Renaissance Architecture and Culture in Italy Essay (Critical Writing)

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The beginning of the Renaissance epoch was rooted in Florence is one of the most important centers of Italy at that period. One of the basic reasons for Renaissance spreading appeared to be the economic collapse faced by Italy. This period gave the magnificent architecture buildings of such masters of the art as Alberti, Brunelleschi, Gaddi, etc. One of the majestic architectural works of the Renaissance is considered to be The Duomo Cathedral in Florence. This building is the heart of the city designed by Brunelleschi and di Cambria in 1462; the towers of the cathedral could be seen above the city being a king symbol of Florence during the period of political and economic contradictions in Italy.

Rome faced sophisticated problems at the period of global rebirth in Italy of the 15th century; the difficulties were connected with artistic and political wilderness. The city reconstruction was under the pressure of imperialism; as a result, a number of cathedrals and Renaissance buildings were built. St. Peter’s designed by Michelangelo and Giacomo Della Porto refers to the greatest Rome basilicas and the largest Christianity Church. This building is considered to be the symbol of Christianity and the religious center of the country.

Renaissance in Urbino started with lord Federico’s idea to build the new palace inviting qualified architects Maso di Bartolomeo and Michele di Giovanni. The palace appeared to have symbolical significance for the city because it determined the authority and condottiere success of the ruling lord. Palazzo Ducale was developed into the epic representation of the city’s political and cultural atmosphere.

The analysis of the Renaissance architecture buildings in the basic cities of the country outlines the predominance of St. Peter Cathedral in Rome. This place is recognized as the holy symbol of religion and reflection of time; the greatest popes were buried there. It is even called “the greatest Renaissance creation”.

Mantua culture at the period of Renaissance development differed by its individuality and uniqueness from 1460-1500. The major characteristic is the fantastic delight. Alberti and Mantegna were the most prominent architects contributing to the prosperity of cultural and artistic life in the city. One of the prominent works is The Nova Dumas designed and built by Fancelli and Marquis Federico; this architecture reflects the notes of futuristic motives and unusual forms; this block of buildings gave an image of protecting corner serving the fantastic and majestically rich representation of Mantua unique style.

Despite the individualism preserved in Mantua, the most remarkable and richest style characteristics were reflected in Venice. It is necessary to state that simple structural forms of Venice architecture buildings appeared to be the background for other constructions throughout Italy. Benedetto Ferrini, Antonio Filarete, S. Michele contributed to the design of monasteries, churches, and towers of the epoch. Palazzo Foscari’s built-in 1450 reflected the transitional style being observed in Arco Foscari of 1438. This masterpiece is the real spirit of time combining antique forms and the unique Venice style developed in the Renaissance.

Analyzing the architecture style of Lombardy it is necessary to state that this place was of the most significant political interest functioning as the principal entrance into the country. Technical details and architectural forms of its buildings differed by their huge sizes; such masters of architecture as Filippo Maria, Visconti-Gianmaria, Antonio Avelino, Benedetto Ferrini were the representatives of Lombardy architecture. The Duomo of Milan can be called one of the most important centers and magnificent style representation work among all others; the constructional techniques were very sophisticated and contained some features of Late Gothic. Nevertheless, this building was the arena for masters from different country corners who gathered to share their ideas and compete in designs and mastership.

Political and economical interference with cultural life in Italy influenced the forms, style, and size of the architectural buildings of the Renaissance. It is necessary to stress that the dominant representatives of this era are Brunelleschi, Alberti, and Michelangelo. Having the power and right of choice I would definitely build the majestic cathedral reflecting the features of the fantastic reality of Mantua and the bright individualism of Venice buildings. The main goal is to create an international religious center for the purpose of peace and freedom; religion is the part of life that unites nations under the common belief, so, it would be great to make such a Cathedral involving Michelangelo’s mastery and Brunelleschi and Alberti’s creativity.

The huge size of the cathedral will be combined with smoothly plastered internal walls and semi-circular arched windows. The building will be filled with columns being purely decorated; the ceilings of the cathedral will be coffered and painted in the rebirth style. The general image of the architecture building will be the unity of Renaissance style developed in different corners of Italy: Rome, Venice, Verona, Florence, and Mantua. I will use stone as the main material for my building; this choice can be explained by the strong nature of stone being the symbol of power and dominant status for my building.

In order to gain prestige and honor for my city, the Cathedral will symbolize liberation and religious unity reflecting the features of every Italian center. The inner structure and decorations will reflect the most magnificent moments in the history of Italian development stressing the Rebirth era as the stage to new beginnings not only in material aspects but in spiritual as well. The new Cathedral will be the center of Christianity; the new step to the holy era. It should be noted that the huge size of the building will serve as the leading light making the city be the center of Renaissance unity.


Heydenreich, Ludwig. 1996. Architecture in Italy 1400-1500. Yale University Press, 2nd Edition.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 6). Renaissance Architecture and Culture in Italy.

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"Renaissance Architecture and Culture in Italy." IvyPanda, 6 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Renaissance Architecture and Culture in Italy'. 6 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Renaissance Architecture and Culture in Italy." December 6, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Renaissance Architecture and Culture in Italy." December 6, 2021.


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