The entrance group is a complex space through which residents pass into the house, to elevators, stairs, corridors, apartments and spaces for collective storage of things. The entrance group is the first space that a person enters in an apartment building. A bright and viewable entrance space increases social control and provides a sense of safety for residents of the house. In the City of Gainesville many entrance group in blocks of flats have not been renovated; they have poor light which results in accidents when older people or small children get injuries because they do not see where they are going. Moreover, narrow entrance groups bar access to living spaces to low mobility groups. The project suggests renovation of entrance groups placing emphasis on space and light within them. Moreover, the project suggests that entrance groups should have a different visual accent from the objects of the public and business infrastructure of the first floor. This will make the house more recognizable and attractive, simplify navigation for residents and guests. The proposed project of renovation of entrance space will allow improving security through social control; improving accessibility for people with limited mobility and enhancing the aesthetic characteristics of entrances to clocks of flats.
Problem and solutions
A good entrance should have high aesthetic qualities, be comfortable and functional. This is achieved through the thoughtful use of elements, materials and technologies. When carrying out a comprehensive renovation of entrances, it is necessary to adhere to a single
style in design, use energy-efficient technologies and special coatings. The first step of the project presupposes the creation of canopy that protects from precipitation and provides good illumination of the entrance door area (Youssef, 2020). The installation of a transparent door contributes to greater illumination of the hall and increases the security of the entrance (Chen & Wang, 2021). Moreover, high-quality interior lighting makes spaces more attractive and safe.
To increase security, staircases should have a special coating which ensures that surfaces are not slippery and resistant to damage and wear. A smart intercom enhances the security of the entrance and provides communication with emergency services. The installation of a ramp will provide comfortable access for low-mobility people to the entrance (Chen & Wang, 2021). To help people get oriented within the entrance space and find the right apartment, navigation elements inside the entrance should be used. Moreover, the number of entrances should be painted in large numbers on the outside side of the block of flats so that they can be easily seen (Youssef, 2020). The navigation can also be facilitated by the ban on the placement of information materials, except for the numbering of entrances and apartments, in entrance areas.
Project Development and Financing
Comprehensive renovation of entrances can be carried out as part of the current and major repairs of apartment buildings. To launch the project, it is necessary to select the entrances in which the renovation project will be developed, then ensure the implementation of this project using the funds provided for the implementation of current or major repairs, and, if necessary, additional financing.
First of all, it is necessary to make a list of houses in which the entrances will be renovated. Such houses should be included in the capital repair plan for the current year. It is advisable to organize the acceptance of applications from tenants. The other method is to choose entrances for renovation according to the degree of deterioration of the premises. To launch the project, it is necessary to hold general meetings of residents in order to inform them about the purpose and conditions of upcoming events, to obtain their consent in accordance with the procedure established by law.
After obtaining the consent of the residents to participate in the project, it is necessary to develop the documentation that will be required for its implementation. The development of projects should be carried out with the involvement of residents. Thus, they can choose the colors and materials preferable for renovation. Financing of works can be carried out from the funds for the implementation of current or major repairs of apartment buildings (Youssef, 2020). Through getting subsidies it is possible to attract additional financing.
In order to institutionalize the practice of renovating entrances in the future, it is advisable to develop and implement at the municipal or regional level regulations for major repairs in apartment buildings. The regulations make it possible to ensure the proper quality of work and increase the transparency of the process due to specific and detailed requirements for projects and their implementation (Youssef, 2020). The development of regulations will help to launch the process of comprehensive renovation of entrances in the city, including the organization of interaction with the regional operator and the search for sources of financing.
The problem of renovation of entrance spaces in Gainsville is one of the most pressing as many blocks of flats have poor light and security in these common zones. Moreover, not all entrances have enough space or ramps for low mobility groups which results in many difficulties people have in accessing their flats or those they want to visit. Security in many spaces is also poor as people are afraid to cross spaces with poor lights and non-working intercoms do not provide connection with community services. Many accidences on staircases and common space happen due to inadequate coating that makes surfaces slippery or wears aways too quickly to offer any protection to the surfaces.
The problem should be addressed at regional level where the blocks of flats for entrance renovation will be chosen on the basis of residence feedback as well as visual and security characteristics of the objects. The renovation project is to be financed by the funds provided for the implementation of current or major repairs as well as through regional subsidies. The solutions offered in the project will allow to enhance the security, outer look and comfortability of entrance spaces. To increase security, proper lights should be installed and surfaces must be covered with anti-slippery coating that provides good traction. Moreover, transparent doors should be installed to enhance visibility within entrance spaces. To improve general outlook, entrance spaces should be painted differently from entrances to business areas. Besides, numbers of entrances and flats should be put in large letters to help people navigate in blocks of flats. To help low-mobility citizens, entrances should be renovated in such a way as to offer additional space. Moreover, ramps should be installed as a measure to improve access to low-mobility groups.
Works Cited
Youssef, Maged. “Role of Artificial Lighting in Emphasizing the Entrance Approaches.”Architecture and Planning Journal (APJ), vol. 26., no. 2, 2020, pp. 3-15. Web.
Chen, Qiduan, and Jielin Wang. “A Study on the Planning and Design for the Image of Jimei School Village Entrance.”2nd International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2021). Atlantis Press, 2021, pp. 90-95. Web.