The third world countries recently have problems with health care services specifically in expensive medications. Since it has been a problem, there are lots herbal medications sold as an alternative drug for their illnesses.
The primary purpose of this proposal is to enhance the used of herbal medications in which it greatly affects the third world countries’ economy nowadays. This proposal will be a great help for those patients who has lesser income rate and also to those small herbal medicine business to enhance their net income.
- To identify the health care problems specifically in expensive medications, in a sample of person who have been in the third world countries.
- To identify the costs related to use of traditional and herbal medications.
- To identify the net increased in small business of traditional and herbal medicines.
- To identify the traditional and herbal medicines that enhances the small business in third world countries.
Research Methodology
This proposal will use a descriptive type of survey to distinguish the net increase in small businesses in third world countries through the traditional and herbal medicines. Variety of methods such mail surveys, phone interviews configurations for those whom it is not possible to reach those patients in third world countries who have been using herbal medications. Research assistants for collecting data will be reinforce form the following countries such as Philippines, India, Africa. The primary researchers will inspect the research process, data encoding, development of data base, conduct data analysis, and be accountable for the final output of the proposal.

Analysis Plan
A sample of 100 owners of small traditional and herbal medicine business which will be recruited from various third world countries, all kinds of herbal medications, and all types of illnesses cured by these alternatives will be included. Accessories should be able to understand and speak English enough to answer questionnaires and phone interviews. Survey data gathered will be saved automatically development data base.
Nature of final report
The final report will determine the net increased of the small businesses through the use of traditional and herbal medications in third world countries (Philippines, India, Africa). The proposal will show the enhancements or increased in usage of these kinds of alternatives. Therefore, these kind of small but fascinating kind of business will help the less income patients in third world countries to treat their illnesses as well as it will help enhance their net status in economic world.
Budget and Schedule
In the first 3 months of this study, 100 patients in third world countries will be contacted and asked via phone interviews and mail surveys in this study by letting our researchers to either call specific patient, or by posting information concerning this study where the subjects can apprehend from the study and call for more information. Community groups for patients using traditional and herbal medications will also be contacted, and inquire to help the researchers in locating appropriate subjects for this study. Research subjects will receive a gift basket of self-care items in appreciation of their time and effort spent on this project. Data collection is estimated to take one year. Data analysis and the study report will be submitted after the project will be done. Data will be treated as private and only the research data group will occur.
- Meriam-Webster Dictionary Online © 2006-2007 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
- Zikmund, W.G. (2002) Business Research Methods,7th Edition. Web.