Social Media and Its Impacts on Society Essay

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Social media is a communication medium, through which people in different geographical locations can interact freely via the Internet. In the contemporary world, communication technology has grown tremendously with the fast development of the high-speed Internet, high quality mobile phones, and computers that enable people to access the Internet from various parts of the world.

In 2010, the Google search engine registered over one trillion different URLs, which is an indication of the tremendous growth of the global Internet community. By December 2013, Facebook had over 1.11 billion users with active accounts and the number has increased ever since.

People carry out different forms of communications ranging from social interactions to business transactions over the social media. Social media has provided all necessary forms of communication including video conferencing for distance learning and corporate meetings. This development has emerged from the fast growth of communication technology, which transverses different economic levels across the world.

The rise of social media has been facilitated by the emergence of the Internet, which came into existence with the development of the first electronic computer in the 1950s. However, the first computers were designed to serve large corporations, governments, and the military.

Remarkable growth of the Internet was achieved in the early 1970s when email was invented coupled with a social network that linked the Duke University and the University of North Carolina in 1979. However, the growth of social media heightened in the early 21st century with the invention of Facebook, YouTube, Google, and other social media platforms (Boyd & Ellison, 2007).

Social media is very important as it trespasses different economic levels across the world. For instance, through social media, a person based in the United States can interact freely with an individual in Somalia without any form of economic and social hindrance.

In the past, such people would have connected in educational environments, but the situation has changed with the entry of the Internet and social media. In addition, social media is the fastest way of communication as people can chat through messaging or use the video talks while many miles apart. Hence, social media and the Internet are the only ways that global community can be formed.

Social media has influenced the society criminally, socially, and economically. Criminally, social media has led to the growth of Internet criminals. Crimes committed over the social media are of different magnitudes and they mainly include impostors, hacking, and hate speeches.

These forms of crimes have an adverse impact on society as they interfere with the individual’s right for privacy coupled with causing social stigma (Schaar, Valdez, & Ziefle, 2013). Secondly, social media has contributed to the growth of cultural and value degradation across various parts of the world.

Apparently, a fast-growing social community is emerging across the contemporary world due to the development of new unified behaviours across different cultures, thus leading to the degradation of the traditional cultural norms.

Thirdly, social media has led to an unparalleled economic growth across the world. By allowing people to share ideas, the resultant effect is the fast economic growth as some people acquire economic ideas over the social media and implement them in different places.

In addition, the desire to be on social media has created good opportunities for communication technology companies to sell their products in different economies across the world.

Criminal Impacts of Social Media

Even though social media was developed for noble reasons, it has turned out to be the greatest threat to humanity as far as cybercrimes are concerned. Some people use social media with the intention of earning a living out of criminal activities whereby they determine easy targets through the platform. Criminal gangs such as terrorist groups also use the same media to issue threats or commit an attack.

However, every country has a right to control communication and conduct surveillance on the Internet users with the help of law enforcers. Cyber terrorism is one of the worst attacks that can happen to a nation since it can crash the economy within a very short time. Therefore, it is advisable to regulate the use of social media and conduct surveillance to ensure safety at all times.

It is necessary to investigate crimes through the social media as such move has many advantages over other ways. First, it is easier to get hold of personal information and communication data of a suspect without his or her awareness. The developed countries arrest a suspect only after a crime communication is done beyond reasonable doubts.

Technology has provided law enforcers with systems that track the geographical location of a suspect, thus making an arrest easy. Secondly, it offers a broad level of surveillance as the majority of people are on social media. This aspect allows law enforcers to carry out investigations from a single point, while investigating many suspects at the same time.

Thirdly, it takes lesser time to detect a suspect over the social media as compared to the traditional ways of investigation, which take a long time to accomplish the same task. Hence, social media offers a suitable and efficient way of conducting criminal investigations to the law enforcers.

However, using social media to conduct criminal investigations comes with several demerits (Melander, 2010). For instance, the majority of the people in social media are literate, and thus criminals are capable of heightening their criminal activities beyond the reach of law enforcers.

The most notorious criminal gangs are not feared because they have more sophisticated weapons than the government forces, as they have knowledgeable people who develop systems that create a firewall around them. In addition, social media is dynamic and hence law enforcers will be required to keep on updating themselves on the usage of the media, thus making it hard for them to reach the criminals.

Criminals are capable of using disguised accounts where they communicate through coded messages that are illegible to anyone outside the gang, which makes it hard for the government forces to identify them. Therefore, social media is a complex platform for conducting criminal investigations for the law enforcers.

In conclusion, social media can be used to combat criminal activities, but the individual’s security begins with oneself. It can be a quick way of identifying criminal suspects, but also a hard way of reaching them as it is dynamic and those criminals have their own ways of disguising themselves over the media.

However, the law enforcers cannot sit back and fail to conduct surveillance; on the contrary, they need to keep upgrading their surveillance skills as it helps to prevent cybercrime activities. Hence, social media surveillance has more advantages than disadvantages, and thus governments across the world should uphold it at any cost.

Social Impacts of the Social Media

The growth of social media has had great impacts on the social wellbeing of humankind across the world over the last two decades. Given that man is a social being, social media has contributed greatly to the fulfilment of this purpose by bringing together a global community in one communication platform.

Interestingly, in the contemporary world, people are hardly alone provided they have the Internet, mobile phones, or computers within their reach. Social media has allowed people to travel less and communicate more, thus saving a great deal of time spent in the traditional way of doing things.

However, it has brought about both advantages and disadvantages to the social life whereby some people have gained and others lost values due to its influence in their lives. Nevertheless, notwithstanding the foresaid demerits, social media is a great communication tool, which is slowly becoming indispensable in the contemporary world (Knobel & Lankshear, 2008).

By looking at the cause and effects of social media on society in the contemporary world, it becomes clear that this platform is a complex subject to humanity’s social welfare. It is often difficult to realise when social media is good or bad to the users until the repercussions manifest. Hence, the responsibility lies with the users. The users’ ignorance about the downside of social media results in the breakdown of the social fabric.

Many people cannot differentiate what is good from evil, and thus they give in too much to social media. The media freedom that comes with social media hinders governments’ control over the social media, which allows the platform to impact the society tremendously, both negatively and positively.

The perception that social media is good has led to many people nullifying the view that it is harmful if not kept under check. Social media is a community platform and just like in any other community, there should be laws and regulations to keep people’s behaviours under close check.

The advantages of social media brings to society are numerous, but this paper majors on three aspects. First, social media has contributed greatly to the empowering of the societies in many parts across the world. In the contemporary world, news spreads faster across the social networks, as compared to traditional mediums like print media.

Some few decades back, it took a very long time for the world to get major news, which enabled few people to have power over the majority. However, the scenario has changed as the majority can keep the few in power under check over the social media. The majority of the governing individuals are on social media, which deters them from exercising authoritative powers excessively over their citizens.

Secondly, social media has influenced the world society towards the adoption of a near single culture that is congruent to the dynamism of the global technology. Therefore, youths unsurprisingly dress the same in nearly all countries due to the influence of social media, which has led to the development of a common global culture.

Thirdly, the influence of social media has also led to the growth and development of social behaviours as every culture competes with the world’s leading cultures. Colonialists and missionaries were the first shakers of the world traditional cultures followed by economic and technological advancements, but none of them had a major impact on different cultures like the case of social media.

Social media also has had its disadvantages for the society. Some people are suffering due to the effects of social media. First, cultural value degradation is a major crisis that the world is suffering from and it has emerged from the influences of social media. Cultural heritage is the greatest pride that different social groups have enjoyed for many years.

However, the idea of adopting a common global cultural phenomenon has posed risk of loss of cultural heritages to many cultures across the world. Some of the cultural heritages that are passed to every new generation include rituals, dancing, and dressing codes among others, but the current and future generations will hardly adopt that heritage as they have already adopted a new global culture.

Secondly, social media has contributed to social isolations of some groups. The illiterate and economically challenged individuals have been excluded from the new culture to a point of marginalisation. This aspect has led to social dualism, in which those with access to social media ridicule the less fortunate who cannot enjoy the perquisites that come with this form of communication.

This case of marginalisation and ridicule is extreme in the developing nations where the majority of people are not in the social media, thus causing a cultural crisis in the society. Thirdly, social media has contributed to the spreading of immoral behaviours across the world (Ferri, Grifoni, & Guzzo, 2012).

What seems good to a certain society is not always good to another, but the youths are vulnerable to what brings utmost pleasure, which in most cases is immoral.

In conclusion, social media is a good way of communication across different cultures and at the same time bad if not controlled. Notably, it is hard to control the influences of social media to a culture, as the youths are the most vulnerable and active on the platform.

Hence, the entire responsibility lies in the hands of individual users to determine the benefits that come with social media. Unfortunately, those missing from social media feel alienated and marginalised.

However, the advantages of social media outweigh the disadvantages and thus social media has become indispensable in the contemporary world. People should thus embrace social media as it simplifies communication and global interaction.

Effects of Social Media on Economies

Global village is a common terminology in the modern day world and it is often used to refer to the fast growing world economy. Social media has greatly contributed to the fast growth of world economies since it has brought together both sellers and buyers in a common platform. Amongst the richest traders in the world, the majority get their customers through the Internet and social media.

Social media allows for trade transactions between parties that are very far from each other and hence contributing to the growth of a global economy. Traditionally, it was harder to do business across and within nations as it took long to reach customers and it demanded huge capital for advertisements.

However, the case is very different today as start-ups are capable of posing major threats to the old businesses due to the influence of the social media. In addition, economic activities are kept in check through social media and economic decision makers are aware of the power of social media, and thus they execute their strategies with extreme carefulness.

The first element in the cause and effects of social media on economies is the availability of many customers on the platform. People are key drivers of the economy as every trader relies on customers for trade. Hence, the availability of many people on social media has created an excellent opportunity for traders to reach out to many people through advertising via the media.

Secondly, social media brings people of different economic, professional, and cultural backgrounds together, which serve as a key determinant of economic growth. Hence, people have the power to question economic decisions, and thus contribute to the making of decisions that favour their economic wellbeing.

For instance, the Obamacare has received great social media attention and people have voiced their concerns via this platform. Thirdly, the world’s most thriving businesses are those in the information technology sector where social media has created huge demands for different products.

There is a great desire for people to get into the social media and others want to communicate effectively using the best available communication devices in the market, and thus mobile telecommunication firms have a huge demand to meet. The huge demand and supply for communication products have played a major role in economic growth across the world.

Advantages of social media effects on economy are numerous. First, social media enables producers to reach out to many customers. Social media has allowed producers to get wide market coverage for their products with less effort, which assures good sales and profits. In so doing, start-up businesses reach their full growth within a short time, thus increasing governments’ revenues.

Traditionally, it was hard for start-ups to reach their full growth due to lack of huge capital investments required for advertisement and product promotions. However, the scenario has changed in the contemporary world as a trader can do advertisement and product promotion over social media without incurring huge costs and logistical challenges.

Secondly, social media has enabled the creation of job opportunities in different economies across the world. It is easier for an individual with an economically viable idea to attract investors on social media and within a short time, the idea comes to reality, thus creating job opportunities.

In addition, the fast growing trend of businesses advertising their products over the social media creates job opportunities, as they demand more labour investments. Thirdly, social media helps traders to identify new markets for their products.

The world economy is nowadays a uniform economy whereby high quality products have potential to sell to other economies with ease. The social media enables a buyer to purchase products available in the world markets. In such a case, ordering products from social media sends a signal to the producers that a new market exists in a certain area.

However, social media has negative effects on economies as explained in this paragraph. First, local products still face competition from imported products. Buying foreign products exposes local products, which in most cases are expensive or inferior, to the risk of extinction.

In the worst case scenario, the government loses revenue, and thus loss of employment and increase dependency on the government by the population. Some governments control this scenario by imposing high taxes on imported goods, but the long-term solution is to improve the quality of local products and charge customers less (Ellison, Steinfield, & Lampe, 2007).

Secondly, social media has led to globalisation of world cultures, which has enabled some people to emigrate to fast thriving economies. For instance, developing nations have lost talents and productive people to the developed nations as the latter present more promising job offers as compared to the former.

This mass emigration from developing countries has led to loss of capable workforce, thus curtailing the probability of achieving economic goals in third world countries. However, the world economies can take advantage of social media and the world’s new cultural phenomenon to add value to their local mechanisms in a bid to avoid brain drain.

Thirdly, social media has also contributed to reduced productivity of employees as many employers are addicted to it, and thus spend a lot of time communicating with their friends. These behaviours are hard to contain and, in worst-case scenarios, they lead to loss making and unemployment.

In conclusion, social media is good for economic growth, but it has both advantages and disadvantages. However, the sole responsibility of its outcome lies in the hands of the users. It is recommendable to use social media towards achieving economic advantage by nearly all stakeholders in an economy.

Producers can take advantage of social media to identify products that best satisfy the targeted customers in the global phenomenon and capitalise on their strengths to gain a competitive advantage.


Boyd, M., & Ellison, B. (2007). Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 4-45.

Ellison, B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook friends: social capital and college student’s use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(1), 1143–1168.

Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2012). New forms of social and professional digital relationships: the case of Facebook. Social Network Analysis and Mining Journal, 2(6), 121-137.

Knobel, M., & Lankshear, C. (2008). Digital Literacy and Participation in Online Social Networking Spaces. New York, NY: Peter Lang

Melander, L. (2010). College students’ perceptions of intimate partner cyber harassment. Cyber Psychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking, 13(3), 263– 268.

Schaar, K., Valdez, C., & Ziefle, M. (2013). The impact of user diversity on the willingness to disclose personal information in social network services. in human factors in computing and informatics. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlang.

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