significant book named Leadership and Implementations: Findings and Enactment by Berkowitz throws substantial insight into this matter. According to Berkowitz in this competition organizations are gradually loosing their ethnic values and morals. Today competence of an individual or a corporate is judged by his or her ability to cope up with constant fundamental changes in the organizational structure. All over the world, organizations aligning new products engineering teams around ‘pit crew’ model.

Cross functional teams to design, manufacturing sales and service engineer’s work along with the workers, who at some point of time have stake in the product. This ensures manufacturing and sales people having their say all through the design process and building up the manufacturing capability early on that is currant engineering. The goals are simple, such as speed, equality and competitive price. Commodities have become international for most industries and the impact of engineering is significant. In many organizations, the learning curve in engineering has become an unaffordable luxury. (Berkowitz, 2003)

In this context, Manning, in her Leadership in Human Services: A Multi-Dimensional Approach’ mentions that competitive pressures mandate finding ways to reduce the total time required to introduce new products in the market. Competition along with more complex production and distribution environments requires identifying and reducing necessary costs, such as costs associated with development, manufacturing, distribution and service. Working conditions in some industries are very hazardous. The precipitation areas in industries have caustic vapours these cause skin problems. In some industries people work in fluoride environment.

Continuous exposure to fluoride leads to a disease Fluoric in which bones and teeth are effected. In all these less attention is paid towards the interests of their workers, hence the relation between the management and the workers get seriously damage. Such circumstances account for greater need for application of leadership and effective usage of leadership in organizations. In these cases, according to Manning, leadership should be well formulated and trained to motivate the workers. (Manning, 2005)

Again, Finnis, in his exemplary book Fundamentals of Leadership, states that the Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professional practices or policies emphasize the need for consensus and harmony in the relation between the employees and the management of a company for enhancement in production capacity and augmentation in overall output of the company. It suggests for provision of more comfortable and comparatively better working conditions to the employees in order to enhance their working capacity. Individuals are to be trained and socialized by the organization, so that they can comprehend team culture and easily adopt it.

As unitary ideology is basically a new human resource management technique, it emphasizes on providing full respect to the employees in the organizations, and appropriate appreciation for their integrity band dignity. The leadership practices or policies provide that the management should integrate hard and soft, social and technical decisions and activities within the company. Non-conforming employees however cannot be easily accommodated using unitary approach. The individuals whose ideas do not integrate with ideas of other employees and who concentrate separately more on their self-interests are the ones due to whom unitary ideology could not succeed to the required extent. (Finnis, 2005)

However, some critics, as stated in Zimmerman’s Introduction to Management Principals, feel that scientific methods are not applicable in the art of management, which mainly concerns human beings, such as Leadership formulation and management of leadership. According to them efforts to manage industry scientifically has worsened the relation between the employers and the employees. Their point of view is that though in the leadership framework workers get absorbed into a comparatively more employee friendly group oriented associative work culture, but still the feeling of individuality remains in them.

This is a reason behind their halfhearted contribution in the progress of the organization. However, it is not so. In fact, using of practices or policies of scientific methods of management like leadership construction or Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals, need trained mind, which is used to unbiased observation and is not amenable to hasty conclusions and untenable theories.

Leadership of team of professionals instruct the managers to be detached an impartial. The development of industrial relations so as to make a company productive is an evolutionary process and depends on the initiative, constructive thinking and discipline on the part of all engaged in the industry. The form of relationship between the employee and the management with which the unitary ideology is concerned is about hundred years old issue. (Zimmerman, 2002)

Thus it can be concluded with that healthy relations between the management and the employees only can bring prosperity to the company. Thus the leadership system or the Leadership of multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary team of professionals is not simply about trade unions and industrial relations between managements and employees. In fact it is a definition, which portrays the projection and maintenance of understanding, togetherness, and essential values and ethics as accepted by both the management and the workers of the companies.

Thus it is basically a managerial frame of reference, which does not easily bring itself together with companies or social positions, which are distinctively more politically influenced. Instead of all drawbacks in Leadership ideologies of management, it has numerous facilities. Thus this approach could always be followed by the companies for finding solutions of their management-employee problems. However, it is seen that Red Bull has been found wanting in this department of effective leadership at least in the parameters of the new cola product. It also failed in the context of leadership in marketing too.

Every marketing strategy has two basic components.

  • How will your company deal with the competitive marketplace?
  • How will your company execute and maintain everyday functions?

It is true that the questions that an establishment has to find answers to hinge upon these two factors. A marketing strategy is of such paramount importance simply because it allows you to directly address and take care of these basic and utterly important issues. Competition is one of the most significant determining forces in the market today. To survive in the market your establishment and you need to go head to head with your competitors. However to compete you and your company will have to stay in perfect health. Such optimum health can only be ensured by the availability of the resource and expertise required to apply it. If your company is unhealthy even a great strategy will not let you stay afloat in the market. (Mukherjee, 2004)

While drawing out a marketing strategy you will be required to deliberate upon a number of issues. Some of these will be specifically more important to you and your business than the others. One of the most important parts of drawing up a strategy is recognizing exactly what factors affect you and your organization the most. Every strategy is required to emphasize on a few ‘exclusive’ considerations rather than distributing its emphasis on a large number of issues. (Sen, 2002)

However, although each organization has its own specific considerations to deal with almost all of them need to consider a few primary, common ones. The strategy begins by settling on the particular objectives of your company. These, usually, falls under one of the following four categories;

  1. In case the market is particularly attractive AND your company is by far the strongest contender in the specific industry then invest your top assets in the keep up of what you are offering.
  2. In case the market is particularly attractive but your company is by far one of the weakest contenders you should concentrate on improving the company by simply using what you are offering to the market as a ladder to climb up to your desired objective.
  3. In case the market is not particularly attractive but your company is by far the strongest contenders in the industry then you may still generate profits by means of effective marketing and sales techniques.
  4. In case the market is not particularly attractive AND your company is by far one of the weakest contenders you must publicize what you are offering if, and only if, you think provides for a more money-making section of your company or if it soaks up a considerable amount of the overhead costs of a more money-making section of your company. If not, you must decide upon the most cost-effective manner to disassociate your company from the product you are now offering. (Berkowitz, 2004)

Once the primary objective of the company has been chosen the establishment should then select a strategy for the product that it is offering. The strategy chosen for the product should be selected based on its effectiveness in the market. In his “Competitive Advantage” Michael Porter showed that establishments have a restricted number of choices when it comes to selecting a strategy for its product. According to him these are;

  • The Focus Strategy: Arguably the most “sophisticated” of the strategies an establishment can choose for its product line up. Constructed to tackle a more fixed section of the market, form of product or procedure of cost managing this strategy is typically used when using an ‘across the board’ treatment of Differentiation or even Cost Leadership is unsuitable. The primary idea behind a Focus Strategy is exclusivity. This strategy is based on the partiality theory and requires the establishment to treat a certain section of the buyers so well that no other company can dare compete. The section dealt with when working under such a strategy is much smaller than the market as a whole. However, since there is hardly any competition establishments can milk out immense profits from such a set-up. (Roy, 2001)
  • The Differentiation Strategy: This strategy requires the company to create a one-of-a kind merchandise or service, which is viewed as distinctive and exclusive in the entire market. The establishment can choose to emphasize on specific features, better service, and a well-built distributor set-up or even brand image as per its personal requirements. A differentiation strategy is not easily pulled off. Establishments looking to select such a strategy for itself must be equipped with exceptional marketing ability, successful product planning, creative people and the capacity to carry out essential research and a bankable reputation in the market. On the plus side most companies dealing with such a strategy tend to make great profit.
  • The Cost Leadership Strategy: This strategy primarily hinges on the idea that a company can produce and sell a service or merchandise of good quality at a price much lower than others selling similar products in the market (i.e. its competitors). The lower costs, propagators of this strategy argue, ensure that the profit margins of the company remain much above the market average. The success of a cost leadership strategy is greatly dependant on the constant accessibility of operating capital, products specifically designed to allow easy production, low distribution costs etc. (Fletcher, 2005)

After having decided upon an overall objective for the firm and the strategy for the product an establishment should concentrate on the various associated operational strategies. How the product/service is finally going to be priced is one of these.

How an establishment chooses to price its product is intricately dependant on how much the company in question intends to (or needs to) earn. Additionally, it is also dependant on the establishment’s goals for market control for an extended period of time. Establishments may choose itself a strategy best suited for its purposes out of the three discussed below; (Kar, 2006)

  1. The Market Penetration Strategy: If the firm is not keen on near term income and intends to control market eventually by means of rapid market penetration technique it can choose to use the market penetration strategy. Market penetration strategy requires the firm to select a particularly low price for its offerings.
  2. The Comparable pricing Strategy: If the establishment in question is not the leader in the industry it might look towards the price example created by the leaders. To set its price the establishment may then select an amount ‘comparable’ to its competitors, namely the leaders in the industry.
  3. The Skimming Strategy: Particularly applicable for establishments following a differentiation objective. If the establishment and the people concerned consider the product/service to be sold to be ‘different’ enough they can choose to sell it a very high price. This strategy though risky can earn quick bucks for the establishment if successful. However, no real market penetration is possible through this strategy. (King, 2006)

Once the price is set all the establishment really needs to do in order to sell their offering is promote it in the right manner. Unless you promote your offering your target audience at the market at large will remain unaware of its presence and will therefore not ‘engage’ them with it in anyway. To ensure that this does not takes place an establishment is required to take special care to promote their product. There are primarily two fundamental promotion approaches. Namely the PUSH and the PULL approach.

  1. The PUSH strategy requires the establishment to utilize most (if not all) of the channels available to it for distributing its offerings to the marketplace. While this might sound easy and effective it requires tremendous amount of incentives to actually get most of these distributors interested. A decent amount of discounts however, usually, clinch the deal. Greater amounts of incentives to the channels allow promotion of a rare kind and usually minimize the requirement of advertisement of any other sort.
  2. The PULL strategy requires the firm to start interfacing with the final user of the product/service right from the beginning. This means the use of channels (Such as those utilized in the PUSH strategy) is reduced considerably in the first few stages of marketing. Instead the establishment puts in its full force into the advertisement. The plan here is to “pull” in the audience in such a way that the channels concerned can no longer ignore their demand for the particular product/service and has to finally accommodate it. (Lamb, 2004)

Unfortunately, for the new product for Red Bull all the management leadership did not properly formulate these parameters.

Presenting the findings

The aim or research question of the paper was to determine whether effective measures of leadership within the company while launching a new product makes the campaign successful. It was also to analyze and evaluate the major customer segments viz., institutions such as schools, colleges and educational institutions etc. and retail outlets, the brand awareness and brand preference of the different segments, the purchase pattern for cola in terms of identification of manufacturers from whom the product is purchased, price paid, credit facilities enjoyed by the institutions and retailers and the delivery schedules.

Regarding whether positive or negative effects are seen or felt about impact of leadership within the company while launching a new product makes the campaign successful, most respondents claimed positive effects were seen. At the administrative level, that number included 17 respondents with three claiming there were more negatives than positives. When asked whether the subjects felt targeted by media advertisers, the overwhelming response was yes with 17 respondents stating this.

The remaining three said they did not feel targeted. The respondents overwhelmingly responded positively toward the need of courses on impact of leadership within the company while launching a new product makes the campaign successful. When asked if administrative mentors were doing enough to educate employees, the response was negative for the majority of respondents.

When asked whether professional area should provide impact of leadership within the company while launching a new product makes the campaign successful for subjects, the overwhelming majority said yes. The same response came in regard to having commerce and its significance on supply chain management from boss and other seniors working with the professional environment for educational purposes in regard to use and abuse of impact of leadership within the company while launching a new product makes the campaign successful. However, in the context of short-term benefits the same population reacted on a mixed note. Most of the population was sceptic in this context.

At the same note, it should be stated that the supporters were very enthusiastic about the leadership within the company while launching a new product makes the campaign successful. 68% noted that the policy is a sure success whereas 12% thought otherwise. 9% were not sure about the developments and 8% were confident in the short term. 2% stated that it would not be beneficial in long term and only 1% said foreign investments would make no differences.

Analysis of information about research managed by the researcher included complete and full understanding of the questionnaire. This understanding focuses in the use of the questionnaire created specifically for this process. It is the considerations realized within the questionnaires, no matter their simplicity, that will focus considerations in later chapters of this work. Within this section of Analysis and Findings there will be measurement of all responses about the questionnaire.

Analysis strategy included a full series of statistical diagrams of all information collected including positive and negative responses, gender variations and marital status. This strategy provided the researcher with a wider spread for the conclusions that became evident about the researcher’s focus. This information was broken down into specific charts for the benefit of visual context. The visual context provided insight about perceptions of credit use and considerations by collegiate consumers about financial planning and execution.

These perceptions and considerations provide the researcher with evidence to support the hypothesis made in that there would in fact be adverse affects in the abuse of credit and that the use of credit, if not held in check, could in fact have auxiliary outside influence on other portions of daily life for collegiate students and perhaps for those outside the realm of studies. (Georg, 2006)

The researcher held awareness of the potential for study about the social events and their use through many methods. Those methods include observation, interaction and extensive research. The awareness of the media discussions of men and women and the similar studies within this idea would in fact have influenced the choice made. The choice of analyzing how population amongst this particular social event population would in fact consider their social use and knowledge allows for a singular perspective isolated from the more broadly painted view including financial advisors, professors, families and more. The focus itself was on the social leadership issue and how they absorbed this information from the various resources available before applying it to their personal decisions.

Overall, the respondents to the questionnaires provided insight about how many individuals are learning more and more about commerce and its significance in supply chain management. The understanding of this information gathered is proven in the statistics within the questionnaires that were completed and submitted. The research found that all respondents understood the material being requested and filled the questionnaires accordingly in timely fashion.

This information was then examined thoroughly for consistency and validity. The researcher now understands that there is a great deal of diversity in the understanding of financial matters based on how those financial matters are taught to individuals whether through personal research, a parent, a bank representative, friends or other family members. The number of participants who pursued avenues toward understanding was surprising to the researcher in that there were far more to ask advice and to heed initial learning methods about financial stability and individual concerns in the context of self-awareness.

From the point of view of the users there were a variety of soft drink companies including Coca-cola, PepsiCo, Cadbury-Schweppes, Red Bull, Rockstar, Tango, Lucozade and others.

Customers’ Feedbacks

BrandsNumber of Respondents
Red Bull22

The total number of consumer with preference interviewed was 143.

Numbers of respondents preferring each brand.

The above chart shows that out of 143 numbers of respondents being interviewed, Coke had the highest share of 30% followed by Other brands, which is 17%. Next are Red Bull and Pepsi, which consists of 22% share.

Numbers of respondents in Each age group for each brand.

The data was collected on intercept basis, which, was conducted outside pubs, parks and malls.

Numbers of respondents in Each gender group for each brand.

Out of the total sample size of 143 respondents, only 8% of the consumers are female and the rest 92% are male.

Numbers of respondents in Each profession for each brand.

It is observed that 43% of the supporters are in Service followed by 24% in Business.


In analysis of the findings in the administrative and managerial level major 15 (75%) respondents were male and five (25%) were female out of the 20 respondents. 10 (50%) of the interviewed were married. All of the respondents were subjects. Eight (40%) respondents carry some sort of dilemma on the aspect of impact of leadership in soft drinks industry. Of that number (8) 2 subjects carry a grudge within themselves about the issue, 5 carry wish of approval and further development and only 1 mentioned a complete subjection to break even problem related to the issue. When asked whether the subjects would carry any further disturbance over the issue of Leadership in industry, 8 said yes, 4 said no, the remaining were exempt due to no interface being in their possession. When asked whether respondents had ever experienced such problem, an overwhelming 14 answered yes while only six said no.

When subjects were asked if they understood impact of leadership in launching a new product 15 said yes, the remaining said no. Respondents were asked to determine whether they thought media consciousness relating to the matter affected work use in a positive or negative manner. The response for this was overwhelmingly positive with 17 responding favourably and only 3 responding negatively. The respondents were then asked if they understood impact of leadership in launching a new product and its significance on supply chain management and knew their position. Of these respondents, 16 understood their position in the administrative environment while three did not but only nine of the respondents had actual knowledge of their position over the issue.

13 respondents gave this as their response when asked were they ready at the beginning in the context of impact of leadership in launching a new product and its significance on supply chain management. Five also claimed that a professor had been beneficial in their learning. Office representatives comprised two responses to the inquiry and six employers. The numerous choices for other methods of learning impact of leadership in launching a new product included 1 books, 5 respondents claimed their friends, 9 said internet resources, and 3 said society while 2 would actually work in the field.

The diverse, yet incredibly stratified methods for learning and understanding leadership in launching a new product provide the researcher with interesting insights on how well these management methods are learned. Of the respondents to the questionnaire, the majority, including 16 respondents stated that they did inquire as to advice prior to application toward impact of leadership in launching a new product. This is intriguing to the researcher as it proves that subjects are understanding more and more about their professional stature.

In conclusion it can be stated that there were multiple levels of leadership errors while formulating the marketing strategy of the new product of the Red Bull. The board toyed around with Comparable pricing strategy, which seemed a likely choice except that at the very beginning of the discussion they had professed themselves the likely leaders in the field, which left little room for emulation. To be honest the board did search around for a few ‘leaders’ in the industry, or their prices, but neither seemed available.

The market penetration strategy too seemed unsatisfactory for the particular purpose. For starters Red Bull was not keen on pricing its offerings at a low cost, it was against its brand image and therefore not an option. Secondly, a brand such as Red Bull was unlikely to ever control the market through market penetration strategy. As a result the board decided to stick to the Skimming Strategy.

The skimming strategy fitted in perfectly with the brand image and also promised to pump in essential capital into the system. In addition, since Red Bull has, at least at this level, no intention of complete market penetration its approach is the most suitable for its specific purpose.

Finally with most of the details worked out the board turned its attention to the promotion part of the offering. This, the board decided, was definitely the most important part of the strategy, simply because it would be what would enlighten the target audience about the existence of Red Bull. Further, advertisement would be what would help Red Bull establish its own distinct identity and disengage itself from competitors.

In keeping with its former choices the board decided upon the PUSH strategy to propagate its offerings amongst the target group. With the setting up of the new distribution network this was likely to be a good and effective move. The incentives and discounts were in keeping with the exclusive image the brand was keen on projecting. Such a marketing strategy they were sure would fetch them great buys.


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IvyPanda. (2021, September 24). Red Bull Project's Effective Leadership Measures.

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IvyPanda. 2021. "Red Bull Project's Effective Leadership Measures." September 24, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Red Bull Project's Effective Leadership Measures." September 24, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Red Bull Project's Effective Leadership Measures." September 24, 2021.

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