Overall, we can say that the hospitality industry has a very large complex of safety and security measures; it is hardly possible to describe all the aspects in a three-page report. The person, who holds the position of a hotel manager, should be able to develop the program, of safety and security measures according to the particular situation because it is impossible to apply the same rule to every hotel. It stands to reason, that there are some basic principles, but it is always necessary to modify them.
Main body
If we take for example Monee Ponds Hotel in Melbourne, it is first worth mentioning that this building includes can be classified as a large complex that includes a great number of the department. However, it is possible to single out two major parts, the front, and the back part. Safety and security measures should cover various aspects such for instance emergency lighting, smoke alarm, smoke detection system. Certainly, this list is not complete, but it is not necessary to enumerate them.
As it has already been mentioned before, we can divide the building into two parts. As regards the front part, the following safety measures should be taken. First, the lobbies should not be overcrowded. It may cause, because it may cause a lot of crushing incidents. This problem must be attended to by the following members of the staff: porters must effectively help loaders with their luggage and secondly information department (Shedlock, p 33).
The second security measure is the smoke-free environment,(it implies to every part of the building). To implement this policy, hotel management requires an effective smoke detection system, which must be operated by qualified personnel.
Another important aspect of the security measure in the front part of the building is the necessity to secure effective work of elevators. At first glance, it may seem a strange suggestion to say the least. However, hospitality lawyers say that some lawsuits against hotels arose in connection with these issues. Certainly, a separate group of technicians must see to this task.
Such safety policy as the effective functioning of air conditioners also should not be disregarded, because AC malfunctioning may cause a lot of serious.troubles to the hotel management.
The issue, which is of the utmost importance, is the effective functioning of the fire alarm system and evacuation of the lodgers. This includes a set of measures such as example constant inspection of smoke and alarm detectors.
If we try to develop a training schedule for the employees of the hotel, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the hotel management. First, it is worth mentioning that we can train a very small group of the personnel because they have their immediate duties. However, it is possible to hold at least five-minute sessions each day.
If we try to compile an incident report, which is aimed at recording and monitoring injuries of the employees or the lodgers, It should consist of the following parts. First, it includes personal details such as the name, address, phone number of the injured person. Secondly, such a report must include incident details such as the date, the cause of the accident, and its description. Another part of the document is the type of the injury and the treatment that the person received (Knowles, p 44).
The most important part of the incident report is that one which focuses on prevention measures, that have been taken, or this part of the document may describe possible ways in which it is possible to eliminate the defects, that caused the injury.
Naturally, every case of injury is investigated by some committee. We can say that it may consist of five members; each of them represents a certain field of the hospitality industry. The head of this committee must be an independent expert in hotel safety measures. The second member can be a hospitality lawyer, who focuses mainly on the legal side of the issue, in another word whether a hotel has to suffer some expenses in connection with the case itself.
Such investigation committee should also include a member of the hotel personnel, who attends to the technical support, in other words, the person who is responsible for the correct implementation of some safety policy. For example, if the injury is connected with the malfunction of air conditioning this person must give his what was the cause of the problem.
The other two members of this committee can be people who are two independent experts, who specialize in the technical side of the particular problem The question arises, why do we need so many experts. Perhaps two independent experts will suffice.
Thus, having analyzed the major peculiarities of safety measures in the hospitality industry we can conclude that they represent a large complex of programs.
Bill Shedlock. (2000). Hospitality Industry and Safety. Chicago University Press.
Tim Knowles. (2001) Safety and Health at Work. Palgrave, 2003.