Brentari, Diane. Sign Languages. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
This book provides an in-depth understanding of the properties of sign languages and their development in various countries. The book deals extensively with developing and maintaining knowledge of sign languages, passing them from generation to generation, and provides an overview of different linguistic, global, and historical problems related to the language. Moreover, a comparison is made between languages in gestures and their meanings, depending on the countries in which they are used. Furthermore, the book emphasizes the importance of preserving and spreading the study of sign languages and their development. The study of languages is considered from the psycholinguistic, and neuro-linguistic points of view, since modern science can provide an opportunity to consider the influence of each sign language on different areas of human development.
The chapter on the unique characteristics of gestures is essential to me. The comparison and difference of the language structure depending on the place of identification and the possible dialects that manifest themselves among people are also very interesting for my research. The second chapter of the book can also be used since it contains much information about each language’s similarities and differences relative to the others. I am interested in sentence construction and word order topics depending on the phrase’s meaning.
Pfau, Roland, et al. Sign Language: An International Handbook. De Gruyter Mouton, 2012.
This book presents answers to the study of sign language’s linguistic features and provides a brief overview of sign language in modern realities. The book also demonstrates sign language linguistics with related fields: psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and sociolinguistics. Moreover, it describes the changing attitudes towards sign languages over historical periods. If initially sign languages were regarded as primitive and universal, now they are given much attention in the field of language learning since sign languages differ depending on the conditions and place of their use. Each language has its own specific and individual characteristics that affect its learning.
I want to use this book because it explains the symbols and logic of the language quite simply. The essential quality of this book is that it is understandable even to someone who is not an expert in gestures’ linguistics. That means that colleagues will quickly comprehend the examples and the explanations given in this book, and it will help improve the assimilation. Moreover, linguistics topics related to psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, and sociolinguistics will provide a more extensive overview of sign language linguistics.
Tyrone, Martha E. “Nonmanuals in Sign Language” ed. By Annika Herrmann, Markus Steinbach (review).” Sign Language Studies, vol. 14, no. 3, 2014, pp. 402–405, 10.1353/sls.2014.0006.
This review covers the critical topic of nonmanual articulators for my research. This method mainly uses facial expressions and gestures, and body language to convey information from one person to another. Movements of other parts of the body are responsible for intonation in the sign language so that this article can serve for the best understanding of nonmanual articulators. The multifunctionality of the sign language and nonmanual articulators is expressed exactly, demonstrating how sign languages develop and understand minor details. The understanding of speech is built on these details by paying attention to fine motor skills and nonmanual articulators. Moreover, this study highlights discoveries regarding gestures and facial expressions of people who express certain emotions.
I will use the examples from this article since nonmanual articulators are not often mentioned during the discussion of the sign language, but they are essential parts of communication. Moreover, the discoveries described in this article will be of interest to my colleagues and me and will further expand our understanding of the sign language usage.